On the second day

, Feng Yu led Nanako to the mountain behind the Narrow Fog Mountain

early, along the way, Feng Yu's face was serious, Nanako didn't dare to say much, just respectfully followed

behind Feng Yu,

and when he came to the waterfall in the back mountain, Feng Yu turned around and said to him solemnly: " Nanako, you've been worshipping me as a teacher for a while, and the previous basic training is no longer suitable for you, I told you last time, if we want to become stronger, then we have to learn the breathing method, improve our overall physical strength, and then use the special Sun Wheel Knife to kill the evil ghosts that killed your parents!"

"The Ghost Killing Team has five basic breathing methods, all of which are derived from the breath of the sun, and your master and I are the inheritance of Master Scale's water breath, and the breath of water is related to fire, wind, thunder, The basic breathing method of the Ghost Slayer team, which is juxtaposed with the four breathing methods of rock, is the most basic and easiest breathing method to learn.

"There are currently twelve basic moves for Water Breath, and I'll break them down for you later.

Nanako listened to Feng Yu's words quietly on the side, and at the same time, she was extremely serious, because she knew that this moment was extremely important, so important that she needed to remember all what Feng Yu said!"

"As the name suggests, the breathing method is to expand the lung capacity of the lungs through its own exercise, and to expand the lungs to the limit by inhaling a large amount of air during the battle, so as to promote the blood flow and body temperature to rise, and give full play to the maximum power of the human body's functions, which can enhance the strength and speed to achieve the ability to compete with ghosts..."

"All the swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Team need to go through orthodox training, and after reaching a certain strength, participate in the final trial, and if you pass, you will prove your strength, and if you don't pass, you will be buried in the belly of the final trial demon.

"Tanjiro will go to the final trial in a while and become a real Demon Slayer swordsman

!" "There are two breathing methods on my body, one is the breath of water passed down from Master Scale

, and the other is the breath of light that I created myself!" "The breath of water I told you just now, there are a total of twelve moves, two of which were created by Yoshiyoshi Tomioka and me, which can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings of the breath of water and reaching a perfect state!"

"The breathing method of light is not complete at the moment, but I already have an idea, I will teach you the training of the breathing method in the next period of time, no matter which breathing method you choose, I will do my best to teach you!"

"I'll give you a day to consider whether to choose the breath of water or the breath of light..."

Nanako was suddenly a little overwhelmed, and lowered her head and remained silent.

After a while

, Feng Yu saw Nanako clenching her fists, raised her head violently, looked at Feng Yu's gaze, and said firmly: "Master Feng Yu, I choose the breath of water!"

Feng Yu was silent for a moment, and then slowly said the word "good".

"Now that you've chosen your breathing method, I'll show you the first ten basic moves of Water Breathing!" Feng

Yu pulled out an ordinary Hinawa knife and began to demonstrate them to Nanako one by one.

"This is the first move, Water Breath, One Type, Water Surface Slash!" "This move

requires charging, and then running the breathing method, aiming at the ghost's neck, and quickly and directly slashing down!"

I saw the blue and white water pattern appear on the Rilun knife in Feng Yu's hand, and he directly slashed through a big tree in front of him, and then turned around and closed the knife.

Nanako's mouth opened wide as the tree now appeared as thin as a line-sized mark, and then, in the wind, it boomed and fell, leaving a smooth cut.

Nanako swallowed a mouthful of saliva,

"I... Can I do this in the future?......"

Nanako's heart was shocked, the huge tree in front of her couldn't fully hold even if she opened her hands, but just like that, with a light swing of the knife in Feng Yu, it was cut off...

"I'm going to... Definitely... Mother...... I will definitely avenge you, and I will definitely kill all the evil spirits in this world... Except for ghosts like You Bean..."

Nanako secretly made up her mind, and at the same time, she understood that there may be ghosts in this world that are different...

"Then the second move, Water Breath, Type II, Waterwheel!" Wind

Feather's body suddenly jumped into the air, and then his whole body began to roll like a wheel...

Wind Feather has been demonstrating the first ten basic moves of Water Breath for Nanako all day, and the Pick One and Pick Two moves have not been taught.

Nanako also carefully taught Feng Yu for two days and mastered the type of water breath moves, but she was also very unskilled.

On the third day

, Feng Yu explained to Scales Left and Tomioka Yoshiyoshi that they needed to go out for something, and at the same time, the matter of teaching Nanako Water Breath was also temporarily taken over by Scales Left Nearji.

After explaining, Feng Yu hurriedly summoned Xiao Hei, and then flew in the direction of the butterfly house.

"Xiaobai, I suddenly didn't dare to face Meixiu..."Feng

Yu, who was standing on Xiao Hei's back, stroked Xiao Bai in his arms and said.

"Master, it's none of your business..."Xiao

Bai comforted.

"But her parents died because of me..."

Feng Yu recalled Meixiu's appearance that day, and her heart was very uncomfortable, like repentance, like guilt!

Meixiu on the butterfly house

finally woke up after two days of deep sleep.

When she woke up, she stared blankly at the ceiling, and there was no one in the room guarding her, only the pink butterfly fluttering in front of her.

"Hello, beautiful butterfly..."

Misu opened her palm, and the pink butterfly flying in the air landed gently on her palm.

Kiyoshi Terauchi, who was passing by outside the door, heard the movement, hurriedly put down the things in his hand, and came to Mixiu's side.

"You're finally awake!

" Kiyoshi Terauchi was very excited, "You wait, I'll call Shinobi-sama over!" Mihide

just wanted to speak, but Kiyoshi Terauchi had already gone out "Strange person..."Mihide

watched Kiyoshi Terauchi


go out and felt a strangeness.

After a while

, many people poured into Mi-so's room, and everyone looked at her with a strange expression on their faces, which made Mi-su feel scared for a while.

"You... Who are you...... What do you want to do to me!"

Mi-su asked nervously as she pulled the quilt on her body in a panic.

"It's okay, we are..."

Butterfly Shinobu gently told Mihide who they were and where they were now.


"I... I don't remember who I am..."

After listening to Butterfly Shinobi's introduction, Mixiu slowly said her situation.

Butterfly Shinobu frowned, and then told Terauchi Kiyoshi and the others to take good care of Mixiu, while he came to the door to call his crow.

"Call Feng Yu-kun to come to the Butterfly House as soon as possible, and say that Miss Meixiu has woken up..."

The crow nodded, and then flew away quickly.

"Maybe that's fine..."Butterfly

Shinobu looked at Mihide, who was being taken care of by Kiyoshi Terauchi, and said slowly.


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