"Say, where have you been?"

Wu Miserable was very concise, and the vast and boundless pressure condensed into a physical object to hit Wu Chen.

[Oops, it's not miserable, it's so strong. ] "

Lord Qiyu Wuxi, I went to find the cyan flower, and it is my duty to share the problems for the adults.

Please forgive me for not coming to report for so long. "

Wu Chen did not take the initiative to repair the injury, and now Wu Wei must be very angry, which will inhibit my recovery ability.

Wu Miserable is really a coward, I just disappeared for almost two years!

"Oh, do you know how many things I have arranged for you, but what are you doing?"

No misery does not buy it at all, even if you look for it, can you find it?

"Lord Qi Wuxi, there are three things you arranged, and I will remember them all.

1: Eat more people, make yourself stronger, get more blood from me.

2: The people who kill the ghost squad, especially the column.

3: Look for cyan flowers.

Wu Jianqiang suppressed the cold sweat that broke out madly and narrated to Wu Miserable.

"Well, tell me, how many people did you eat?

And did you kill the people of the ghost killing team, and how many pillars did you kill?

Cyan flower, did you find it? "

Wu Miserable directly came to the speed of light three times in a row, and then Wu Chen's perception was blocked, can you trust it?

Wu Mian stretched out his fingers with long nails and poked them into Wu Chen's head.

Because Wu Chen is a ghost, this kind of injury still can't kill him.

Wu Miserable self-being is the ultimate creature, and it is definitely a matter that does not allow something that cannot be controlled by oneself to happen.

Wu Chen's earlier memories fabricated by the system were rudely absorbed by Wu Miserable, and then he pulled his clothes, as if to sort out the folds on his clothes.

"What have you been doing for the past two years? Flowers? Looking for flowers?

Wuxian reconfirmed, the blood-colored plum eyes stared coldly at Wu Chen like a poisonous snake, and spoke.

"Lord Qi Yu Wuxi, I think the cyan flower must be very rare, that's why it's like this.

Lord Misery, you are very smart and must be able to think of the reason. Wu

Chen threw out a question and threw the problem directly to Wu Miserable, since Wu Miserable claimed to be a perfect creature, how could he admit that he was not smart?

"Do you think that planting other flowers can plant cyan flowers?" That's very stupid. Wu

Mian shook his head and looked at Wu Chen like a fool.

[No misery, ah! No misery, I pack tickets, you haven't read Fool Gong Moving Mountains.

"Lord Wu Miserable, really witty, really forward-looking.

After the guidance of Lord Wu Miserable, I thought of a better way

, that is, with the help of the power of other creatures, bring the cyan flower seeds over, and once they bloom in the place where I planted the flowers..."

Wu Mi is obviously a man now, but his hair is outrageously long, even curly, and his hair seems to be dancing in the wind.

[Wait, there's no wind!] That is to say - miserable hair is self-aware!

"Master Wu Miserable, the fragrance of flowers has its own butterflies, as long as I get the flower garden ready."

Attract more creatures to come, maybe you can bring the seeds of the cyan flower.

"Oh, so who do you think is good to go?"

Wu asked coldly, darkness pervaded around him, and the immediate visual sensation of the Hong Wilderness Beast immediately came.

"Subordinates are willing to share the worries of Lord Wuxi.

Please be a miserable adult. "

Wu Chen directly took this matter on himself, after all, it is not good to show the stuffing! At that time, it will be dead.

"Okay, you come here."

Wu Zhen beckoned to Wu Chen, the corners of his mouth rose, Wu Zhen couldn't see Wu Miserable's eyes, and he didn't know what conspiracy there would be.

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