The ghost hunter was so powerful that he had to chase me.

"Damn it, why is this guy chasing me instead of chasing the Twelve Ghost Moons?"

In the snow, a ghost was running away.

When the sun just set, he met a ghost hunter.

This ghost hunter was extremely powerful and he had no ability to resist.

Fortunately, his blood ghost technique was good at escaping, so he didn't get beheaded at the first sight.

But behind him, the ghost hunter was chasing him relentlessly.

What broke his defense the most was that several times the ghost hunter seemed to have almost failed to control his speed and almost caught up with him, and then he slowed down by himself.

"Damn it, I still have to complete the task that the adult gave me first."

The evil ghost said in his heart, and then he sped up.

The more the evil ghost ran, the more desperate he became. The ghost hunter behind him kept chasing him, and seeing that he was at ease, it seemed that he was deliberately letting him run.

"What exactly does he want to do? Why does he keep following behind when he can catch up? Could it be that his purpose is the same as that of the adult?" The doubts in the evil ghost's heart grew bigger and bigger.

As he thought, his steps slowed down.


A flash of knife light passed by, and the evil ghost's left arm was cut off.


A burning sound sounded, and green smoke came out of the broken part of the evil ghost's left arm. The left arm that was originally prepared to grow again was burned out.

"Keep running!"

The ghost hunter's voice came, and it reached the evil ghost's ears, like a death warrant from hell.

The evil ghost trembled and said, "You... you kill me, I won't run away."

The red blade pointed at the evil ghost's chest, and the ghost hunter's voice came again: "Get up and keep running."

"Who... who are you!" The evil ghost shouted loudly.

The ghost hunter said: "Don't ask questions, get up and keep running to your destination."


The evil ghost stared at the direction of the ghost hunter, hoping to see his appearance clearly.

In this way, he can pass on information to that adult.

There is a ghost hunter whose knife can suppress the regeneration of evil ghosts, and he is also looking for that thing.

However, the ghost hunter seemed to be shrouded in fog, and the evil ghost could not see clearly at all.

Suddenly, the evil ghost felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He was not hurt, but it came from instinctive fear.

This fear drove him to turn around and run up the mountain.

The ghost hunter followed behind him, chasing slowly.

Ahead is Yunqu Mountain, where ghosts rarely appear.

Of course, it is not because there are really few ghosts here. The fundamental reason is Uncle Saburo who lives at the foot of the mountain.

Uncle Saburo has a knife. After cutting off the head of the evil ghost, the evil ghost will be reduced to ashes.

It is also because of this that Uncle Saburo has a high prestige in the town.

The reason why Uncle Saburo lives at the foot of the mountain instead of living in the town is because the Kamado family, who sells charcoal, lives on the mountain.

Uncle Saburo was worried, so he built a house at the foot of the mountain.

Today, a crow flew to Uncle Saburo's window.

The crow told him that there would be ghosts on the mountain tonight, but no matter what, don't go out.

Saburo looked at the full moon in the sky. Although the crow told him not to go out, Saburo really couldn't bear to see the Kamado family in danger.

After a mental struggle, Saburo picked up the Sun Wheel Sword leaning against the wall and walked out of the house.

On Mount Kumotori, the Kamado family is holding a sacrificial ceremony.

The whole family put on the clothes for the sacrifice and danced the Kagura dance to worship the God of Fire.

"Tanjiro, look, that's Dad dancing the Kagura dance. My family makes a living by burning charcoal. In order to avoid disasters, we have to dance to the God of Fire and pray for peace at the beginning of the new year." Tanjiro Kamado's wife, Aoi Kamado, carried her daughter on her back and said to her son standing beside her.

"Hey, Mom! Dad's body is so weak, why can he dance in the snow for a long time?" The young Tanjiro blinked his big eyes and asked his mother curiously: "I feel like my lungs are freezing like this."

"That's because..."

Aoi Kamado's face suddenly changed halfway through her words: "Tanjiro."

A black shadow emerged from the forest and quickly pounced on Tanjiro who was dancing.

Tanjiro waved the sacrificial cane in the direction of the black shadow.

A scorching breath made the black shadow retreat immediately.

"Hmm? What's wrong with this guy? He looks so weak, why do I feel dangerous?" The evil ghost was confused at this time.

The man in front of him was not clear, and there was a deadly ghost hunter behind him.

Hunt him down.

For a moment, he was in a dilemma.

"Damn it!"

The evil ghost thought for a moment, he definitely couldn't beat the ghost hunter behind him, and the man in front of him was not very good

It should be possible that he could beat him.

If he beat him, he could replenish his energy and let his left hand grow again.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and rushed towards Tanjuro, with two claws on his head.

However, Tanjuro seemed to be open, and he dodged the two claws by a hair's breadth.

The evil ghost continued to attack, and the third claw grabbed him.

Tanjuro raised his cane, but unfortunately the cane was made of wood and was broken by the evil ghost's claws.

"Dad!" Tanjiro saw his father in danger, picked up a stone and rushed over.

"Tanjiro, don't go over!" Aoi shouted hurriedly as she watched her son rush out.

Tanjuro was a little unresponsive at this time. What on earth was this creature that looked like a human in front of him?

You know, he had used a branch to repel a bear, but this creature in front of him actually put so much pressure on him.

"Round dance!"

The broken cane in his hand hit the evil ghost with a burning breath.


Another danger warning from instinct, the evil ghost hurriedly stopped and took a half step back.


Tanjuro felt weak at this time, which was expected.

Tanjuro's perception has been very strong since he can remember.

Whether it is this creature in front of him or the bear before, he can easily see the flaws.

And the family-inherited Kagura dance has a special breathing method that allows Tanjuro to dance for a long time.

The only problem is that Tanjuro is born weak and sickly.

He has the means to threaten the creature in front of him, but he does not have the body to fully exert its power.


A knife cut off the evil ghost's hand and took Tanjuro away.

"Tanjuro, take your son back." Saburo threw Tanjiro, who had just been hugged, to Tanjuro and said.

"Mr. Saburo."

Tanjuro looked at the uncle Saburo in front of him. This uncle was mysterious on weekdays.

There was a story in the town that he killed ghosts to protect the town, but it turned out to be true.

"You... You are a ghost hunter, right? Where is that guy just now?" The evil ghost asked immediately when he saw Saburo appear.

The Saburo in front of him obviously did not have that kind of desperate murderous aura.

Sanlang looked at the evil ghost in front of him with a very solemn expression. When he heard the evil ghost's words, he frowned: "That guy just now?"

"Huh? What? Don't you ghost hunters have any connection with each other? Where is the terrifyingly strong ghost hunter just now?" The evil ghost said: "Forget it, let's kill you first."

"Water Breathing·First Form, Water Surface Slash!"

Sanlang rushed towards the evil ghost, and the evil ghost rushed towards him at the same time.

The evil ghost showed a cruel smile, he seemed to have seen the scene of Sanlang's tragic death in front of him.

As long as he eats one person, his arm that cannot grow can be restored.

However, the next second, his smile froze.

A sense of weakness swept over his body, causing him to fall forward.

Sanlang's blade just cut off his head from the bottom to the top.

"Huh? What's going on? My head was chopped off?"

Finally, before the evil ghost died, he saw the ghost hunter who had just chased him on the roof looking at him.

The ghost hunter attacked him, and then the remaining life force in his body was rapidly drained away.

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