The old man was very happy.

"Don't give up! Don't give up..."

This sentence kept echoing in Zenitsu's ears, with the voice of Grandpa Kuwashima, the voice of Shinya, and Mr. Komaji.

Unconsciously, so many people cared about me who no one cared about!

My consciousness, which was already very weak, became stronger and stronger, and my perception became clearer and clearer.

There seemed to be a ball of light in front of me, and I wanted to grab it desperately.

Finally, Zenitsu opened his eyes and saw the moon.

"Moshi Moshi! Are you okay?"

A very beautiful girl stood in front of him and said so.

Around, countless members of the hidden were treating the wounded.

Zenitsu sat up suddenly: "Did you see my senior brother?"

Shinobu tilted her head: "Who is my senior brother?"

Zenitsu said quickly: "The Sound Pillar, my senior brother is Ryudoji Gennosuke."

"Huh?" Shinobu was stunned. Didn't she hear Gennosuke say that he had a junior brother?

Looking at Zenitsu's yellow hair, Shinobu had the answer in her mind. It should be the disciple of Mr. Kuwashima mentioned by Gennosuke.

Because Gennosuke is also the Sound Pillar, this kid unilaterally regards him as his senior brother.

"By the way, did you cure my poison?" Zenitsu asked.

Shinobu shook her head: "No, your poison was almost cured when I came. The same is true for others. Someone cured them and they are out of danger."

"It must be my senior brother. I heard my senior brother talking to another person when I was unconscious." Zenitsu became excited.

Since the final selection, Zenitsu has not seen Shinya.

Although he usually trains hard, what he misses most is the days of devilish training in Momoyama.

Shinobu frowned. Didn't she hear that Master Gennosuke came here?

Speaking of which, she really didn't know what Master Gennosuke was doing during this period, and he didn't return to the Demon Slayer Corps.

At the same time, Shinya, who had turned back into an evil ghost, looked at the pig head tied with ropes and hung on the tree on the other side of the woods, and almost couldn't help laughing.

This is something that Giyuu can do.

"Possa Wanfa!"

Put Inosuke down and then heal his injuries.

With a clear perception, Shinya saw the location of Sane and Giyuu, who were rushing towards Rui and Tanjiro.

"Ryu! Delay Sane and Tomioka Giyuu, and don't let them intervene in the battle." Shinya gave an order to Ryu.


Ryu, who was paying attention to the movements of the Demon Slayer Corps, heard Shinya's instructions and responded helplessly.

Under the cover of the Wind Stop Water Binding, Boss Xie could not detect the abnormality of the Nada Spider Mountain.

Under this premise, there was no risk for Shinya to show up.

Then, Liu jumped lightly and chased in the direction of Santo and Giyuu.

After checking Zenitsu's physical condition, Shinobu continued to rush into the forest.

Zenitsu said that Master Gennosuke was in the mountain, which was too incredible.

Why did Master Gennosuke suddenly appear in Nada Spider Mountain after no news for two months?

Although, there is a possibility that Zenitsu had an illusion, it was actually a revolving lantern.

But Shinobu's intuition told her that this matter was not simple.

Therefore, Shinobu ran quickly into the forest. She speculated that there should be some clues near the Twelve Demon Moons.

However, at this time, the temperature dropped sharply.

While Shinobu was stunned, a few snowflakes appeared in front of her.

With a throbbing heart, Shinobu hurriedly stopped and jumped back.

Snowflakes fell to the ground, freezing the surrounding ground instantly, and blooming with ice crystals.

Xiao Shinobu was shocked and broke into a cold sweat. She immediately became alert.

Ice Blood Demon Art, that is the blood demon art of Upper String Two, why is he here?

At this time, a hand was placed on Xiao Shinobu's shoulder.

Xiao Shinobu immediately felt like she was falling into an ice cellar and dared not move.

Shinya appeared behind Xiao Shinobu, one hand on Xiao Shinobu's shoulder, and ice crystals appeared on the index finger of the other hand, and continued to stretch, becoming sharp, and spreading towards Xiao Shinobu's neck.


At the critical moment, Xiao Shinobu waved the Sun Wheel Sword and blocked Shinya's hand.

She also took this opportunity to rush forward and distance herself from Shinya.

"Kohiko Shinobu! The sister of Kocho Kanae, I often hear Kanae mention you." Shinya looked at Xiao Shinobu and said indifferently.


Xiao Shinobu was startled: "What do you mean?"

Shinya grinned and said, "You don't think I really killed Kanae in the battle in Sanin, do you?"


"Then here comes the question. Since I didn't kill her, how is Kanae now?" Shinya said with a playful smile.


Shinobu was immediately furious, and no longer cared about the difference in strength, and rushed towards Shinya with a knife.

"Breath of Insects·Dance of Butterflies..."

"Breath of Flowers·Type II·Mikage Plum."

Several sword energies fell from the sky like flower shadows, dissolving Shinobu's attack.

Shinobu was also blocked by the sword energy and had to retreat to keep a distance.

Then, Shinobu was stunned.

"Sister...sister!" Shinobu couldn't believe that her sister was still alive and standing in front of her.

"Shinobu, long time no see." Kanae smiled gently.

"What on earth is...what on earth is going on?" Shinobu looked at her sister who had turned into a ghost in front of her, and couldn't accept this fact in her heart.

At this time, Shinya frowned: "Hmph! The guy who's in the way is here."

In the distance, a golden lightning flashed quickly.

"Let's go!"

He said, and opened a passage behind him.


The golden lightning fell to the ground, revealing the figure of Ryudoji Gennosuke.

"Master Gennosuke?"

At this time, Xiaonin seemed to have found the backbone.

"Ryudoji Gennosuke, the haunting guy!" Shinya's face was extremely hideous, just like the resentment of the boss to Yuichi.

"What I hate most is the guy with a worse taste than me." Gennosuke said.

That's right, it's another clone.

Shinya's original body still plays Ryudoji Gennosuke, and Shinya's side is played by Kongxi.

Why not let Ji Nu play? Because Kongxi was addicted to acting and insisted on acting.

As for the other clones, Ai was not interested in anything, and Kele was mainly interested in playing cards and cheating.

The only ones who were interested in this kind of role-playing were Ji Nu and Kong Xi.

Shinya's real body said something light-hearted, but his right hand holding the hilt of the knife was shaking a little, as if it was because of anger.

The murderous intent emanating from Shinya made Xiao Shinobu feel a little palpitated.


Kong Xi's fake Shinya waved his hand, and a large amount of frost attacked Shinya and Xiao Shinobu like an avalanche.

"Thunder Breathing·Eighth Form·Akamikaze!"

The dark red lightning wrapped around the tip of the knife, emitting a scorching breath.

He waved at the avalanche that was rushing towards him, and the scorching sword energy tore through the avalanche crazily and slashed towards Kong Xi.


In the end, Shinya's slash and Kong Xi's ice crystals canceled each other out.

But at this time, Kong Xi was a little out of breath.

"I say, real body, you're too cruel, you almost cut me." Kong Xi began to complain in voice transmission.

Shinya: "Stop talking nonsense, finish the performance quickly."

Kongxi immediately showed an expression as if he was facing a great enemy, and said calmly: "Retreat, Kanae."

Then he looked at Shinya: "I don't want to fight you now."

After that, he took Kanae and walked into the passage.

"Stop! Sister!" Xiaonin shouted hurriedly. Prepare to rush forward.

Shinya stretched out his hand and stopped Xiaonin.

I can't let you rush forward, otherwise you will be exposed.

He is now a little envious of Kongxi and Kanae, who can laugh as much as they want in the space, while Shinya has to hold back his laughter and not let Xiaonin see anything unusual.

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