The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Ubuyashiki family, Demon Slayer Corps headquarters...

"Fourteen members, thirteen dead, one missing?" The thin man looked at the crow perched on his arm and murmured, "Is the missing one... Shinya? Could it be..."

Although the man had a little guess in his mind, he extinguished it himself.

Anyone is possible, except Shinya.

But the news from the crow did show that Shinya had a conversation with a samurai-dressed ghost and was taken away by the ghost.

"Kajuro, it seems that you need to go there." The man looked at the orange-haired young swordsman beside him and said.

The young swordsman nodded: "Yes, my lord."

The man looked at the crow and whispered: "Go, return to your swordsman and continue to perform your duties as a crow."

. . . . .

Yoshiwara Flower Street.....

"Damn it, you new ghost, do you know how to respect your seniors? I became a ghost earlier than you, and you dare to treat me like this? It's fine if you treat me like this, but you dare to be rude to Master Muzan. When I eat more people and become stronger, I will never forgive you." In the room, Daki's head was placed on the table, cursing at Shinya.

Her body had fallen to the side, without the brain to issue commands, her movements were not only slow, but also chaotic.

Until now, she still didn't notice the Upper Six in Shinya's eyes.

In the corner, after being cut in half, Jifu Taro was nailed to the ground with a knife.

This knife was from a samurai that Shinya stole on the road, not the Sun Blade.

Therefore, even beheading would not kill the siblings.

"Is this little girl really the Lower String One? It seems that Muzan's vision is not very good, too weak. His brother is a bit interesting. If it weren't for her, he would have been stronger." Shinye mocked.

Douma blinked and looked at Shinye, even he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

How can you, an Upper String Six, run over to bully the Lower String and say this proudly?

He completely forgot that just now in the Infinite Castle, he had just dealt a wave of damage to Akaza.

Shinye pulled Daki's hair and teased her, "I say, you have no vision, your strength is so weak, and your personality is so bad. You can live until now without being killed by the demon hunters, all thanks to your brother to clean up your ass, right?"

I don't know if it's because a person's personality will be affected after becoming a demon, Shinye feels that he has become a bit of a bad taste.

He looked at Douma beside him and suddenly woke up.

Oh my god, I was infected by this guy, wasn't I?

He walked to Jifu Taro with Daki's head in his hand: "You'd better control your temper, otherwise, if you meet an enemy you can't deal with like today, it will be like today."

Jifu Taro looked at Shinye and stared at him with gritted teeth.

His sister is his Achilles' heel. He will never forgive anyone who hurts his sister.

Even his mother, when she abused his sister, he almost went berserk.

"Hmm..." Douma watched with interest as Shinye bullied Jifu Taro and his sister with evil taste.

He had no feelings for Jifu and his sister, nor did he have the concept of "this is one of our own".

He saved the brother and sister purely out of interest, thinking it would be fun to save them.

And now, he thinks Shinye's personality change is also very interesting.

From the upright and fearless human period to the evil taste of his personality after becoming a ghost.

He even felt that Shinya and himself were the same kind of people,... the same kind of ghosts, so he wanted to have more contact with Shinya.

Shinya didn't kill the brother and sister of the prostitute in the end, and Muzan still had high hopes for Jifu Taro.

Although he could now maintain his hatred for Muzan without any scruples, and could openly be rude to Muzan, and Muzan would not pursue it.

But if he killed the brother and sister of the prostitute, Muzan might not be able to tolerate him.


After pulling out the knife that nailed Jifu Taro and resetting Daki's head, Shinya sat down and said: "You should also understand the difference in strength! Jifu Taro, as a brother, you should not only protect your sister, but also learn to discipline her. Otherwise, you can only let others help you discipline her. How did you die, have you forgotten?"

Jifu, Daki: "????"

Doma: "Uh... they really don't remember, they only drank the blood of Lord Muzan

Only those who have been born under the name of "Kuroshibo" can retain the memory of their human period. "

"Okay!" Shinya really didn't remember this setting.

Douma was interested: "That is to say, only Lord Kokushibo, me and Lord Shinya have this treatment! That's great. As expected, the three of us should get along well. "

The brother and sister of the prostitute had learned their lesson at this time. When the upper demons were chatting, they, the lower demons, just had to stay aside and not talk.

During this period, the prostitute went out for a while, and when he came back, he was holding a person in his hand.

The prostitute threw the person in front of Shinya and said, "I'm very sorry, Lord Shinya. ”

Jifutaro is different from Daki, who is too well protected, so she doesn’t know the severity of the situation.

But the reason why Jifutaro dared to attack Shinya was because he was furious when he saw his sister being hurt.

After calming down, he knew that it would be easy for Shinya to kill him and his sister, so he captured someone in the hope of getting forgiveness from Shinya.

Shinya didn’t show any signs of resisting his appetite, but that was because Kokushibo and Muzan took turns to feed him blood.

And that was raw feeding, the kind that opened his mouth and poured it in.

So, Shinya is not hungry at all now, and even a little full.

If he wasn’t afraid that Muzan would break his defense, he would even think of looking for Muzan to hold and bite a few times if he wanted to eat someone in the future.

“What are you doing? Are you using this to test the cadres? Which cadre can’t stand such a test?” Shinya said with a frown.

Doma turned his head away: “Don’t look at me, I don’t eat men. ”

Although his personality has become somewhat evil, Shinya has always felt that his pride as a ghost hunter is still there, and he would rather die than eat humans.

But the bloodthirsty instinct of evil ghosts is unavoidable, and the most nutritious thing for ghosts is humans.

Even if he does not need to eat humans in a short period of time because Muzan's blood has not been digested, he will eventually face it after Muzan's blood is digested.

And this time may only be a few days, or even shorter.

Therefore, finding a food to replace humans in a short period of time is a top priority.

Originally he was He planned to find Tamayo as soon as possible, and blocked Muzan's signal, so he was not afraid that Muzan would find out about his plan.

But now is more than a hundred years before the start of the plot, and no one can tell whether Tamayo is in Asakusa.

Therefore, he can only find something that can replace humans as food.

For example... ghosts...

Although Muzan strictly prohibits ghosts from devouring each other in any occasion other than a bloody battle, with Shinya's current strength, he can hunt some cannon fodder ghosts without the other party noticing.

However, to be on the safe side, Shinya did not take action immediately.

Instead, he planned to look for traces of demons nearby. From the Heian period to the present, I'm afraid Muzan himself doesn't know how many demons he has converted, not to mention the other upper-rank demons who used his blood to convert.

This number is at least 80,000, if not 100,000. It's no problem for Shinya to catch 100 or 80 of them.

After bidding farewell to Douma and leaving Yoshiwara Flower Street, Shinya suddenly fell into confusion.

Shinya still took the man who was given to Shinya as a gift by the prostitute Taro, and let him go after he came out.

Where should I go?

From crossing over to before becoming a demon , Shinya has always been adopted by the Sound Pillar.

After the Sound Pillar passed away, Shinya has been living in the Demon Slayer Corps. Now he can't go back to the Demon Slayer Corps.

That's right, Shinya knows where the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters is. After all, he was trained as a pillar.

If it weren't for the awakening of the system, the moment he turned into a demon, Muzan would know where the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters is.

Speaking of the system, Shinya just remembered that there was still an opportunity to awaken the blood demon art in the novice gift package.

He didn't know how to open the system, so he could only recite it in his heart.

Unexpectedly, a panel appeared in front of him.

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