The ball was immediately ejected, but it was still like it had eyes, and it was destroyed everywhere, and there was not a single part of the roof, the lights, and the walls that were not broken.

Wu Chen heard the arrogant laughter of the ghosts outside, but he did not dare to act rashly, he wanted to protect the people inside first, the woman was still in bed!

In the large yard, the handball ghost took the ball and flipped it around happily.

The ghost wearing Buddha beads with his eyes closed on the side said bohemianly.

"Have you decided how to kill them?"

"Brutal killing, right!"

The handball ghost's arms were bruised, his eyes were golden yellow, and the ball in his hand was thrown hard, strangely.

It's like a long radar, and it will spin in circles!

Wu Chen turned around, squatted, saw the woman, and jumped, fortunately the woman was in a coma.

Hold your hands against your back and your knees for easy holding.

Wu Chen rolled his eyes, looking for a place to put the person down, and before he could rest, the double ball rushed towards the house in a visible airflow.

"Yawa Yu is right, where there is nothing, buildings appear."

Yawa Yu struck a pose that he thought was very handsome, his hand seemed to cover his delicate face, and he said sideways.

"It seems that the blood demon technique was used to cleverly hide the building.

And ~

the ghost hunter is actually with the ghost.

What's going on?

"It's a pleasure."

The handball ghost is the same as playing, shooting the ball hard, and the dust mist raised makes Yawa Yu unhappy....

[Damn it!

These two ghosts are still relatively strong, but they are on the string! But you have to clean up well, of course, you have to use the identity of a person.

Wu Chen frowned, took out the knife from the system warehouse, and skillfully changed it in the dark.

And Tanjiro and Sushi have not eased up for the time being.

[Also, I know it according to the plot, and they..."

Wu Chen was still thinking about things, and the ball flew back again, spinning at high speed, and the sound of breaking wind rose and fell one after another.

"Boom, boom."

"Water Breath · One Type Water Surface Slash"

Wu Chen calculated the timing, his eyes became sharper, and his breath began to change.

A heavy horizontal slash was launched, and the high-speed spinning ball immediately split in half.

"Hey, what's wrong with the ball?"

The handball ghost looked surprised, knowing that no ghost hunter could cut my ball before.

"Abominable, abominable!"

"Don't be careless, if you can cut your ball, your strength is definitely not weak."

The arrow ghost frowned without eyes, feeling pressure for the first time.

Wu Chen couldn't stop all the balls at once, and the wall immediately broke an oversized hole.

At a glance, the two ghosts saw Tanjiro, the ghost hunter wearing flower-like earrings.

"It's not good, get out of the way!"

Wu Chen watched the handball ghost conjure another ball, knew that he would attack, and quickly dodged.

Now I am a human being, and my body is also very fragile.

The handball ghost laughed maniacally, his eyebrows were thin and thin, just like a painting, and his pupils were long vertical lines like snakes,

which looked like children.

"Found it, found it."

[Did she destroy the house like this with a handball?] 【

Is that woman a subordinate of Oni Maitsuji?】 ]

Wu Chen stared at Tanjiro and Yushiro who hugged Zhushi tightly on the side, and for a while, you guys watched?

It seems that Wu Chen's inner words have an effect.

Yu Shilang finally moved, stood up sharply when the handball hit Zhu Shi, raised his hand to defend, and Wu Chen's eyes flickered.

What kind of teammate is this?

The handball was very close to Yu Shilang, and strangely changed direction and rushed diagonally down, but Yu Shiro did not react.

The handball couldn't help but slam into the brain.

[What a god-like opponent, a pig-like teammate. ] Wu

Chen was in a hurry, and quickly rushed up, the blade condensed with azure blue water spray, and said in his mouth.

Jump under your feet.

"Water Breath Ni no Type Water Wheel"

The beautiful arc of water flashed, and the ball broke in response.

[It is worthy of being a sword, it is strong. ]

"Why are you so stupid?"

Wu Chen scolded Yushiro fiercely, and Tanjiro was ready for battle, squatting on his feet, holding a knife in both hands, and a little cold sweat on his face.

[The smell is obviously different from the previous ghost, is she strong?]

The smell is strong and becomes heavy after entering the lungs.

"Tanjiro, don't think blindly, I'll go kill the handball ghost, you go and find out the secret ghost."

As soon as Wu Chen finished speaking, he flew away.

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