After Feng Yu killed the Zero Son, he came to the corpse that the Zero Son had killed before.

The gray clothes have a big word printed on the back, and it can be seen that this is a member of the ghost killing team, but I don't know what class it is.

"Rest in peace..."

There was no expression on Feng Yu's face, after coming to this world, the things of dead people were already common.

Soon, the corpses of the members of the Demon Slayer were buried by Wind Feather, and a stone tablet with inscriptions was erected in front of the slightly raised earth pit.

"Unknown Ghost Slayer Members Rest Here"

After doing all this, Feng Yu took out another bottle of wine from the system space and poured half of it in front of the grave.

"This wine is called beer, you can taste it!"

"Ah, by the way, and peanuts!"

While drinking beer and eating peanuts, Feng Yu's face also smiled.

"Brother, go all the way!"

So Wind Feather rode Xiao Hei out of the forest.



A loud noise came from the castle.

The exquisite man in the gorgeous aristocratic clothes roared angrily: "Waste, it's all a bunch of waste, giving you so much blood, and in less than a month, you were killed by two lower strings!" "

It's all a bunch of rubbish!"

"Fox, damn fox!"

The man with a beautiful face is obviously Onimai Tsuji, and it can be seen that he is still playing a game of casual clothes at this time.

The memory that came from before the death of the Zero Yuzi was the wind feather wearing the fox mask.

"I haven't seen that knife before, and so is that mask, which seems to have a special ability... From the memories of Zero Yuzi, it seems that the strange mask has the effect of pulling the soul

...""And how do I feel about that knife, where have I seen it..."


The wind and rain on the other side are lying on Xiao Hei's back at the moment, and he is really resting.

The breathing on his body also returned to normal breathing.

"More than two million swings... Do you want to deduce the

breath of light...""If you look at the deduction cost

of the breath of water, the breath of light should be the same price...""It's just that the two million swings of the knife that I earned with great difficulty, should I spend it right away..."

Feng Yu hesitated for a moment, but still felt that the deduction of the breath of light should be carried out.

"Ding, the conditions are not enough to deduce this item!"

"Failed? Inadequate?

Feng Yu looked at the system's prompts and was a little puzzled.

"Isn't the breath of light at its limit? Or what are the conditions in the underconditioning? It's

just that the system is still cold, and it doesn't pay attention to Feng Yu at all.

After thinking about it, Feng Yu still decided to give up thinking, and he couldn't rely on the system to open up for himself, so he could only comprehend and create by himself.

"Forget it, let's go to bed first, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, just let it be."

The night passed quickly

, and Xiao Hei also succeeded in sending Feng Yu to the Butterfly House before dawn.

"Quack, Lord Wind Feather, then I'll go back and rest first."

Xiao Hei said respectfully, and also made a special gentleman's salute.

"Blackie, where did you learn these strange moves?"

Feng Yu asked.

"Quack, master, this is what I learned from you humans, and they all say that this is a sign of respect for others..."

"In the future, don't learn these nonsense things, you just do your best."

Feng Yu waved his hand.

"Quack, good master, I thought you'd like it...

"I won't do it next time..."

, but once curiosity and interest are opened, how can a simple crow make a change...

Then Xiao Hei couldn't wait to fly away.

Feng Yu was a little helpless, but there was no way to restrict Xiao Hei's actions.

He knew that Xiao Hei had a lot of harems now, and he estimated that he would rush back and he didn't know how to live happily with the female crows in a few rooms.

"Ah, Lord Wind Feather is back!"

The three sisters of the temple behind them suddenly let out an exclamation when they saw Feng Yu.

"Well, long time no see, guys."

Feng Yu nodded with a smile and said.

"Lord Wind Feather, have you had breakfast, do you want to go to breakfast with us?"

Sanxiao asked.

"Okay, I was going to have breakfast, so let's go together."

Then the four of them and one fox soon came to the cafeteria.

Wind Feather was picking up food when a voice behind him interrupted his thoughts.

"Moses Moses, Wind Feather-kun, have you come back from your mission?"

At a glance, it turned out to be a butterfly ninja that I hadn't seen for many days.

Today's butterfly ninja's hair is still messy, and it looks like he has been working crazy overtime research recently.

"yes... Miss Butterfly Shinobi.

"Wind Feather-kun, I haven't seen you for a few days, you seem to have become stronger..."Butterfly

Shinobu felt that the gap between the current Wind Feather and him before was too obvious.

Feng Yu's breathing was a little messy before, but after coming back this time, the whole person was restrained, and there was no impurity in his breathing, as if he was breathing for the sake of breathing, and he had reached a pure realm.

This kind of realm has only been seen in Tomioka Yoshiyoshi and Iwazuki.

In the past few days, she has become like this without seeing Feng Yu, she is very curious about what Feng Yu has been going through in the past few days, so she found a place to sit down and ask Feng Yu why.

"So, Wind Feather-kun, you created a move that is exclusive to you with Water Breath? And your breath of light has mastered the fourth move? Butterfly

Shinobu was a little unconvinced.

Then he spoke: "Feng Yu-kun, you are really a genius...",

and then his eyes quickly dimmed.

"How I wish I could be like you and become stronger, but even if I have developed a low-grade version of the Myelin Cleansing Pill, and I have reached the limit of my strength improvement in the past few days, it is still not as fast as Feng Yu-kun's ascension..."

Feng Yu didn't know how to comfort him, all the words he just said were hidden from the existence of the system, and he didn't want to arouse Butterfly Shinobi's self-confidence.

"Miss Shinobi, you can take this, maybe it can help you..."

Feng Yu silently took out a few marrow cleansing pills and put them in her hands.

"It's... Feng Yujun, I have already received your favor, and this elixir is so precious, you should keep it for yourself. Butterfly Shinobu refused.

"No, Miss Shinobi, you can take what you give it, you don't have to worry about my business, you take good care of your body, don't trample on it at will, the dead have passed away after all, the living should live well, don't let yourself be too tired..."

"Damn... Why do you teach me..."

The butterfly, who has always been smiling, shed tears at this moment, holding the marrow cleansing pill tightly in her hand, looking at the back of Feng Yu leaving for a long time.

At this moment, although Butterfly Shinobi was angry, the strangeness left roots in his heart.

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