Xiao Hei looked at Feng Yu suspiciously, I don't know why it always felt that Tanjiro was tortured so badly today, which was the effect that Feng Yu wanted to achieve.

Xiao Hei silently glanced at Tanjiro, and couldn't help but feel sorry for him for a second.

If Feng Yu knew Xiao Hei's thoughts, he would definitely praise Xiao Hei for guessing well.

If the million swings of the knife can't be used to the best effect, then it's a waste, and it's a shame to waste!

Feng Yu looked at Nanako, who was covered in blood, and knew that her training process today was not so easy.

On the contrary, it may be even more dangerous, after all, Nanako is young, she has not learned the breathing method, nor has she eaten the myelin cleansing pill, but she just relied on her original talent to survive until the last moment.

"Thank you for your hard work..."

Feng Yu stretched out his hand and touched Nanako's forehead, and said with relief.

"When you wake up, I will give you a gift, which is the first gift from the master to the apprentice.

Nanako didn't move, she was still asleep, and she could see how tired Nanako was at the moment.

At night

, Tanjiro was still soaking in the medicinal bath, but Kazefa and Scales came outside the house.

"Nanako's performance did surprise me a little, and I couldn't believe that she was a ten-year-old child...,"

said Tsukashi Zo.

"Maybe it has something to do with her experience since she was a child, the moment I met her, she was like a little adult, mentally mature, and would take care of herself.

Feng Yu's mind remembered the first time he saw Nanako.

Fishing herself, while she peeks behind her back.

At that time, Nanako's face was unruly, a proper wild child, but she could feel her kindness and unwillingness.

Since Feng Yu's spiritual power broke through, he could see a different world as long as he wanted to, it was a blank, as if everything in this world was invisible in his eyes.

It includes people's past and inner feelings.

Feng Yu didn't know if this realm was transparent to the world, but it was not far from ten.

In my previous life, I read the original book to introduce the transparent world description of the supreme realm, but Feng Yu could feel that his realm was faintly incomplete.

Wind Feather tried to find the reason, but never found it.

"Have you figured out what breathing techniques you're going to teach her?"

said Scales.

"It's up to her to choose... After all, the breath of light is not perfect now..."

Scales nodded his head as if he had agreed with Wind Feather's statement.

"Then what about her insistence on learning your breathing method?"

"After all, this child, I can see that she seems to have a special affection for you..."

Zebra Swordsman?"

said Zou Mei.

"Where did you hear that name?"

"I heard it before... I've been puzzled, and I want to ask if you know something.

Feng Yu replied.

"The Zebra Swordsman... I've also heard a little bit, in the records of the Ghost Slayer, there is an introduction to the Striped Swordsman, it is said that as long as a Striped Swordsman appears, then more and more Striped Swordsmen will appear around him, but although the Stripes can bring short-term powerful power to our Swordsmen, they have a fatal shortcoming!"

"It is rumored that the swordsmen who open the Stripes will not live to be 25 years old, because every time they open the Stripes to fight, they are consuming their vitality, and the Striped Swordsmen are also known as short-lived people..."

"There was once a swordsman who opened the markings and was not limited by his lifespan, and he still lived to be dozens of years old, but except for him, all the swordsmen who opened the markings did not live long, although the life span was short, but the skyrocketing strength was very tempting, but now the method of opening the markings has been lost, and the markings swordsman has not appeared for hundreds of years. "

As for whether it's a legend or a real thing, we don't know,"

said Scales Zuo with a sigh.

"That's right... It's a pity..."Wind

Feather let out a sigh.

"The person who opened the markings should be the founder of Ji Guoyuanyi, that is, the breath of the sun, the ceiling of this world's strength!"

Feng Yu said.

"It's just a pity that there is no way to open the markings, otherwise with my ageless physique, it would be a proper injury-free buff!"

"It seems that the scar on Tanjiro's forehead is the markings... It's just that I haven't woken up yet..."

"Maybe I can try to push Tanjiro into a corner... And then the desperate reversal... With the protagonist's routine, it may be very possible to awaken the markings..."

Feng Yu thought like this, but Tanjiro, who had his eyes closed in the room, was shocked.

"Alas, I would have looked carefully when I knew my previous life, otherwise remember the method of opening the markings, then this strength is not rubbing up..."


It's a little hard to understand... Do you really have to wait for Tanjiro to grow to that point?" The

thought of how long it would take for Tanjiro to awaken the markings made Kazeha want to immediately throw Tanjiro in front of the Upper String Oni and then have them torture him to bring out Tanjiro's potential.

"Life is a long way, and it is a long way to go..."Feng

Yu sighed.

The scales on the side just looked at Feng Yu quietly, and didn't say anything, after all, he didn't know how to open the markings.

Scaly Zuo found that since Feng Yu came back this time, the desire to improve his strength has become stronger and stronger, but as his master, Scaly Zuo has not been able to give any good advice.

On the contrary, Feng Yu's strength has far surpassed him.

Liang Takizuo has been happy and worried recently, happy that the apprentices he taught have surpassed him, and worried that time is getting more and more urgent.

Soon, the next day arrived.

Nanako and Tanjiro also woke up.

Tanjiro's reaction was surprised when he found himself soaked in a bucket, but soon he found that his body had become lighter, faster, and stronger than before.

"This is..."

Tanjiro set his eyes on Feng Yu, Feng Yu just smiled and didn't answer, just came to Nanako and said, "You did a great job yesterday, so the master decided to reward you with something

!" I saw Feng Yu take out a blue crystal necklace from his arms and put it on Nanako's neck and said, "No matter what happens in the future, you can't take off this necklace!"

Feng Yu's face suddenly became serious, and he said to Nanako.

"For... Why?"

Nanako asked, confused.

"There's no why, you just listen to me. Feng

Yu didn't want to explain too much, after all, others didn't believe it, this small crystal necklace can form a protective shield three times when the wearer is fatally injured, resisting fatal attacks, and at the same time, long-term wearing can also improve the appearance

!" "Okay, thank you, master, the necklace is very beautiful, I will definitely obey your orders, and I won't take it off when I die!"

Nanako said in surprise.

"It took 200w to swing the knife to buy it..."Feng

Yu saw that he still had more than seven million swings left, but it was not unacceptable, and after Nanako put on the crystal necklace, the temperament on her body instantly became different.

It seems to look even more cute.


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