"Quack, master, save me!"

Xiao Hei's voice sounded behind him, and

Feng Yu looked at it, and there was a big black snake wrapped around Xiao Hei's back.

It was estimated that Xiao Hei would not be able to attack the snake, so he began to frantically hit the ground and the trunk of the tree, trying to fall off the big snake.

But the serpent is like glue, and it doesn't let go.

"Damn raven, you've killed so many of our companions, give me death!"

The black snake opened its mouth and was about to bite down, Xiao Hei closed his eyes, and said silently in his heart: "Master, why don't you come yet, your cute and mighty Xiao Hei is going to die..."

Wind Feather instantly flashed behind Xiao Hei, and then retracted his knife.

The raised soil landed, a set of actions flowed smoothly, and the number of swings of the knife reached 50w.

"I... My head was taken by... Cut off..."

The head of the snake ghost fell to the ground, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to shout, but he couldn't.

"Huh? How can you not feel pain..."

Xiao Hei was puzzled, opened his eyes, and found that the ghost on his body had disappeared.

"The host... You've finally come to save Blackie... Hei almost died,"

he cried.

"Alright, didn't I come?"

Feng Yu didn't make too many movements, took out the healing pill from the system space and handed it to Xiao Hei, and then took out a set of clothes to change into.

"I don't know what happened to Butterfly Ninja's side, and now I can still earn some knife swings in the past..."

Feng Yu looked at the battlefield on Butterfly Ninja's side, and then pulled Xiao Hei and hurried over.

The battlefield on the other side was

littered with the corpses of demons covered in purple spots, and Butterfly Shinobi's hair was a little messy.

But the knife in his hand slowly pulled out of Xia Xianwu's body, and then looked at the remaining ghosts present.

As soon as the body of the lower string drew the knife from the butterfly, the whole body began to tremble and fell to the ground on its knees, letting out a painful wail.

"Ahhhh Save me! Lower

String Woo stared at the lower string six on the ground with wide eyes, and stretched out his hand to pray that he would pull him.

It's just that the toxin of the butterfly ninja spreads rapidly throughout the body like the erosion of the tarsal bones.

Then the next string was like the corpse of a demon that had fallen to the ground, and he lost his breath.

"Mr. Devil, you're the only one left, why don't you want to get along with humans... Can you tell me how many people you've eaten? Butterfly

Shinobu said with a smile as she gently wiped the dust on her face.

"Just kidding, this woman... How can this woman be so strong... If it weren't for my blood magic, she wouldn't have been able to break through my skin... I'd have died here long ago, just like them..."

A cold sweat broke out on String Six's face, and how terrible Butterfly Shinobi's smile was at this time.

He remembered that the woman had just laughed and flashed through their demons, and that all the demons had been poisoned.

"No, I can't die here... I'm going to run away... It finally became the Twelve Ghost Moons... It's not easy to get the appreciation of the adult..."

Xiaxianwu's breathing became more and more rapid, and his mind kept thinking about how to escape.

"Mr. Ghost, aren't you telling me the truth?"

Butterfly Shinobu said.

"Do you remember that place in Lindong?"

said Butterfly Shinobu as he looked at Xia Xian Liu.

For a moment, a chill spread throughout the body,

"She... How would she know..."

Shizunaku's eyes widened and he looked at Butterfly Shinobu in disbelief.

"A whole hundred and thirty-one people, all killed and eaten overnight... This thing is exactly the same as what Mr. Devil is missing!

Butterfly Shinobu pulled out a bronze shard from his bosom.

"Look, isn't this the missing corner of your armor?"

Xia Xianliu shouted in horror, because at this time, Butterfly Shinobi had already raised the knife, even if he was protected by this armor, but the fear in his heart still made him keep retreating, wanting to run away directly.

"All Episodes: Breath of the Worm, Dance of the Bee Fangs!"

Butterfly Shinobu jumped out of the whole person, the speed was very fast, and the thin sword in his hand stabbed violently towards the lower string six.


Butterfly Shinobu aimed at one place and attacked continuously, but failed to break through the armor.

It just caused a tiny crack.

"Mr. Devil, you see that the armor on your body is cracked, is it broken, do you want to take it off?"

said Butterfly Shinobu with a smile.

"You damn woman, give me a death."

"Blood Demon Magic, Blood Demon Axe!"

A blood-red axe appeared, and was picked up by the lower string Rokuchi and swung at the butterfly ninja.

It's just that Butterfly Ninja's movements are very agile, and the speed of the next string six is not enough in her eyes, if it weren't for the armor on his body, this ghost would have died earlier than the previous one.


The attack of the lower string six missed, and the huge force slashed to the ground, and a deep rift appeared in an instant.

"Mr. Devil's power is really strong, but it's useless to me!"

Butterfly Shinobu jumped to the side and said with a smile.

Then another move, Worm's Breath, Bee Fang Dance, Shinto, continued to stab in the same direction as before.

The next string six took the axe and was about to slash at the butterfly ninja, but it was easily dodged.

"Damn woman, you have the ability to pick me up head-on, and you're still the pillar of the ghost killing team by sneaking in!"

Xia Xianliu shouted angrily, because he found that another crack appeared in the place where he was attacked by the butterfly ninja, and if he came a few more times, he might have to break through the defense and inject poison into his body.

Then his fate will be the same as that of those of his kind who fell to the ground, and he will be poisoned in an instant.

Butterfly Shinobu was just about to speak, and the voice of Wind Feather sounded in the sky: "Oh? How about I accompany you! "

All Concentrations: Water Breath, Type II, Waterwheel!"

A blue-white circle of breaking waves falls from the sky and slashes down the chord six.


Xia Xianliu was stunned in place, looking at Feng Yu in horror, and then the armor on his body cracked directly from the Heavenly Spirit Cover, and then directly turned into two halves and fell to the ground.

Feng Yu also quickly mended the knife at this time, and directly cut off the head of Xia Xian Six.

Xia Xianliu unwillingly watched his body continue to turn into ashes, but it was useless, and soon disappeared.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the number of swings *100w

" "So little..."Feng

Yu looked at the system prompt and said.

"Why so little, Feng Yu-kun?"

Butterfly Shinobu on the side said.

"Nothing... You're not hurt, are you?"

asked Wind Feather.

Then, without waiting for Butterfly Shinobu to speak, he directly stuffed a healing pill into her hand.

Butterfly Shinobu blushed and was about to get angry, but Feng Yu had already jumped on Xiao Hei's back and chased after the remaining demons.

"Damn bastard!"

Butterfly scolded.

"How dare he..."

Thinking of being touched by a man for the first time, Butterfly Shinobi's heart was very angry, but there was a strange feeling.

Xiao Hei's speed is very fast, and of course Wind Feather is even faster at killing ghosts.

Butterfly Shinobu only heard the screams of evil spirits in the distance, and then there was no more.

"Finally caught up..."

Listening to the system's prompt sound, Feng Yu felt like he was blooming.

All the demons were slain by Wind Feather.

The number of swings has also re-reached more than 9 million.

"It's Lord Wind Feather!"

"Thank you, Lord Wind Feather, for saving us!"

The rest of the Ghost Slayer shouted excitedly, ignoring the wounds on their bodies.

"One for each of you, eat it"

Feng Yu took out eleven healing pills from the system space and distributed them to them.

"My lord... This is too precious..."The

first-class team members saw that this was different from the healing pills distributed in the organization, and the ones given by Feng Yu should be more advanced.

"It's okay, just eat it for you."

Then the members of the ghost killing team did not hesitate any longer, and directly took the pill, and the wounds on their bodies were healing rapidly.

"The effect... It's amazing..."

Feeling the situation on his body, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

"Thank you for your hard work..."Feng

Yu looked at them and smiled with satisfaction.

It's just that the corpses all over the ground are so miserable...

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