After a long time, the two sides of the river have been busy.

Komaji's life is finally on the right track, and the dojo has begun to recruit disciples.

They are mainly children from poor families. Master Qingzang only charges a small amount of teacher's gift and allows them to enter the dojo to learn martial arts.

These children are mainly taught by Komaji.

However, recently, Komaji's teaching has been reduced, and Master Qingzang has taken over the teaching.


Because Komaji is busy arranging his wedding with Lianxue. Although he has asked people to help, Komaji is still very busy.

Although busy, he is very happy.

"Hey Komaji, congratulations, this fish is a gift." The fishmonger saw Komaji and said with a few fish.

Komaji waved his hand quickly: "Ah? No need, uncle, it's not easy for you to fish."

The uncle waved his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, just take it if I tell you to. I don't have much money, these fish are your wedding gift."

"Then...thank you!" Komaji bowed to the fishmonger.

When he turned around, he bumped into a tall man.

"Ah...sorry!" Komaji apologized instinctively.

The man waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay."

Komaji looked at the man, who was not only tall, but also dressed strangely.

"Have we... met before?" Komaji looked at the man and asked this question out of nowhere.

The man smiled: "Oh? It seems you still remember! It's time to wake up from the dream, Komaji."

Komaji's pupils shrank slightly: "You are..."

A lot of things he bought fell to the ground, and he stepped back repeatedly.

"Time is limited, Komaji. It's time to wake up. I can't keep suppressing his cells."

Yes, the man was Shinya who entered Komaji's dream.

What he had to do was to wake him up when Komaji was immersed in the dream.

"Don't come over! I don't know you."

Komaji shouted loudly: "I don't know what you are talking about. Don't disturb my life."

Shinya said: "Didn't you realize? Everything you have experienced so far is a dream."

"No! This is all real. I protected Master Qingzang and Lianxue. And we are about to get married. My life..."

Halfway through, Komaji couldn't continue.

Because he saw that the sky began to collapse.

Shinya was shocked and looked up at the sky: "This time it was so much faster than last time. Is it because this time it is deeper into the subconscious to find the memory, which is easier to trigger the warning of the cells?"

He turned to look at Komaji and shouted: "Komaji, come with me, this world can't hold on for much longer."

"Don't come over! I don't know you!"

Komaji shouted and ran towards the direction of the Soryu Dojo.

"I fucking..."

Shinya was speechless. He had considered everything clearly, but he didn't consider that after Komaji's consciousness awakened after being dormant for two hundred years, his longing for Keizo and Koyase was so strong that it had become an obsession.

In other words, he subconsciously regarded Akaza and Komaji as one person. Therefore, seeing Akaza's firm attitude, he believed that even if Komaji hesitated, he would know what he should do clearly.

Shinya grabbed behind him, and this space was broken, and another space appeared behind him.

That is Komaji's unconscious realm, and the spiritual core representing the individual's will is inside.

"Useless Komaji, the collapse of this world means that Muzan's cells are awakening and starting to destroy your will. Not only your will as Komaji, but also Akaza's will will be destroyed. At that time, everything will be transmitted to the main body."

Shinya walked in front of the spiritual core and murmured, "I will kill you before that, and make the fact that Upper String Three was beheaded by the demon hunter."

Komaji ran back to the Soryu Dojo like crazy, and saw Renxue who was applying flowers, and Master Qingzang who was teaching the children boxing.

"Huh? Komaji, what's wrong?" Master Qingzang saw Komaji and asked with a smile: "Look at your embarrassed look, did you encounter something?"

Komaji threw himself into Qingzang's arms and burst into tears.

Komaji's cry stunned everyone.

Lianxue quickly threw down the window paper in her hand, ran to Komaji, and put her hand on his back: "What's wrong?"

"Master, Lianxue, I..."

Finally, the memory in Komaji's mind became clearer and clearer.

How did he kill more than 60 people in the kendo hall after the death of Keizou and Lianxue, and how was he turned into a ghost by Muzan.

For more than 200 years, he turned into a man-eating evil ghost, only

The only thing left was the obsession to become stronger.

"I... the real me is in reality." Komaji's voice trembled and said, "In reality without you and Lianxue."

Qingzang was a little confused: "What are you talking about?"

"Brother Komaji?" Lianxue also looked at Komaji with some worry.

Komaji stood up and looked at Lianxue: "I really regret that I can't be with you in the past, present and future."

Lianxue was a little anxious: "Brother Komaji, what's wrong with you? Why are you leaving, where are you going?"

"Where am I going? Of course not, it's not that I want to leave you, but you have already left me."

Qingzang and Lianxue were stunned when they saw Komaji crying.

After a long time, Lianxue's hand touched Bu Zhidao's face and smiled.

"That's not the case!" Lianxue's tone changed, which surprised Komaji.

Looking at the father and daughter again, they were no longer as surprised as before.

Lian Xue looked at Komaji with eyes full of love: "We didn't leave you, and we won't let you leave us."

Qing Zang patted Komaji's shoulder and said: "Komaji, nothing happened, you just slept for more than 200 years."

Lian Xue stepped forward and hugged Komaji: "My father and I will be with you, no matter what you become, no matter whether you remember us, whether you can hear our voices, and feel our existence. Whether you go to heaven or hell, we will always be with you."

Qing Zang said: "Do what you want to do, Komaji."

Lian Xue hugged Komaji and said: "My father and I will wait for you to come, but...but don't see me too early."

Consciousness became more and more blurred, both hearing and vision were weakening.

The last thing Komaji saw was his father who had long died in the dojo, looking at his relieved eyes.

The last words he heard were what Lian Xue said to him: "I will wait for you, husband."

. . . . . . .


In the Thunder Space, a huge wave of air erupted from Akaza's body, shaking the barrier.

"Ah, what should I do, I can't hold on any longer." Ai Jue was so scared that he started crying.

Ji Nu said loudly: "Stop talking nonsense, push it back."

As he said that, he increased his output.

"Hey! Ji Nu, don't output on your own, the four of us must use the same power to maintain this barrier." Coke shouted at this time.

Shinye walked to Ai Jue: "Ai Jue, open a door in the barrier."

Ai Jue was stunned: "What do you want to do, main body? If you open the barrier at this time, this force will affect the Thunder Space."

Shinye said: "It doesn't matter, he is fighting with Muzan's cells, and he needs someone to suppress him by his side."

The barrier opened a hole, and Shinye entered the interior through this hole.

As soon as he entered, he felt a strong wave of air coming.

At this time, Akaza was already wrapped by a lot of disgusting pieces of meat and could no longer maintain his human form.

In Akaza's spiritual world, he was struggling to break free of these pieces of meat and the skin that belonged to Akaza.


The process of peeling off was difficult and painful. Every time when he was about to break free, the piece of meat that wrapped him turned into Muzan and grabbed him back.

Not only that, Komaji had to deny what he had done in the past two hundred years and regard the experience of more than two hundred years as a mistake.

The physical pain was still bearable, because the mental pain caused by self-denial was really unbearable.

"Akaza, where do you want to go? Do you want to betray me?" The piece of meat that turned into Muzan shouted at him.

"I... I'm not Akaza, my name is Komaji."

Komaji struggled to tear off the pieces of meat that were about to wrap him and struggled to the outside.

There was a ray of light in front of him, and he instinctively felt that as long as he reached that place, he could break free from Muzan's control.

At this moment, his hand was grabbed.

A strong and gentle force pulled him out of the restraint.

"Master... Master." Komaji looked at the owner who pulled out his hand and was stunned.

Beside him, the person he loved, Lian Xue, was looking at him with a loving smile.

For a moment, tears welled up in Komaji's eyes again.

In reality, the demon named Akaza ran wild with Muzan's cells.

Shinya pulled out the sheath and said with a smile: "It's not been half a day since I learned it, and I don't know how effective it is. But I'm a little excited."

A scorching breath burst out from Shinya, and this breath even burned his own body directly.

The blade of the sheath also turned red, and the fire god Kagura and the red sword were

Under the double blessing, Akaza and Muzan's cells attacking Shinya instinctively felt fear.

It was too late to retreat, Shinya had already rushed in front of him, and his sword fell.

"Burning Bones and Flaming Sun!"

The huge heat wave hit the barrier of Feng Zhishui, and the four clones fought hard to maintain the barrier.

Muzan's cells dissipated in the hot sword intent, and only Shinya and the young man who was sitting on the ground because of exhaustion were left in the entire barrier.

The boy recovered all his memories and changed from Akaza to Komaji.

Komaji was still a little at a loss at this time, and his brain was a mess.

At this time, an almost burnt hand stretched out in front of him.

Komaji looked up and saw that Shinya was severely burned at this time, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

He remembered that this was the most serious injury Shinya had suffered since he became Upper Rank 2... no, since Shinya became a demon.

Shinya was not at ease at this time. He did not expect that the God of Fire Kagura would cause such great damage to the cells of the demon, and could also temporarily invalidate his own recovery ability.

"I said this to you before, but you did not hear it. Now I will say it to you again." Shinya smiled and said, "Welcome to the world two hundred years later, Komaji."

Komaji smiled, took Shinya's hand, and stood up.

Shinya said, "I haven't had time to introduce myself yet. My name is Ryudoji Shinya. I am a human, a human who has gained special powers."

Komaji smiled and said, "Komaji is also a human, a human with deep sins."

At the same time, the mansion of the trash boss.

Without any signs, the trash boss spit out a mouthful of blood.

Burn marks began to appear on his body. This breath was burning his cells and his vitality.

"What's going on?" Muzan endured the pain and did not let himself scream.

"Yes, this feeling..."

In Muzan's mind, the samurai wearing the sun wheel flower earrings and holding a red-hot sword appeared.

"Tsugikoku Yoriichi... why did you..." Muzan gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth: "Why can't you die more completely."

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