As if sensing something, Zenitsu opened his eyes and saw the scene of Tanjiro and the demon confronting each other.

"Ah! Help!"

The "weak" Zenitsu immediately huddled in a corner with the boy. The two trembled and hugged each other, praying tremblingly that the demon would not come close.

Zenitsu solved a demon, which greatly reduced Tanjiro's pressure, and now he could concentrate on dealing with Xiangkai.

As the drums continued to sound, the room was like a box, constantly turning around.

Turn left...

Flip forward...

Turn right!

Found the pattern!

Depending on the position of the wind, the direction of the reversal is different. Tanjiro stepped on the wall and kept approaching, and he could already cope with the change in the direction of gravity.

Seeing that the distance was getting shorter and shorter, Xiangkai was a little panicked and began to run towards Zenitsu, wanting to eat the thin-blooded child in his arms and strengthen his own strength.

"Zenitsu! Hit the drum!"

Tanjiro rushed forward with his knife in hand, shouting at Zenitsu. After hearing this, Zenitsu slapped the drum without hesitation. A dull and loud sound was heard, and the space flipped backwards.

Xiang Kai was not careful for a moment, lost his balance and fell backwards. Tanjiro bent his legs to accumulate strength, and stepped on the wall with his feet, making a pit, and sawdust flew.

"Second Form: Waterwheel."

The blue knife light flashed, and Xiang Kai looked at the ground dully, where his manuscripts were scattered, those things that the editor considered to be garbage, but the little devil hid and didn't step on them.

With a glimmer in his eyes, Xiang Kai looked at Tanjiro and asked with a little hope: "Is there anything good about my blood demon art?"

Tanjiro pressed down his knife hand, straightened his back, and looked sincere, "Your blood demon art is very powerful, it is indeed very troublesome."

After getting the affirmation, Xiang Kai closed his eyes and turned into ashes and drifted away bit by bit.

On the other side, Inosuke stepped on the demon's chest with one foot, and the sawtooth-like Nichirin Sword neatly cut off the demon's head, and used the Nichirin Sword to fork the severed head and lift it up.

"My strength is still so strong!"

The battle was over, and without the disturbance of blood demon arts, he quickly walked out of the maze-like house.

After Inosuke jumped out of the door, he suddenly smelled an unusual smell in the air, and rushed to the bushes with doubts, but saw two children hiding there around a box.

"Hey! You little devils, hand over the box!"

Without waiting for them to move, Inosuke rushed over with a knife, and the two children could only dodge by dragging the box.

Seeing that the knife was about to chop up, Tanjiro arrived in time, raised the scabbard with both hands, and half-crouched to withstand the chopping.

"My sister is in here, she won't hurt anyone!"

The pig head mask moved, and Tanjiro actually understood the expression on it, from doubt to thinking and then to playing badly.

Inosuke raised his knife again, and Tanjiro had no choice but to defend himself with his knife, "Zenitsu! Please take you to a safe place!"

Zenitsu jumped up to two meters high, then ran away with the box in his arms, his eyes shining, "Don't worry, I will take good care of you!"

Yunqiu squatted on the tree, looking at the two people below, you cut a knife, I kicked a kick, fighting back and forth, evenly matched, until Inosuke was pressed under the tree where Tanjiro was.

The pig nose didn't know what was going on, sniffed the air twice, then suddenly raised its head and met Yunqiu's eyes.


So strange, there is a different feeling...

The breath and energy field are so special

Perhaps because Inosuke watched for too long, Tanjiro didn't feel his struggle, raised his head in confusion, and saw Yunqiu waving at them with a smile.

Ten minutes later...

"It seems that everyone has made great progress. So many evil spirits have been dealt with."

"But don't get too excited when fighting among team members~"

"You two have broken bones, right?"

Tanjiro touched his ribs and it really hurt.

Inosuke snorted in dissatisfaction, pointed at Yunqiu and challenged him in a provocative tone, "Even if you have broken bones, I can still fight you! Let's compete in strength!"

Zenitsu waved his hand to signal Inosuke not to be impulsive, and whispered to Zhuzhu's ear to remind him, "My senior sister is a pillar, I will definitely not be able to beat her!"

Inosuke shouted angrily at Zenitsu, "Even if she is a pillar! I will not back down!"


The two began to arm wrestle in the air, and Zenitsu acted as the referee, "Ready... Start!"

The strong muscles contracted instantly, and Inosuke half-squatted and took a horse stance, clenched his teeth and adjusted his breathing, but he couldn't shake at all.

On the other hand, Yunqiu looked calm, as if she was not exerting any effort, and she even managed to spare some energy to chat with Tanjiro.


Inosuke roared and gave himself a buff, and the next secondIt did a 361° spin in the air, and then fell flat on the ground.

"Oops~ I used too much force~"

Zenitsu immediately had starry eyes, and then gave a thumbs up with both hands.

"Okay, I have a mission, so I'll leave first. You guys go to Wisteria House for treatment first."

"There will be a big mission waiting for you then~"

"Big! Mission! Senior Sister! Will it be dangerous? I'm still a rookie now, can I start with a small mission first?!"

Zenitsu screamed and hugged Yunqiu's thigh, tears falling as soon as he said it.

"It's not clear what's in that Tianzhu Mountain, just wait for the crow to give you news."

"Come on, Zenitsu~"

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