"Yo, Weiya.

Yoka stretched out his hand, smiling at her and greeting.

Wei Ya had just sat up from the solution tank, and her whole body was wet.

Because she was basically not injured, she was in a coma caused by excessive consumption of her ability at one time, and after recovering her strength in the solution tank, she easily woke up.

"Yumi?" Wei

Ya looked at Yoka, and with a familiar feeling, she instantly recognized it.

After all, Yu Ka can't hide it now, it's the appearance of Yumi himself.

"I can only say that your intuition is really accurate, and I won't hide anything from you now. "

Where am I?" Wei

Ya touched her body, which was already cold from being soaked in water, and looked around.

Whether it is the placement of the equipment or the atmosphere of the whole room, it is very familiar, and in the past, injuries often came to this place to treat wounds.

"So we're back?" Wei

Ya touched her head, her memory still a little confused.

Yoka replied, "Yes, just returned." Wei

Ya remembered the last picture of her fainting, suddenly stood up from the solution tank, and skillfully walked to the front of another solution tank, only to see Suzuya lying inside.

"Great, it worked.

After relaxing, Wei Ya slid to the ground along the wall of the solution tank of Ling Ye, and the whole person became soft.

At this time, Wei Ya turned her head and saw the person standing behind her.

Della and Via suddenly looked at each other.

"Hana... Princess?"


Ya was speechless.

It seems that Della does not know yet.

"I just look like your princess, but the real princess is already in the kingdom of Flor.

"I see. "


While they were talking, Yoka was nowhere to be seen, and when he returned, he had a few extra pieces of clothing on his hands.

A set of women's clothes was thrown to Wei Ya and asked her to go to another room to change into, after all, it was uncomfortable to be wet.

The other set is for the bell night that is about to come out.

Wei Ya changed her clothes and walked in from outside the door, and then asked, "Anyway, you went to get the clothes so quickly, I remember that it was quite far from here." He

reached for the collar at the back of his head.

Yu Ka vacated on the spot, about a few centimeters above the ground, and said proudly: "Because you can use your ability." The

two of them were dumbfounded.

I didn't expect the ability to travel back and have an effect.

"I just found out.

Yu Ka said, trying to fly higher, but it seemed that a few meters was already the limit.

"Unlike the world of pirates, when it comes to reality, the ability will be limited to a certain extent, and the specific feeling is one-tenth, but the ability of some distance systems is more limited.

Della and Via listened as they began to try their abilities.

"Enchantment Rules!"

"People within range get a faster healing rate." "

Enhanced cell viability. "

The rate of cell division is enhanced. "


Della hurriedly put an enchantment around Suzuya and operated it in one fell swoop.

Yu Ka and Wei Ya came over and exclaimed, "There is still this kind of operation!" The

enchantment ability also took effect as usual, and the wound on Suzuya's body recovered faster than just now.

After another while.

Suzuya, who was soaked in water, suddenly opened her eyes underwater.


he jerked up his upper body, and the solution exploded and scattered all over the ground.


the staff were shocked by Suzuya's actions, which were somewhat familiar, like the previous state of blackening Suzuya.

"Those with Devil Fruit abilities within the range are not allowed to enter or leave.

Drama took a step back and added new rules.

Because of the somewhat weakened ability, Della did not directly add perverted rules such as "no entry and exit of living beings".

The larger the scope of the rule, the more power is consumed, so much so that when Drashi and Ling Feng fought before, there was also a reason why Della became vulnerable after the enchantment rules were added and cracked.

And, even if the rules were not extensive, Della was not confident that they would be useful.

The guy next to him picked up the medical machine in his hand, and "Thousand Arrows!"

turned into several times in the air, ready to go.

"Tsk, it can only be ten times bigger. That's a tenth. "

The limits of number and distance depend on the situation.

But, are you really going to start fighting here?"

"What are you doing, why are you so nervous?" everyone

lowered their weapons when they heard the voice, and it seemed that he had successfully suppressed his blackened consciousness.

"Isn't this Yumi?"

Bell Night recognized at a glance.

"And Wei Ya—"

and then looked away.

"Huh, Enchantmenter?"

until he saw Della, and the question arose.

Yoka answered, and began to explain.

"That's right, I'm Yumi, Wei Ya was right before.


you're a guy?" "Yes, you still call me that, you're used to it anyway." "

Well, got it. "


Bell night listened to Yu Ka's explanation,While continuing to look around,Slowly understand the development of things after his blackening,And Ling Feng They were shot away by themselves.,And then he was brought to the Mistry School Park by Yu Ka.。

"Then there must be a reason why you brought us back.

Suzuya's expression became serious, remembering all the strange actions of Yoka before, and now he wanted the truth.

"No, put this on, come with me, I'll tell you slowly on the way.

Yu Ka threw his clothes over, Suzuya got up, dried himself and changed into it, and followed Yu Ka with him.

Yoka led them to the depths of the medical facility, a dark room, and when they entered the innermost part, Yoga flew up and swirled the chandelier attached to the ceiling.


the room began to move, and then a horizontal gap appeared on the floor.

"I didn't expect there to be such a mechanism here.

Suzuya leaned over to look.

Wei Ya has never seen this mechanism before, "I've been here so many times, I really don't know."

Yoka stopped in front of the mechanism and turned to Suzuya, "I can't go through the next step, I need your ability."

Suzuya listened for a second and understood, stretched out his hand and pointed down, and the aura gathered and expanded around.




The four figures disappeared and came to the opposite side of the gap in the mechanism, that is, under the room, one basement.

"Whew!" Bell

Night's fingertips are lit up, and the sparkling fruit ability acts as a light, which is especially useful.

As you look at the light, there are layers of bottomless stairs inside.

The four of them began to walk down.

Yoga also began to speak.

"Captain, do you remember the first time the bell rang.

"Well, probably.

"You and Xiaote should be the only ones who have heard the bell, because everyone else was crossed the moment the bell rang. "

Then you..."

"I'm special, including you and Xiaote, and I have also delayed the time of crossing because of all kinds of strange specialities. "

What do you say?"

"You are because of the two consciousnesses in your body, the first wave of bells rang, and your blackened consciousness was sent over first, and Xiaote is an animal, and his resistance in this regard is higher than that of a human. "

And what are you for?"

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