Time passed quickly. Yunqiu didn't learn the Breathing of the Sun at first, but Kokushibo taught him the Breathing of the Moon, so it wasn't too bad.

Muzan didn't know that the most powerful fighter under his command was mixed with his enemies, and it seemed that he would follow his wife at any time.

If Muzan hadn't controlled Kokushibo's life, Yunqiu would not be able to release the control for the time being. Yunqiu wanted to show his affection with Kokushibo in front of Muzan.

If he wanted to release the control, he had to rely on Tamayo.

However, Muzan was not idle in these years, because Yunqiu's powerful combat power and weirdness made Muzan more obsessed with finding the blue Higanbana.

The expansion of demons was also more crazy, looking for some powerful humans to transform.

But Komaji had been kidnapped by Yunqiu, and he said he would keep a low profile. Muzan didn't target Komaji, and the upper three Akaza disappeared completely.

But Muzan found a more powerful Upper Rank 2, named Goranami Ya, who was a female ghost and seemed to be a ninja in her lifetime.

Upper Rank 3 is Douma, and Goranami Ya defeated Douma and replaced him in the bloody battle. It seems that this Upper Rank 2 is second only to Kokushibo in terms of combat power.

The difficulty was increased by Yunqiu, and it is unknown whether Tanjiro and his team can defeat Muzan this time.

Gyoku and Hantengu, one looks... hard to describe, eyes are not eyes, mouth is not mouth, probably not very good-looking in life, Yunqiu doesn't like it.

One is purely bad, did a lot of sneaky things, and said that it was the hand that stole it, not him.

Yunqiu would not be like this, what's wrong with me doing bad things? If you have the ability, kill me! If you don't have the ability, shut up!

So, these two people, one is Upper Rank 4 and the other is Upper Rank 5, and their positions have not changed.

When the time came for the prostitute Taro and Mei to become ghosts, Yunqiu decided to move to Yoshiwara Yukaku.

Komaji and Koyuki also moved to other places, continued the Soryu Dojo, accepted many apprentices, and were responsible for the security of Baihuawu.

Moving was a big project. Yunqiu was used to many things and didn't want to throw them away. She could only find many drivers to move them away. The distance was long, which was very tiring.

Yukaku was very large, and the economy was polarized. On one side, it was extremely prosperous, with bright lights and wine, and countless courtesans competing for beauty, while on the other side, there were piles of poor people who couldn't even eat enough.

In order to make life convenient, Yunqiu bought a house in the central area. Surrounded by industries such as Kyogoku-ya that entertained guests, Yunqiu's simple and unpretentious decoration was out of place here.

After getting ready, Yun Qiu went out for a walk and found that there were three Baihuawu businesses in Youguo. He didn't expect that he, the boss, didn't know that the business was so rich.

Even entertainment venues for fun are open!

Ahem, I'll go to inspect the work tonight...

Walking and walking, gradually arrived at the border of Youguo. A not-so-wide river was like a dividing line. This side was prosperous and magnificent, and the other side was backward and ugly.

There were two or three bridges on the river. Yun Qiu walked over. People along the way looked at him with strange eyes and avoided him.

Most of those people's clothes were simple, and some were even patched. They looked pale and thin. Yun Qiu, who was dressed cleanly and white, and had a stunning appearance, suddenly appeared. No one dared to step forward for fear of offending her.

The streets were dirty, rats and flies were everywhere, weeds were overgrown, and sounds of beating and scolding were heard from time to time. It was really chaotic~

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