Yunqiu didn't care what he was thinking. This little face with a little baby fat looked very cute.

He stretched out his hand and waved it, and all the silk threads turned into ashes. Yunqiu stretched out his sinful hand and rubbed Lei's head like a cat, "Still as cute as before."

Lei originally wanted to activate the blood ghost art to resist, but found that he couldn't mobilize it no matter what. There was nothing in his body except strength.

But Lei couldn't beat Yunqiu in strength.

The reason why Lei couldn't use the blood ghost art was because Yunqiu used the blood ghost art·ban, which was used against ghosts. The ban time was different according to the strength of the opponent.

Lei stretched out his hand to stop it, but was grabbed by Yunqiu, and both hands were tightly controlled.

In an instant, Lei's pale face flushed.

"You... don't pinch my face!"

"Let go of your hand!"

Like a girl being teased, Lei turned her head away in resistance, but still couldn't escape Yunqiu's clutches.

Others lowered their heads and dared not look up, shrinking in the corner to reduce their presence.

"Lian Xue said that your illness had been cured a long time ago, why did you become a ghost?"

"I... I don't remember."

Yunqiu let go of his hand, and Lei cautiously stepped back and pulled away.

"Oh~ Muzan is so annoying, why do you always like to erase your memories."

"I'll help you recover."

Yunqiu stretched out his finger and quickly tapped Lei's forehead, launching the blood demon technique·obsession dream.

Obsession dream can allow anyone who is hit to find the obsession deep in the soul and present it in the form of a dream, which can also be regarded as a way to find memory.

Lei, who was hit, fell into a coma, and saw a piece of snow white when he opened his eyes.

I, with black hair, was only eight or nine years old. I fell in the snow and was picked up by the man just now.

Then a familiar woman appeared, and the three of them went home together.

Lei endured the headache and followed. He felt that this scene was very familiar, and the woman was also familiar, and it felt very warm...

The dream flowed very fast. Lei saw Lianxue appear at home and check him, and then he went to Baihua Hospital for treatment.

Time passed quickly, he grew up day by day, his condition gradually improved, and his family also had smiles on their faces.

Yunqiu came to see Lei once during the journey. At that time, he was already a thirteen-year-old child. He looked sunny and could help with some things at home. He also had some friends of his own.

At the age of sixteen, he was completely recovered, but at this time worth celebrating, he met Wuzan.

Wuzan was jealous of Lei's recovery, while he could only wait to die. He turned Lei into a ghost because he was unbalanced.

Lei, who lost his mind, injured his parents and ran into the mountain. He stayed in the mountain for more than ten years, eating passers-by or the demon slayers who came to die.

Until Yunqiu arrived here...

Seeing this, Lei gasped, the sealed memories in his mind kept emerging, his hands pounded on the ground, and his dream gradually collapsed.

Lei woke up with tears in his eyes, and after sitting up from the ground, he ran down the mountain. Yunqiu looked at his back and finally followed him.

At this time, the sun is about to come out. If this kid runs around, maybe only ashes will be left in a while!

Lei followed the route in his memory and came to his original home. The sound of pushing the door awakened his parents who were sleeping.

The two people at that time are now gray-haired. When Yunqiu arrived, he saw the scene of the three people hugging each other.

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