The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"What's going on?" Akaza frowned and looked at the family in front of him. He felt sorry for them.

In the past, he hated weaklings the most. He wanted to kill them in front of him.

Why, now looking at this family, he couldn't do it.

"Ghost arts are basically related to the memories of the caster before he became a ghost. Although your [Destruction Kill·Luo Needle] is essentially a martial art, it comes from your blood and can be regarded as a kind of blood ghost art. The pattern of Luo Needle is a snowflake pattern, which should be related to your memory when you were a human."

The pattern of Luo Needle flashed through his mind, and Akaza suddenly recalled what Shinya said to him.

For a moment, Akaza, who was supposed to kill Tokito's family immediately, was stunned.

Until he instinctively sensed the danger coming.

He instinctively jumped back, and the place where he was standing just now exploded instantly, and the cabin of Tokito's family also collapsed.

"Damn, enemies? Demon Slayer Corps?"

Soon, Akaza's doubts were answered.

Two men wearing the uniforms of the Demon Slayer Corps appeared in front of him. One looked like an owl. He looked not threatening in terms of strength, and his fighting spirit was weak. He should have lost his fighting spirit.

What really made him feel dangerous was the blind monk next to him.

"Thus I have heard, once the Buddha was in the Jetavana Grove in the country of Savatthi. With the great bhikkhus, 1,250 people..." Beimingyu Xingming turned the meteor hammer like a windmill while chanting.

Akaza grinned and said, "What are you talking about? I can't hear you clearly."

Beimingyu Xingming shed tears: "Don't worry, it's just to save the souls that have fallen into evil spirits."


The meteor hammer came in an instant, and Akaza quickly protected his head with both hands and took the meteor hammer head-on.

The huge force pushed him back, and he barely stopped after more than ten meters.

"Serpentine Bipolar!"

The meteor hammer and broad axe connected by the chain hit Akaza's head from both sides.

Akaza dodged the attack with two flashes, and then retreated violently.

And Beimingyu Xingming rushed forward, and the meteor hammer in his hand was still swinging wildly.

"The sky is broken!"

With a slight force on his right hand, the meteor hammer hit Akaza's face directly.

"Destruction Kill·Air Style!"

Akosa punched at Gyoumei's head, and the invisible fist force came quietly.

Gyoumei felt the vibration of the air and turned his head, and the tree behind him was broken in half.

Although he dodged the punch, the meteor hammer also lost its accuracy and deviated from the direction.

Akosa took the opportunity to distance himself and opened the compass.

"What's wrong with this human?" Akosa frowned, and he touched the scar on his face that was scratched by the meteor hammer, and the scar recovered immediately.

"Mr. Makijuro, please take Mr. Yunxiong and his family to a safe place." Gyoumei said to Rengoku Makijuro.

"I understand."

Rengoku Makijuro also cheered up and prepared to protect Tokito's family from leaving this place.

"Ahahahaha, I'm here, no one can leave."

One of the Lower Strings, Guhuo Bird, suddenly appeared and blocked the way.

"Tsk!" Cold sweat broke out on Rengoku Makijuro's forehead.

In theory, if it was in the past, he would have no pressure facing one of the lower moons.

But now, he has a family of ordinary people around him.

"Okay, we can fight to our heart's content, monk." Akaza had an excited smile on his face.

In the previous fight, he had already seen the strength of the monk in front of him, and his martial arts attribute began to take effect.

Beimingyu Xingming sensed that another ghost had appeared, and his expression became solemn.

He kicked his feet and disappeared in an instant.

Akaza also rushed forward, and the figures of one man and one ghost disappeared directly, leaving only two streams of light shuttling through the forest.

And the trash boss who was paying attention to the situation on the scene in the Infinite City was angry. Akaza was excited again, and he ran to fight instead of doing his job.

Why don't you sneak attack that owl? That guy is obviously weaker. Do I need to teach you?

Just use the air style to hit the head of that family! Why are you fighting the big monk? It will be dawn when you finish fighting, won't you run away?

Boss Xie stamped his feet in anger. Isn't it said that although the upper ranks are strong, none of them are reliable?

"Sure enough, this kind of thing has to be done by Zhenye."

Boss Xie thought to himself, and then started to send private messages.

"Zhenye! Zhenye!"

"Yes, Lord Muzan."

"Where are you? Go to Tajima Village immediately and bring Akaza back to me." The trash boss said anxiously.

Shinya sat on the tree, watching his subordinates Akaza and Gyoumei fighting fiercely, and said lightly: "Yes, sir."

Then he picked a fruit, lay on the branch, and ate while watching.

Looking at Ryu standing next to him, Shinya picked another one and threw it to him: "Sit down for a while, don't be so serious."

Ryu looked at Shinya and said: "I think for the sake of caution, you should open the Wind and Water Binding to suppress Akaza."

Shinya smiled and shook his head: "Look for yourself, does Gyoumei look like he needs help? As for Makijuro, there should be no problem dealing with the lower string."

"But I see that Rengoku Makijuro doesn't seem to have much fighting spirit. Did something happen?" Ryu asked.

Shinye thought for a moment: "Well... his wife seems to have passed away, but that was half a year ago. How could it disappear now... No way."

"What's wrong?" Liu looked at Shinye and asked.

Shinye shook his head and made a seal with one hand: "Wind Stop Water Binding!"

A dark golden barrier instantly enveloped Guhuo Bird and Rengoku Makijuro, and then disappeared.

Because the barrier only appeared for a moment, and the people present were fighting and did not notice the barrier.

Akaza did not realize that the Lower String One he brought with him had been trapped in the barrier and separated from him.

Today's Wind Stop Water Binding is not just as simple as weakening enemies and strengthening teammates. The Wangji Sword Intent filled in the barrier will also autonomously protect those who are regarded as companions, and constantly wear down the enemy, that is, the will of Guhuo Bird.

"Lord Akaza, what's going on? Save me!" Guhuo Bird finally felt the changes in her body at this time. Not only did it become extremely difficult to release the blood demon art, but even her movements became abnormally slow.

"Haha, keep fighting!"

Akoza threw the arm that had just been cut off to Xingming of Beiming Island, and then continued to rush forward.

As for Guhuo Bird's call for help, he didn't hear it at all.

He has now devoted himself to the battle with Xingming. As a ghost, his physical strength is abnormal and it is difficult for him to feel tired.

But for some reason, the big monk in front of him has not shown any signs of fatigue until now.

With the perception of the Luo needle, he can clearly know that Xingming has not entered the supreme realm.

But Xingming's attack always touches the bottom line of Luo needle perception, making Akaza's dodge very reluctant, and sometimes he even has to take Xingming's attack head-on.

At first, Akaza was still a little confused, but now he has no time to think about it.

In battle, only a hearty battle is everything.

"Hahahaha!!! Come on, Xingming, keep fighting." Akaza punched Xingming's meteor hammer open, and then rushed forward.

"Akaza's state is a bit strange!" Liu frowned as he looked at Akaza, who was a little crazy with excitement.

Shinya also looked at Akaza and grinned: "It seems that it has taken effect."

Liu was shocked: "What?"

Shinya said: "Since I stepped into the transparent world, I can see directly into Akaza's body. From that time on, I have used the Wind and Water Binding on him, but the effect of this Wind and Water Binding is not to limit his strength."

"What's going on, Master Shinya." Liu's tone was full of curiosity.

Shinya smiled and said, "I once gave you the Wind and Water Binding, you should know its ability. The ability of the Wind and Water Binding is to weaken the target I regard as an enemy within the range, and the Wind and Water Binding I applied to Akaza treats Akaza as a companion, not only will it not weaken him, but it will make him stronger."

Ryu's pupils shrank slightly: "What?"

Shinya's smile became more and more cold, making people palpitate: "So, where is the enemy?"

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