"Naruto, teleport us to the Ten Thousand Worlds Blissful Sect.

Yuwoza said to Naruto, who nodded, slowly closed her eyes, and played the lute, her voice was very distant.

(The other windings are long gone)


"Oh, rare, how come you have time to come to me? Tong

Mo showed a harmless smile, with colorful eyes, and a white oak-like hair color that made Wu Chen a little confused.

Qiwuza sat down directly, his eyes full of desire to fight, and his voice mixed with a trace of anger.

"Nothing, I'm looking for you.

"Oh, haha, that's interesting. Tong Mo was also careless and said with a smile.

Tong Mo's weapon is also quite powerful, [Golden iron fan, the fan is engraved with lotus patterns. ] The edge of the fan is as sharp as a blade, and when swinged, ice crystals with Tong Mo Vampire Poison will be scattered]

[It seems that this battle is the key to my own strength, and let's see how powerful Tong Mo is!]

"Okay, wait for me to find a place." It just so happens that my muscles have not been active for a long time. Ha ha. "

Tong Mo first let the believers on the side leave, so as not to get in the way here.

"Let's go!" Tong Mo moved quickly, and Wu Chen could barely see the shadow clearly.

"Go. The

Qiwo seat put his hand on Wu Chen's shoulder, and in a few breaths, the scene in front of him changed.

"Host, you have a new task, do you want to check it?" There

was an envelope on the first-level interface, and Wu Xinxin opened it directly.

"Mission Release: Please rush to Mt. Sayki by 8 a.m. tomorrow morning to get the approval of Taki Zuoji and participate in the Ghost Killing Team Selection. "

Hint: There are only 4 hours left until 8 a.m. tomorrow. There are still 3 hours until dawn, please hurry up.

"Okay, no problem. Wu Chen replied in his heart, his eyes flashing with golden light, and the numbers showed the upper string.

The Hyptic Nest also directly shows its own number winding.

"Haha, come on!" the

colorful eyes reflected the string of Tong Mo, took out his trademark harmless smile, and nodded to Wu Chen.

Destruction Kill, Foot, Flying Star Senwa

Nest is the first to strike, carrying out continuous kicks that entangle the turbulent current, the trajectory is confusing, like a wandering meteor, and the power is huge.

"Oh, a little excited!"

Tong Mo said provocatively to the third brother.

The iron fan in his hand flew out, extremely fast, like a twinkling meteor.

"Blood Ghost Art: Phantom Thousand Kills"

quickly attacks the target a thousand times, causing extensive damage, and the main attack is with his hands.

"Blood Demon Technique Lotus Leaf Ice"

creates lotus-like ice by swinging the opposite fan, which can freeze the skin and tear the air in the lungs just by touching the freezing air.

[Fortunately, now I am a ghost, and this poison is ineffective against myself. ] Wu

Chen felt the poison and cold brought by the ice, only trembled slightly, and then punched out the move.

"Destruction Kill, Shattered Style, Wanye Shining Willow"

Qiuza hurriedly made another move, and the violent punch from top to bottom made the ground shatter like leaf patterns.

[Worthy of being the third brother, it is strong!]

"Blood Demon Technique, Sound Breaking"

at the cost of tearing the vocal cords, emitting a huge sound wave, and its power resisted the three consecutive blows of the breath of Shangshui.

"Haha, it's not okay to bully more and less!" Tong Mo also saw that Wu Chen and Yu Woza were together.

"Then try this trick,

Blood Demon Art Cold Flame Bai Ji"

Tong Mo created two giant ice lotuses in the form of a girl. Freezing gas is blown out of Bai Ji's mouth to attack widely, which can instantly freeze the splash stirred up on the surface of the lake, which is very cold.

Wu Chen didn't pay attention and became an ice sculpture.

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