The old man was very angry, but he was still alive.

Tokyo Prefecture, Mr. Xie's home.

Mr. Xie's expression was extremely wonderful at this time. Just now, he suddenly realized that he had lost contact with Yuhu.

There are only two possibilities for losing contact.

One is death.

But Mr. Xie can see the scene of the dead ghosts when they died.

The second possibility is that Yuhu is out of his control.

But if it is out of control, he should be able to feel it in an instant.

But in Yuhu's case, the cells he left in Yuhu...died.

Because the cells died, he felt it and found that he had lost contact with Yuhu.

In other words, it is a third situation beyond the two situations.

This is a situation that Mr. Xie would never think of, because it is too bizarre.

Someone directly extracted the vitality of the Jade Pot and his own cells, causing both to age and die.

If a ghost with such ability appears under the command of Boss Xie, Boss Xie will not let her see the sun...moon tomorrow.

The effects of Shinye's blood and Boss Xie's blood on the recipients are different.

Boss Xie is enslavement, while Shinye is control.

The blood ghost arts of the ghosts transformed by Shinye's blood are ineffective against Shinye, this is an iron rule.

And Shinye can also obtain the opponent's blood ghost arts for his own use at any time, which is why Shinye can use the blood ghost arts of Ling Yuzi.

Boss Xie cannot use the blood ghost arts of the ghosts under his command, but he has the power of life and death over his subordinates.

And Shinye's blood cannot kill these ghosts, but the loyalty of these ghosts will increase by themselves, and they can use their blood ghost arts by themselves.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages, one monkey and one method of binding.

Anyway, compared with the happiness of Shinye's side, Boss Xie's side is not calm.

The last time a ghost escaped from his control, it was Tamayo who escaped when he was weak.

But the moment Tamayo escaped, he had a strong feeling.

But this time, the feeling of Yuhu's disappearance was very weak for Boss Xia. He felt that "something was suddenly missing". Then he checked...

Damn, one of the upper strings was gone.

After taking a few deep breaths, Boss Xia calmed down and walked out of the study.

"Yue Yan!" A woman appeared at the door: "It's so late, are you going out?"

Boss Xia was silent for a few seconds, then forced a smile: "Ah, the company suddenly had something to deal with. Li, you should rest first."

"Come back early and take care of yourself." Li said so.

Li is the wife of the real man that Boss Xia replaced. Boss Xia doesn't want to have more contact with her because this woman seems too sensitive.

But he is in a dormant period now, and killing people casually will attract official attention.

Therefore, Boss Xia often reduces contact with her under the pretext of being busy at the company.

After leaving the villa, the Boss immediately asked General Ming to teleport directly to the Infinite City and convene the Upper Rank Conference.

The Infinite City, the Upper Limit Conference.

But without Yuhu to make trouble, the Boss always felt that something was missing.

Although he was usually annoyed by this pervert, his ability to make money was indeed not bad, which relieved the Boss a lot of financial pressure.

Look at the other Upper Ranks, their strength is good, but they are a bit biased.

Especially Kokushibo, who stayed in the Infinite City all day long, with clothes and food provided for him, and his treatment was better than that of the Ghost King.

If it weren't for your brother's face, he would have treated you like a cow and a horse.

Upper Rank Two, to be honest, the Boss can try not to find Shinya now.

The main reason is that when Shinya appeared, he did not hide his YY to himself, which made the Boss uncomfortable.

And don't even think about making money. Last time, Shinya even asked for money from him, saying that it would take money to maintain the scale of the Paradise Cult.

The scumbag boss thought that he couldn't tell the difference between the big and small kings, so he crushed his heart as a punishment. (Shinya os: fake information given by the stand)

Upper String 3, do you know what a warrior is?

Upper String 4, do you know what a warrior is?

Upper String 6, do you know what a warrior is?

Oh, yes, there is also a gift of Upper String 6, Dakime.

It's okay if I don't mention her, but when I mention her, the scumbag boss gets angry.

How to describe Dakime's IQ? It's similar to that of the Lower String 3, Yukihime, who was killed by Shinya a hundred years ago.

To put it bluntly, there is a kind of innocence that is not polluted by knowledge.

To put it more bluntly, it's just that the brain is a little bit not working well


At this time, the upper rank who were not dead appeared on a platform of the Infinite Castle at the same time, and the trash boss was watching them from above.

Well, I have been watching for half an hour.

"I say, you should say something, Lord Muzan." Shinye scratched his head and said.

Ever since he broke away from Muzan's control and returned to Tiangang, Shinye has been dancing in Muzan's minefield.

The main point is excitement. Anyway, Muzan can't control himself now. What if Shinye pissed off the whole neon will be full of his coordinates.

If it doesn't work, he still put a few coordinates with Qing.

However, he seemed to underestimate Muzan's determination. In short, Muzan has never thought of killing him.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he often makes false accounts for Muzan.

When Muzan saw that he was so good at fighting? The Demon Slayer Corps is a team, so he didn't want to kill Shinye.

"Gyokuhu lost contact, what do you want me to say?" Boss Xia said gloomily: "I didn't expect that hundreds of years later, another ghost would escape my control."

Shinya waved his hand with a smile: "Well! Don't get excited, Lord Muzan, think about things in a positive way. Maybe he is dead?"

At this time, silence is better than words.

"Is this a good thing?" Akaza couldn't help but complain.

It would have been better if Akaza didn't speak, but as soon as he spoke, Boss Xia broke his defense.

He pointed at Shinya, his eyes full of murderous intent: "Shinya, stay away from Akaza."

Shinya was confused: "Huh? Oh, I see."

Boss Xia calmed down: "In short, the situation of Yuhuhu must be determined as soon as possible, and... the candidates for the upper strings must be filled as soon as possible. This matter, Shinya..."

"Ah? I go? Um..."

Shinya lowered his head reluctantly, and then nodded.

In fact, he was already very happy in his heart. Now Shinya can do some tricks again.

Investigate the cause of Yuhu's death? Shinya said, let's make up a suspense story for you to see if your CPU as the ghost king can handle it.

As for the replacement candidate for the upper string...

Of course, find one among the second generation ghosts, so that half of the upper strings are traitors.

Unknowingly, half of the upper strings were infiltrated by Shinya.

Shinya looked at Kokushibo. If he didn't know that even if he launched a bloody battle, the boss would most likely favor Kokushibo, Shinya would have planned to let Kokushibo be the second.

Although his current strength is not stronger than Kokushibo, it is even weaker.

However, that is only himself in normal state.

But Shinya in normal state is not the perfect Shinya.

The perfect Shinya is the full-blooded ghost art Shinya who came home with information.

The perfect Shinya makes you understand the charm of manual operation.

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