The seven days passed quickly. On the evening of the seventh day, Santu carried the unconscious Giyuu and Shinko back to the foot of Sagiri Mountain.

Uroki Sakonji looked at the return of the three children and couldn't help crying even with the mask on.

The children he sent to the final selection before never came back.

The mask for eliminating disasters seemed to have become a mask for attracting disasters.

"Brother Gennosuke." Santu handed the shofu to Shinya.

Shinya took the shofu and patted Santu on the shoulder: "Well done."

Santu survived successfully, and Shinya's heart was relieved.

In the end, I forgot the existence of Dio... ah, it was the hand ghost (mainly because the author forgot)

However, like in the original work, Giyuu fell asleep throughout the whole process, which Shinya really didn't expect.

It can only be said that the correction ability of the world's will is still relatively strong. This year's swordsman was still recommended by Santo.

The difference from the original work is that Santo and Shinkomo are safe and sound.

The sheath is in the hand, and the neck that the hand ghost is proud of is like paper, and it is split in an instant.

These are what Santo told Shinya, he didn't tell Urokodaki Sakonji.

"If the old man knew that the mask he made attracted the covetousness of that guy for the previous child, he would probably never feel at ease in the future." Santo said.

Shinya sighed: "This is not Urokodaki's fault in essence. Everything can only be regarded as fate. If there is a fault, it can only be the fault of the evil spirit."

"But the old man will definitely feel guilty." Santo said.

"By the way, where is Giyuu?"

"He went up the mountain early in the morning." Santo spread his hands.

Giyuu has been depressed since he came back from the final trial, because he was knocked unconscious as soon as he met the ghost. It was Santo and Shinkomo who protected him to complete the final selection.

In Giyuu's opinion, if it was not for protecting himself, Santo would not have been injured so badly.

If Shinya had not given the sheath to Santo, Santo might have been killed by himself.

Therefore, after waking up, Giyuu immediately ran to the mountain to start training, working harder than ever before.

Some things must be experienced before they can be understood.

Although Giyuu did not experience the death of Santo as in the original work, he also understood that if he wanted to protect his friends and not repeat the tragedy of his sister, he must have strong power.

However, the training method is somewhat extreme.

"If you continue to train like this, you will be useless before you become stronger." Shinya said to Giyuu who was swinging the sword.

His knuckles had been worn out by the wooden sword, and the pain all over his body made it difficult for him to stand, but he still forced himself to train.

Hearing Shinya's voice, he seemed to come back to his senses and stopped.

"Sure enough, I am not a qualified swordsman." Giyuu leaned on the wooden stake, not daring to look at Shinya's expression.

Shinya walked up to him and said, "If you are talking about the final selection, don't worry about it. Combat experience cannot be accumulated overnight. It is normal to lose the first battle due to lack of experience."

"No!" Giyuu shouted, "I fainted after being attacked not because of lack of combat experience, nor because of mistakes. It's because... because I'm afraid... Whenever I see a ghost, I will think of the night when my sister was killed, and I can't help but retreat when I see a ghost. Brother Gennosuke, I... I'm afraid of fighting."

"That's why you should become a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps." Shinya's voice sounded in his ears.

Giyuu was stunned, and he looked at Shinya.

Shinya walked up to him and said, "The most important thing for a swordsman is not strength, but the fear of fighting."

"The fear of fighting..."

"Yes, even I will tremble in fear when facing a battle."

"Brother Gennosuke..."

Shinya smiled and said, "How can I not be afraid of matters that determine life and death? I am afraid of holding a sword, and even the act of drawing a sword first against the enemy makes me feel extremely scared. It is precisely because I am afraid of fighting that I will hold the sword tightly and fight for those who are also afraid of fighting."

He turned and looked at Giyuu: "A person who has no fear of the sword in his hand is not qualified to hold a sword. Giyuu, if you are afraid of fighting from the bottom of your heart, then as a swordsman, you have already obtained the most precious thing."

"Brother Gennosuke..."

"If you have figured it out, go down the mountain to eat. These days, Santo is very worried about you." Shinya patted Giyuu on the shoulder and walked down the mountain slowly.

Giyuu looked at Shinya with a tangled face.

He looked at Shinya's back until Shinya's back completely disappeared, then he whispered: "I... I can't walk anymore..."

At this moment, Giyuu wanted to give himself a few big fights for the past few days. He fainted because of fear in the final selection, and after coming back, he vented his anger in training.

These days, rather than training, it is better to say that he relied on this kind of self-harm behavior to relieve his guilt.

Really, it's too unbecoming.

"Master Gennosuke." After Shinya went down the mountain, he saw Kanae waiting for him at the foot of the mountain.

"What's wrong, Kanae?"

"It's time to eat, I came to find Master Gennosuke."

"Ah, thank you for your hard work." Shinya reached out and rubbed Kanae's head.

Kanae closed her eyes and felt the warmth of Shinya's palm.

"You have been training very hard recently!" Shinye looked at Kanae and said, "But excessive training will not make people stronger, but will hurt the body. Rest is the most important thing, don't work too hard."

Kanae was delighted when she heard what Shinye said. It turned out that Master Gennosuke has been paying attention to me.

With the blessing of the transparent world, Shinye could see that Kanae's body was very tired.

It was obviously caused by her own unauthorized training and taking care of her own diet and daily life.

Of course, he knew why Kanae wanted to increase her training without authorization. Maybe it was just as she said, and he put too much energy on Shimizu.

It's not that he didn't know Kanae's thoughts, but Kanae was only fourteen years old, which was too much.

The most important thing is that Kanae had experienced the death of her family, and it was hard to say that her feelings for Shinye were true love between men and women, or dependence and admiration for the search for a sense of security.

"Kanae!" Shinye looked at Kanae and said.

Kanae: "Master Gennosuke?"

Shinya said: "For the next week, stop training and have a good rest. I have some new ideas for your breathing method, and I will help you complete it in a week."

"Huh? Yes!" Kanae didn't expect Shinya to say that, and she was ecstatic and nodded immediately.

Shinya stretched out his hand: "Let's go!"

"Yes! Master Gennosuke."

Kanae put her hand in Shinya's palm, and then let Shinya pull her towards the residence.

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