Feng Yu and Tomioka Yoshiyu sat on Xiao Hei's back together, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

The breeze blowing in the sky, the mountains and rivers that kept retreating, Tomioka Yoshiyoshi finally couldn't help but ask: "Why did your crow become so big, and the white fox on your chest too..."


It is impossible for Feng Yu to say the existence of the system, so he can only use the Purifying Pill as an excuse to use the bloodline awakening to fool him.

"That's right,"

Tomioka muttered for a moment, then fell silent.

It's just that the gaze of that eye has always been on Xiaobai's body and has never left.

This time, Xiao Hei flew very slowly, and when he returned to the Narrow Foggy Mountain, it was already afternoon.

In front of the mountain wooden house

, the three of them were already waiting in place.

Looking at the golden figure in the sky, they knew that Feng Yu had returned.

"It looks like it's all right..."

Scales breathed a sigh of relief, as if the hanging heart had finally let go.

"I hope nothing will happen to Yoshiyu..."

"Great, Senior Brother Kazeha is back safely

!" Tanjiro shouted excitedly, "Senior Brother Kazeba

!" Nanako on the side also shouted with Tanjiro

, "Master, master!"

In the sky


Fengyu and Tomioka Yoshiyoshi heard the shouts of the two of them, and a smile appeared on their faces.

After the two of them landed, Tanjiro and Nanako surrounded them, and just wanted to say the question in their hearts, but they were scolded by Scales Zuo recently.

"Alright, you two don't want to block them from entering the house to rest..."

Scales saw that there seemed to be something wrong with Feng Yu and Tomioka Yoshiyu, and he vaguely guessed that maybe this mission was not so simple.

Hearing the voice of the scales, Tanjiro and Nanako didn't dare to move, so they had to stand aside obediently and make way for Feng Yu and Tomioka Yoshiyu.

After the two of them entered the house, Tanjiro and Nanako began to surround Xiaoheo and ask about what happened...


When he entered the house

, Yoshiyoshi Tomioka began to tell what happened, and he also told all about his state and feelings when he stepped into the transparent world.

The last time he heard it, his face was serious, especially when he heard that he was alone in the face of two winding ghosts on the verge of death, his heart couldn't help but tense.

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi also recounted that when he was in a coma, he saw his sister and Rabbit and Mako...

After that, he inexplicably stepped into a special realm, which is what Feng Yu called the transparent world!

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi said that when he opened that realm, it seemed that the whole world stopped flowing, and all he saw was a blank, but he was able to extract the information he thought of, and the increase in power...

Feng Yu nodded again and again as he listened.

"Just opening that realm, I feel that my body's physical strength is depleting at a rapid rate, and I can't support it for half an hour at all..."

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi said with a calm face.

"Although that realm can increase my strength, I think it will also bring my life to the end quickly... In short, it's to exchange your life for the growth of your strength

...""I see..."

, Scales said meaningfully, and then thought silently, as if wondering if there was a record of this realm in the history of the Ghost Slayer Squad...

"The blank world... The power of amplification... and the rapidly depleting life force..."

Scales muttered as a reckless left.

"It's a realm called the Transparent World..."Feng

Yu said suddenly.

"The world of permeability is the realm after the full concentration of breathing, and this realm is the supreme realm that martial arts practitioners dream of. When people do their best to endure the pain, they may break through the limits of the human body and make the real world transparent and visible in the brain. In this state, one's own action speed, ability to predict and avoid attacks will be significantly improved, and it can also grasp the contraction of one's muscles faster, which will significantly improve one's combat power

...""This is what I accidentally saw in a history book..."Feng

Yu slowly said the introduction to the transparent world.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki and Scales Zuo only glanced at each other, and they didn't believe what they saw in a history book.

"It seems like this..."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki recalls the state at that time, and why he opened the transparent world, exactly like the description of Feng Yu...

Thinking of this, Tomioka Yiyong couldn't help but look at Feng Yu tightly and said: "I know that you must have mastered this realm, you can teach me how to master this realm..."

Would you still like to..."

"Well, I'm willing... I'm not the only one who is willing, maybe the pillars of the Demon Slayer Team will..."

Tomioka said without thinking.

"The strength of our ghost slayer team has actually reached a peak, and it is difficult to find a way to improve its strength... If this transparent world can teach the pillars, then we will have the strength to fight the Upper Winding Ghost alone... Even if it's the price

of life..."Feng Yu smiled helplessly, recalling that when he watched this anime in his previous life, he had to exchange the lives of evil ghosts at the cost of his life, especially during the infinite train, in the duel between Purgatory Kyojuro and Yuwoza, he had to pay his own life to protect the weak...

Feng Yu was silent

, he was confident that he couldn't do as righteous as Purgatory Kyojuro, he would only do what he could.

"Okay, I promise you, teach you how to master the transparent world!" said

Feng Yu, looking at Tomioka Yoshiyu.

The scales on the side didn't speak recently, but from the lonely aura emanating from him, he knew that he was not feeling well.

After all, using one's life span in exchange for an increase in strength, just to kill one more demon, this practice can be seen everywhere in the ghost killing team...

The three of them were silent, and the wooden house suddenly fell silent,

except for the crackling sound of the fire in front of them


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