Muzan didn't want to die, so he cut his body into eight pieces and started to run away.

Yunqiu hurriedly grabbed five of the pieces and stuffed them into his mouth.

The taste was a little worse than Kaneki's, but it was still pretty good, the RC concentration was really high! After eating, the RC cells were stored in case of emergency.

Many people on the ground were also affected and died. Yunqiu had been hungry before, and he always picked up the leftovers of others.

He hadn't eaten enough during this period, so he simply wrapped himself with his kagune and began to devour these corpses.

After cleaning up most of the battlefield, Yunqiu let go of the living people, and even avoided them, only picking up the dead bodies.

He was going to continue moving forward, but suddenly felt a strong killing intent. Before he could react, Yunqiu saw his body...

It turned out that his head was chopped off...

Yunqiu could only quickly use his scale kagune to pick up his head, and then wrap himself with his feather kagune to prevent another sneak attack.

After seeing who was doing it, Yunqiu almost cursed her father.

I worked so hard to help you take care of your children, and you came up and killed me with a sword? !

So you were just playing me when you fought me back and forth before? !

The one who did it was Yunyi, who was standing not far away holding the Sun Wheel Sword and looking at Yunqiu, with mixed emotions in his eyes, "I thought you were different..."


What was he talking about?

Yunyi approached step by step, Yunqiu twisted her neck to make sure she was not pretending, then stood up and looked at him, and then she heard...

"What do you think of life!"


Didn't he say this to Muzan? !

Why did he say it to me now!

Seeing him pick up the Sun Wheel Sword and was about to chop at her, Yunqiu could only block it quickly, and all eight scales were cut off. After rolling with the force, she dodged this move.

There was a burning pain from the incision, and the recovery was much slower, which should be caused by the Sun Breathing.

Yun Qiu probably knew what Yunyi understood. He just thought that he killed the people here for the sake of eating people, and he was eating openly...

"Muzan wanted to kill me, and we fought. He kept forcing me to the village, and I couldn't do anything!"

Yun Qiu was not a mouthless person. He immediately put the blame on Muzan. Who made him target him and pester him?

In fact, Yun Qiu had Yuhe, and he could run away if he wanted to. He just wanted to test Muzan's strength.

Now the sun is out, and Muzan has slipped away, leaving me here to be caught by Yunyi.

Yunyi stopped and stood there. The two looked at each other, "You go."

Hearing these three words, Yun Qiu breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Yunyi is the ceiling of the world's combat power. If they really fight, he will definitely lose.

"Did you forget something!"

? ! Yun Qiu's sudden words made Yunyi short-circuited.

What did you forget?

This guy looked confused, didn't he forget his child?

Yunqiu let go of Weihe and took out the sleeping little guy, "You don't want your son anymore? I don't want to take care of the child!"

Yuichi thought Yunqiu had sent the child to the successor country a long time ago. He joined the Demon Slayer Corps, and it was too dangerous to take the child with him. He thought about going home to see him once in a while, but he didn't expect Yunqiu to still take him with him.

"Give it to me..."

The child's soft body is not easy to hold. It is obvious that Yuichi doesn't understand at all, and he is in a panic now.

After getting rid of this little trouble, Yunqiu prepared to go back to find Yansheng.

After being out for more than half a year, he didn't do much, but Yunqiu thought a lot more clearly.

Why do you have to think about the future? Isn't it better to grasp the present?

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