In the end, they fought and drew their swords. Suehana Ichiharu fought with him for more than 30 rounds, injured Rengoku Makijuro, and disappeared with him.

Why didn't Urokodaki Sajiro help?

Because Yunqiu put the knife on his neck! He didn't dare to move at all.

"I told you, you can't beat me."

Suehana Ichiharu made another move before leaving, and Rengoku Makijuro, who was so enthusiastic, was speechless.

"It's getting late, we'll leave after the sun goes down, don't see me off."

If you send someone else to kill me, I'll really accept it reluctantly~

Yunqiu, who had turned around and was about to go into the house, suddenly turned around again and reached out to grab the mask of Urokodaki Sakonji.

Before he could react, he took off the mask, "What are you doing——"

Before Urokodaki Sakonji could finish his words, Yunqiu put the mask back on, "Uncle, wear the mask and protect yourself when you go out."

Er face was confused...

In the end, Urokodaki Sakonji just sighed.

He was lucky to be alive. This time, he made a mistake in judgment and almost caused the Demon Slayer Corps to lose three pillars. Once it happened, the demons would become rampant in a short time and many people would die.

Now there is a gap between the old and the new, and Fan Du Ze Ping is also forcing the duck to the shelf. Now he has been taken away by Suehana Ikharu. It seems that he wants to accept a disciple, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Urokodaki Sakonji didn't plan to waste any more time. He took the injured Makijuro back to the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters and planned to report the matter to the lord.

"You like his face very much?"

The voice of Kokushibo came from the side, and Yunqiu shook his head hurriedly, "curiosity, pure curiosity, I only like you, look at his gray hair, he is almost an old man, how can I like him."

"But I am much older than him..."

Ah? Why didn't I find that your logic is so clear before? You are jealous and your ability to make trouble is rising?

"You are steady and reliable, unlike him. I like you who are handsome, gentle and considerate."

Men~ really need to be coaxed like children.

These few compliments made the atmosphere less gloomy, and holding hands, the temper disappeared immediately.

After dark, the two continued on their way and encountered a small town where a temple fair was being held. The street market was very lively, and Yunqiu and Kokushibo also stayed here for a day.

The temple fair lasts for three days, and today is only the first day. In the second half, many stalls have been closed. I found a hotel and planned to go shopping tomorrow.

As soon as I lay down after taking a shower, a bomb came from the sky.

With a bang, the roof collapsed directly.

When I came out, I saw a white-haired child not far away acting as a cabbage pitcher. The fruit bomb made by the blood demon art was thrown over and exploded immediately when it touched.

Yun Qiu, who has a bad temper, rushed up and grabbed her horn hard. When Ling Yuzi reacted, there was only one ghost horn left.

With such terrifying power and speed, Ling Yuzi was originally timid and cowardly. After being frightened by this, he controlled the vines and wanted to escape.

I washed myself clean, but before I had time to kiss her, the atmosphere was destroyed by this little guy. If you don’t get a good beating, others will say that I didn’t treat you well!

Yunqiu held her other horn with one hand, and then poked her face with the other broken horn, "You are not sleeping in the middle of the night, setting off fireworks here, where are your parents!"

Ling Yuzi's two big eyes were full of tears, and her speech was intermittent, "I... woooo... don't kill me... I know I was wrong... woooo..."

"You cry so beautifully, try crying again╰_╯"

Even though she was young, she could see that this was a warning. Ling Yuzi immediately closed her mouth and began to cry silently.

"Kill her."

Ling Yuzi had already seen herself standing with Yunqiu, and Muzan could check her memory at any time. Kokushibo thought it was better to deal with it quickly.

Hearing this, Ling Yuzi trembled even more. She saw the words in Kokushibo's eyes from the corner of her eye, and her heart was immediately dead.

Since she was going to die anyway, Ling Yuzi howled at the top of her lungs, "Wuwuwu! Let me go! I don't want to die, help me!"

"What did you do to me! Why can't I use the blood demon technique! Is there anyone? Where is the Demon Slayer Corps? There are the Twelve Demon Moons here!"

Look, she is so scared that she asks the enemy for help...

"Keep her alive first. I did something. Muzan now thinks she is dead. Look, the words in her eyes have begun to disappear."

"Why do you always want to raise a child..."

She and Yuichiro, Koyuki, Komaji, Inkawa and Xiaomei, Rui, the brothers Tokito, the wild boar, Xuanya...

Now there is this... white-haired little demon...

"Don't know? I just think they are cute." Yun Qiu said while pinching Ling Yuzi's face. Ling Yuzi's eyes were red and she didn't dare to speak.

Kokushibo raised his hand and placed it on Yunqiu's head, imitating her touch on other children's heads, rubbing it, "You are also very cute."

Ling Yuzi: Can the big guys put me down before talking? >_<¦¦¦

In this way, Ling Yuzi became Yunqiu's new tool, and he would rub it from time to time. He was a very obedient little cutie, nice

Muzan's subordinates -1

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