Fuzukawa Shimi watched her move, and black lines appeared on his head, indicating that he did not understand at all. He stepped on the head of the white-clothed ghost directly.

"Don't waste time, go and save people!"

Yun Qiu stood up... and still had to look up at Fuzukawa Shimi...

"I'll go kill the ghosts, you let them out."

Shimi thought she looked down on him, and roared: "I'm also very strong! What do you mean by this!"

Yun Qiu was puzzled, Yun Qiu scratched his head, "Then you go to kill the ghosts? I'll guard them?"

Hearing her say this, Shimi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he had misunderstood. In terms of speed, Yun Qiu, as a pillar, was indeed faster in killing ghosts and could avoid more injuries.

"You go, I'll protect these people."

Yun Qiu nodded, and followed the breath to start slaughtering those low-level ghosts who didn't have time to escape. Most of them were cannon fodder attracted by blood.

Fushigawa Shiya quickly cut off the ropes on the villagers. There were also some ghosts who wanted to sneak attack and get a share of the spoils, but he killed them easily.

When Yunqiu came back, the villagers were still unconscious. No matter how Shiya shouted, even punched him, his face was swollen and he didn't respond.

The transparent world opened, and Yunqiu found that there was a drop of blood in the center of the head of these villagers. The activity was not high. This should be the reason why the villagers fell into a deep sleep.

It's blood demon art, parasitic blood demon art.

It seems that this Yamanako is really unique, but I don't know what the blood is used for, control? Parasitism? Regularly absorb nutrients? Or simply locate?

There are more than a hundred people here, all of them are lives, and Yunqiu can't just stand by and watch them die. He controlled the growth of his thumb nail, quietly cut open his palm, and threw the blood into the crowd where Shiya couldn't see.

Blood demon art·absolute rule!

The strong demon blood exploded into a blood mist. Shimi didn't understand the situation and could only jump away in three or two steps, watching vigilantly from a distance.

"Pay attention to your surroundings, I'll go take a look."

Yunqiu went in after saying that. Shimi had no time to stop him. He was so angry that he was helpless and furious: "At least take a look at the situation! Why are there people more reckless than me!"

After entering the blood mist, Yunqiu extracted the drop of blood in everyone's brain with the help of the blood demon art and put it in a glass bottle.

Sample +1

Take it back and test it for Hanako. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win every battle.

In order not to arouse Shimi's suspicion, Yunqiu staged a fight between myself and himself٩(◦`꒳´◦)۶

He released a few one-types, then the four-types were flashing with lightning, and then he used the blood demon art of Lingyuzi, the explosion fruit, to explain what explosion is art.

Perfect endingෆ( ˶'ᵕ'˶)ෆ

Holding the Sun Wheel Sword in one hand, Yun Qiu walked out of the fire and red mist, full of force.

The members of the Hidden Department outside had already started cleaning, and when they saw Yun Qiu, they immediately surrounded him, "Has Master Yuezhu been dealt with? Is he injured?"

"It has been cleared, I'm fine, and the villagers are all fine too."

After briefly instructing them, Yun Qiu prepared to go back to the Butterfly House to continue resting.

Seeing Yun Qiu sleeping lazily on the bamboo bed, Kanzaki Aoi sighed helplessly.

Yun Qiu bought this bamboo bed and moved it here by himself, so that he could lie comfortably and comfortably in the sun after completing the mission.

The three little ones in the Butterfly House immediately moved a small table, and placed drinks and desserts on the table, which was Yun Qiu's standard for sunbathing.

"Xiao Kui, did you send a person with a white hedgehog head here? I remember he was seriously injured."

At that time, Fuzugawa looked fine, and his wounds were not deep, but in fact, he had two broken ribs and some ruptured internal organs. It was obvious that he was holding on.

Xiao Kui hugged the bed sheet and pondered for a while, "Are you talking about Mr. Fuzugawa?"

"Yes, that's him!"

"He ran away before his wounds healed. It's like this every time. He came with injuries all over his body, and left after two or three days. He was not fully recovered when he left."

"From the first time I saw him to now, it seems that he has a lot more scars on his body."

It's you, grumpy brother.

Kanae walked in from the door, greeted Yunqiu with a smile after seeing her, and took off the Nichirin Sword and put it aside, "The meeting will start in the evening, Yunqiu, don't you want to go have dinner first?"

After wriggling like a caterpillar for a while, Yunqiu lazily said: "No, I'll just lie down and sleep for a while."

"Then don't oversleep this time, there's a new member coming."

New member? Fuzugawa Miya?

Fuzuka CP meets for the first time? !

Then I have to find the best viewing position!

Yunqiu went to the headquarters with great interest, and even the lordFeeling her good mood, "It seems that Yunqiu is looking forward to the new member~"

The faint lights came on, and the members arrived one after another. The Rock Pillar meditated quietly, and the Sound Pillar admired his own appearance with the blade.

Yunqiu felt something was wrong. Wasn't the scene of the Immortal Flower meeting in the daytime?

There were footsteps in the dark night. Yunqiu poked his head out to see. A boy with a disaster-removing mask on his waist and wearing a half-color spliced ​​feather knitting walked out of the darkness.

Yunqiu wanted to say something, but felt that his throat was strangled.

Yiyong, I don't hate you, but you came out when I was waiting to see the CP, and my expectations were directly dashed!

"This is Tomioka Giyuu, the disciple of the former Water Pillar, Urokodaki Sakonji, and now he is the Water Pillar."

"Congratulations to Giyuu for becoming the Water Pillar. We will have another partner in the future."

Kanae was the first to speak, and the others followed to congratulate. Giyuu touched the mask on his waist, his face gloomy, "This is not worth congratulating."

Rock Pillar, Sound Pillar, Flower Pillar and Yunqiu:? !

The lord saw that Giyuu was misunderstood and explained for him: "Giyuu is not good at expressing himself and is easily misunderstood. His senior brother was taken away during the trial. What Giyuu wanted to express was probably that the Water Pillar originally belonged to Santo, right?"

Giyuu didn't say anything, just nodded.

Yunqiu just wanted to say: Others have mouths but don't speak, but you have a mouth and talk nonsense!

Ubuyashiki Yoya felt Giyuu's inferiority and regret, and felt sorry for Giyuu who had lost everything, so he spoke to comfort him.

"Yiyong, your strength is enough to prove that you can become a pillar. Santu will be pleased with your efforts. There are still five years, there will be a way."

"I will defeat her, absolutely!"

Yiyong's tone was firm, holding Santu's mask of disaster relief in his hand, and his determination to win made Yunqiu wipe the sweat for Xiaomei.

Xiaomei, remember to bring your brother with you, I think Yiyong is ready to fight to the death!

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