The two of them were in a state of panic, but they were still in a state of panic.

Komaji frowned as he watched Shimi standing there with a gloomy face, but he hadn't made any move.

"Are you still going to fight? Hurry up, you can use breathing techniques on me."

Komaji urged, and he was a little impatient at this time.

He could sense that Shimi's fighting spirit was far from reaching its peak.

He could also see that Shimi's body was particularly tender and had not been polished to perfection.

Compared with Xingming, it was far behind.

He had no interest in such a battle at all. He was not Akaza, and he would not deliberately let him go to enjoy the battle.

If the opponent was not a strong opponent who was a match for him, he would rather not take action.

The current situation is that we have to show our strength, so we should finish it as soon as possible.

Today's training with Xingming has not been completed yet, so we should finish it as soon as possible and return to Xingming's dojo.

Shiya was angry at Komaji's attitude, but he did not lose his composure.

He finally found out that something was wrong with Komaji. Komaji was standing in front of him, but Shiya could not feel anything.

It was as if there was an empty space in front of him, as if Komaji did not exist.

"Since you don't do it, I'll do it first!"

Komaji said, making a forward-rushing gesture.

Shiya was horrified and took a few steps back to keep a distance.

Then, his eyes blurred.

The next second, a green sun blade was placed on his neck.

The sun blade in his hand had disappeared, and Komaji did not know when he ran behind him.

The pillars watching the battle nearby also fell into silence at this time.

They all knew the strength of Shimizu.

He killed the Lower Rank One and two supernatural demons alone while protecting his teammates.

However, he had no chance to fight back in front of Komaji.

No, he didn't even have a chance to react.

Shimizu's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Just now, he felt a faint murderous aura.

Although it was very faint, it was like a sharp blade piercing his heart.

If the opponent was an enemy or a demon, he would be dead now.

Thinking of this. Shimizu suddenly felt frustrated.

"Then, everyone has no objection now!" Shinya said at this time.

Shinya's voice was like a heavy hammer, hitting Shimizu's heart.

After Komaji showed his strength, the other pillars had no objection.

As for merit, merit is actually not the most important thing.

The reason why the Demon Slayer Corps set the standard for the pillars is to examine the strength of the swordsmen.

Because the pillars often have to perform more dangerous tasks than ordinary swordsmen.

Therefore, the standard for killing the twelve demons or fifty demons is not so much merit as assessment results.

If the results meet the standards, you can become a pillar, take on more important responsibilities, and perform more dangerous tasks.

And the treatment of the pillars is a reward for the responsibilities that the pillars need to bear, not the demons killed in the process of becoming a pillar.

Therefore, all the pillars who have doubts about Komaji question Komaji's strength.

After all, Komaji can't feel the breath of any strong man. He doesn't have the heavy oppression of Xingming, nor does he have the aura of Shimi that makes people dare not look directly at, like a sharp blade.

Looks like an ordinary person.

Until now, everyone remembered.

This feeling also appeared in another person.

They turned around and looked at the man who had just spoken.

The sound pillar, Ryudoji Gennosuke.

Same, he just sat there, but it seemed like nothing.

In other words, Master Naruto-sama found a strong man who was similar to him, and recommended him to join the Demon Slayer Corps?

Baocai, found a demon.

After the meeting of the pillars, Shinya and Shinobu walked side by side.

"Is Shimizu okay?" Shinobu was a little worried: "Master Gennosuke, don't you need to worry about Shimizu?"

Shinya smiled and said, "Shimizu is not a person who will be depressed after being defeated. Don't worry, he will figure it out by himself. And..."

Shinobu looked at Shinya: "And?"

Shinya said, "People can't always rely on others to live, and I can't be there to comfort him every time he is frustrated. So, even if he is really depressed, he must learn to cheer himself up."

As he said that, he stopped.

"Although I am Shimizu's master, what I can teach him in fighting is enough." Shinya turned his back to Shinobu and said in a low voice: "What he has to learn next is more difficult than fighting.

It is difficult. He must learn to have the faith to live even when his ideals are frustrated and his faith collapses. He must learn the ability to stand up and continue fighting even when faced with a situation that subverts his previous cognition. Even if his heart is full of fear, he must never hesitate when slashing the sword at the enemy. "

"Master Gennosuke..."

Shinobu looked at Shinya's back and she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why? Why would Master Gennosuke say this?

These words always feel a little... strange...

"Don't think too much, I just saw too many people who couldn't live because of the collapse of their faith, so I complained a little." Shinya turned around, looked at Shinobu's worried expression, stepped forward and touched Shinobu's head.

Shinobu reached out, grabbed Shinya's palm, put it on her cheek, and said, "Master Gennosuke, I know, I have always known. My sister likes you very much, always likes you. She just doesn't want to express her feelings for you, and has been holding it in her heart. My sister hopes that after becoming a pillar, she can speak her mind when she fights side by side with Gennosuke-sama. "

Masaya was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Shinobu would make such a bold move.

Shinobu continued, "Don't worry, Gennosuke-sama! I will try to find the motivation to live as you expect. But before that, I have something to tell you, Gennosuke-sama."

As she spoke, Shinobu stood on tiptoe and approached Masaya.

"Ah?" Masaya was a little confused and leaned down.

Then, Masaya felt only a softness.

After a long time, Shinobu blushed and separated: "This... is the last thing I will do for my sister."

Masaya was a little stunned at this time. He thought that Shinobu's move just now was very bold.

Unexpectedly, there was something even bolder.


In this situation, it seems that he can't act like an elder and scold Shinobu.

That's too hypocritical. What did you do before?

"Hey! Gennosuke! "Komaji suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The only thing that made Shinya feel relieved was that this guy didn't do anything bad this time.

"What's wrong?"

"Your disciple seemed to be hit hard. He ran to the mountain after the meeting. I think he wanted to practice more." Komaji said.

Shinya was also annoyed and said, "Who is to blame for this? Can't you pretend to be evenly matched and then win with a slight advantage?"

Komaji curled his lips: "If it were the old me, I might do this, but I am Komaji now."

"Mr. Komaji~! Welcome to join the Demon Slayer Corps." Shinobu politely bowed to Komaji.

Komaji smiled and nodded, then looked at Shinya: "This girl... is very good, cherish her well."

After that, he patted Shinya's shoulder and left with his hands behind his back.

Shinya raised his eyebrows.

Komaji felt a palpitation at this time: "There is murderous intent! "

Then, he prepared to escape.

"Too late! Selfless hell!"

Komaji once again turned into a meteor and flew into the sky.

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