"Nani !!!!!"

The Hinawa knife in Yui's hand slashed into his neck, and the blade instantly sank into his neck.

"Mud Pagoda Horse !!!!"

The demon tried to pull his arm out of Kyojuro's abdomen in Purgatory, but found that his arm was tightly stuck inside.

"Nani !!!!!!!

" "Kyojuro, Mud Tama !!!"

The blood that kept flowing from Kyojuro's body made it difficult for him to say a word, but he still increased the strength in his hand.

The breath of fire

—the breath of water—

one red and one blue, two Nichiren knives, each slashing at his neck from different directions.

"Don't underestimate me!!!! I'm

the third of the upper strings!!" The third of the upper strings broke his arm directly.

New palms quickly grew on top of the severed arms. And tightly grasped the Nichiren knife.


", "Ah!!!!!!!!!!", "Ah!!!!!!!!!!"

The two of them fell into this pure power confrontation.

Red, blue, and black, the three breaths are accompanied by a confrontation, colliding wantonly on the battlefield.

Breath of Fire: Type One

: Breath of Water (Dance) Breath of Water: Type of Pick-up: Water Cutting Head

(↑ for jokes)

The Wheel Knife gradually cuts off the palm of the hand and moves towards the center of the neck.

The strong shouts of "Nani !!!!!!

" and "Impossible (#゚Д゚) !!! ko no upper winding three da!!!!!ko no upper winding three da!!!!!"

did not bring any change, and the fiery red Nichiren knife and the azure Rilun knife bit together tightly, announcing that the ghost head of the third wind had landed.

The body of the third of the upper chord gradually turned into ashes as the head landed.

Yui and Kyojuro and Kamitsu No. 3, the battle is over.

On the other side, the rock pillar was wound and beaten.

"You're really good, most of the columns I've seen are strong. If it were the other pillars, I guess they would have been killed by me. You've made it this far. "

You T M,"

Rock Breath Type II Celestial Shatter

threw the meteor hammer up, and stepped on the iron chain with a fierce kick, causing the meteor hammer to fall from the sky and hit the door directly, the range was not large, but the power was very strong, and it could be seen from the rock pillar stomping on the ground that it was difficult to block, so the second of the upper chord could only be avoided backwards.

Breath of the Rock Type Five The Rock Pillar of the Walun Punishment Department

leaps high and attacks from the air alternately using the hand axe and the meteor hammer, and the continuous attacks make the enemy have no respite and condescendingly want to take the initiative.

"Don't kick your nose in the face!! "

Rashomon - the jaws

of the prison gate are the jagged teeth that turn Rashomon into something that can devour things. The "prison door jaw" is the form of the "jaw" after the re-change, and it is more powerful than the "jaw", and it is believed that its "bite force" or "devouring power" must be on a higher level. After all, at this time, the "prison door jaw" has changed from the original "flat 2D" to "3D stereotype", which is really as sharp as teeth.

The jaw of the prison door broke through, and the attack of the meteor hammer rushed straight towards the rock pillar.

"Oh no!!!!!"

Thunder Breath One Type: A thunderbolt flashed

like thunder, and a yellow lightning bolt blasted towards the black sawtooth, as if no one could stop it, and easily cut off the black sawtooth.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the rock pillar also attacked.

Breath of the Rock Type Four Rhyolite

A quick frontal attack, he quickly swung the meteor hammer and hand axe with the iron chain, and crushed towards the upper two like a mountain.

The sudden change didn't make Shang Xian Two, panic, he just smiled and said

, "Your next sentence is that your blood ghost technique is only suitable for long-range attacks, and once you get close, you will definitely die."

"Your blood demon skills are only suitable for ranged attacks, and if you get close, you will surely die.


Rashomon - the second of the Heavenly Demon Entanglement Armor

winds the black cloth around his body, like an armor, but after all, the inside is still back to the body, so the fragile body inside is difficult to accept. But after all, it is a ghost of the wind, and with that kind of extremely strong regenerative ability, it is not difficult to support it for a long time.

"Wood big wood big wood big wood big wood big wood big wood. Mu Da !!! "

After the Heavenly Demon wrapped the armor, the strength and speed of the upper string two doubled. The rock pillar, which originally relied on strength to win, was now defeated in the competition of strength.

The second of the last quarter hammered the flying meteor hammer with a fist, and kicked away the broad axe. The fist, which was incredibly fast in power and speed, landed on the body of the rock pillar.

"Oh no!!!! if this continues, the pillar will die. "

Thunder Breath Type 1: Thunderbolt Flash Thunder

Breath Type 2: Rice Soul

instantly slashes out five consecutive blows with a breath, and the specific thunder and lightning shape is similar to a horse's hoof stepping on the body of Upper String 2.

Immediately, a thunderous attack rained down on her.

Thunder Breath 3 Type: Gathering mosquitoes into

thunder, gathering the ripples of thunder and lightning to slash the upper chord 2 in different directions in all directions.

"Get out of the way!!!!!

the second of the winding has a right whip leg, and directly kicked the Ming Zhu out.

"Wash me (die!) and die!

ヽ('⌒ ́メ)ノ. Ghost hunters. Watch me dig out your brains with one blow. The

hands of the second of the winds turned into claws, and at the speed of the wind, they dug towards the head of the rock pillar.

"I'm sorry, kid π_π. "

When the claws of the second of the first chord were about to grab the head of the rock pillar. A black Hinawa knife passed through his chest.

The breath of the sun—the type of 14—the Flame Sun rhythmized

the Sun Wheel Knife, and when it went to the depths, it exuded a powerful force. Even the second part of the upper string did not hold up and began to gradually collapse.

"Saiyunara (goodbye), my daughter. Get a good night's sleep. (个_个)

Looking back, he saw that the man had black hair, red at the edges, a high ponytail, and red irises on his eyes. Dressed in red, Haori is dressed in yellow. There was a look on her face that she had never seen before.

The man took her gradually dissipating body in his arms, and looked at her with tears and a wonderful expression. It was an expression he had never seen on Onimai Tsuji's face. For some reason, a wave of sadness welled up in her heart.

Maybe it's because of the pressure of the blood, the call of the blood to each other. At the moment when she was about to dissipate, she still shouted out the words, the words she should have shouted.

"Dou-san (father). And

the invincible swordsman could no longer suppress the sadness in his heart and cried.

In the distance

, there was only one arm left, the water pillar, who also hugged his beloved Yan Zhu and cried.

"Don't cry Yui, you're seriously injured. If you keep crying, the wound will crack open. If you also die, we will lose the battle with this ghost... Before the

words fell

, the fiery man was already dying. There was no longer the strength to support his muscular body, nor the strength to open his heavy eyes.


Suddenly, a pair of warm little hands were placed on her shoulders.

"Yui-san, we have lost, although it is as precious as the whole world. But it is because of them that we survive.

"Young Master ?!!!

" "Xingjulang is a very remarkable person, his consciousness is more brilliant than the rising sun, illuminating this glorious path, and this road is the right path we should embark on. "

Yes, young master. It is precisely because of his presence that illuminates the direction of our progress that I have no fear at this moment, and my heart is as determined as a flame. "

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