The two of them were so close that they were in a mess.


Shimizu's Sun Wheel Sword stood on Kokushibo's Hollow Crying God, and a dazzling spark burst out.

Although Kokushibo was affected by the rare blood, it was unlikely to cut off his head with this.


With a crisp sound, a slight crack appeared on the blade of the Hollow Crying God, which made Kokushibo's face change.

"Breathing of the Moon·Second Form·Zhuhua Nongyue!"

"Breathing of the Wind·Land Form·Black Wind Smoke and Mist!"


Shimizu swung a huge wind blade from top to bottom, offsetting most of Kokushibo's slashes.

However, even with a few slashes, Shimi still had several more wounds on his body, and the blood seeped out and dyed his white coat red.

"Hu... Hu..."

Shimi was already a little out of breath at this time. Although he had only fought with Kokushibo for a few rounds, Shimi was tense every minute and every second.

On the other hand, the opponent looked at ease.

Kokushibo stretched out his hand and wiped the blade, and the cracks caused by Shimi's full-strength attack had disappeared.

"Thin blood! This is the first time I have encountered thin blood that can make me lose consciousness for a short time."

Kokushibo said slowly, and looked at Yunxiong who had come down from the tree and was doing first aid: "If I eat you, my strength should be improved by leaps and bounds. But the moment I eat you, I should fall into a state of being unable to move for a short time. After all, your blood is different from ordinary thin blood, and the effect is probably dozens of times that of ordinary thin blood."

The additional wounds on Shimi's body made the bloody smell on his body even stronger, constantly stimulating Kokushibo's nerves.

Although Kokushibo has suppressed his desire to eat Shimi now, he still can't let go.

Shimi's blood is like strong liquor to demons. If he eats Shimi, even he will lose consciousness and ability to move for at least a few minutes, and fall into a state like being drunk.

And there are two pillars in front of him. If he loses consciousness, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, Kokushibo temporarily gave up the plan to eat Shimi.

However, Shimi's blood is a great tonic for demons. His flesh and blood alone can make the demon's strength qualitatively improved.

At this time, Yunxiong finally completed the first aid measures and rushed to Shimi with a knife.

The two looked at each other and began to encircle and contain Kokushibo.

When Shimi attacked, Yunxiong would desperately hold Kokushibo back and prevent him from dealing with Shimi's attack.

When Yunxiong attacked, Shimi did the same.

However, even so, Kokushibo still did not show any difficulty in dealing with the attack of the two, but his attitude was more serious than before.

"You haven't reached the transparent world, and you don't have stripes, but it's already amazing that you can do this." Kokushibo calmly resolved the attacks of the two and praised them.

At this time, Shimi and Yunxiong were already panting. Even if they joined forces, they were no match for Kokushibo.

Kokushibo touched a wound on his face, which was caused by Shimi's knife just now.

Kokushibo didn't expect that the opponent could hurt him in such a big gap.

Although he lost consciousness for a moment because of the thin blood, Shimi's strength was enough to surprise Kokushibo.

And Shimi's fighting style was extremely crazy. Whenever one of the two was forced into a desperate situation by himself, Shimi would cut his palm and spit a pool of blood on himself.

At this time, Kokushibo would reveal a flaw for a moment, and Shimi could always seize the flaw and escape danger.

This fighting style made Kokushibo a little frightened and familiar.

"This white-haired boy is probably stronger than before he turned into a demon. This generation of Demon Slayer Corps is really good."

Kuroshibo thought to himself: "Well, the Demon Slayer Corps is the enemy after all, so let's kill them."

"Moon Breathing·Land Type..."

"Wooooooa ...


Tanjiro took the lead in drawing his sword...

"Water Breathing, Type 3..."

"Thunder Breathing·Type 1..."

"Beast Breathing·Land Fang..."


The three little ones immediately jumped out of the window, blocked Kokushibo's blind spot from three directions, and rushed over.

Kokushibo was even more confused. Are all the Demon Slayers of this year so brave?

Three little demons who are not even pillars dared to rush towards him.

Kokushibo leaped up, and the air wave he created when he jumped up instantly disrupted the sword shape of the three little ones and knocked them to the ground.

"Forget it, let's deal with these three little demons first!" Kokushibo thought so, and began to hold the sword with both hands.

He didn't intend to show mercy.

"Wind Breathing·Type 1·Dust Whirlwind·Cut!"

Shimi came in a violent storm, directly preventing Kokushibo from attacking the three little ones.


Kuroshibo saw that there was a faint blue mark on Shimi's arm.

Then, a huge force came, and Kokushibo was caught off guard and could only retreat to relieve the force.

"What was that just now... a mark?" Because it was only a moment, Kokushibo was not very sure.

But Shimi's sudden surge of power did catch him off guard.

At this time, Shimi had no mark on his arm, and his aura seemed to be only stronger in that moment.

The burst in that moment was enough to block his current power. If the mark was really opened, he might not be able to take him down in a short time.

"Moon Breathing·Three Forms·Aversion Moon·Erosion."

Two huge sword auras mixed with countless small crescent sword auras blocked Shimi's retreat.


Shimi reacted immediately and tried to break through, but found that he had no way to start.

"Mr. Busikawa!" Tanjiro shouted loudly.

Although he had some unpleasantness with Sane before, after all, Sane was in danger to save him, and Tanjiro's heart was filled with worry and guilt.


At the critical moment, a tall figure fell from the sky, grabbed Sane and threw him out of the range of the sword energy blockade.

Finally, the meteor hammer in his hand danced wildly, collided with the sword energy and exploded.

"Rock Breathing·Three Forms·Rock Body Skin."

Almost in an instant, Kokushibo's sword energy was completely dissolved.

Kokushibo frowned, why is it endless?

The opponent can dissolve his attack, obviously he is also a pillar.

Are all the pillars of your Demon Slayer Corps so free? Three pillars come at a time, do you have to be so arrogant?

"Mr. Beimingyu." Sane shouted when he saw the person coming.

"Mr. Beimingyu, why are you here?" Yunxiong covered his bleeding arm and was supported by the three little ones and asked.

"Well! The Sound Pillar knows that you are a little worried about coming here, so he entrusted me to come and take a look. He investigated this place a few months ago and felt that something was wrong. Unexpectedly, an upper string appeared, and one of the upper strings." Xingming said slowly.

Kokushibo watched the conversation between the Rock Pillar and others without moving.

He did not choose to sneak attack, not because of the arrogance of the samurai, but because the transparent world told him that it was meaningless to sneak attack the person in front of him.

Compared with this person, the battles with the previous two pillars were like child's play.

This is indeed the case. As long as Kokushibo is a little more serious, Shimizu and Yunxiong will immediately fall into a passive position and then be defeated quickly.

If it weren't for Shimizu's blood that could make him lose his mind temporarily, the two of them and the three little ghosts would have been beheaded by him.

But now, he has adapted to Shimizu's blood and will not get drunk when he smells it.

This time, facing the blind monk in front of him, Kokushibo chose to hold the knife with both hands and get ready.

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