"No, I know, you..."

Tanjiro looked embarrassed, and he quickly said loudly when he saw something in the afterglow from the corner of his eye.

"Nope! No entry is allowed.

And from Tanjiro's point of view, it was the two children who came, of course, their hands were still held tightly, but cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Great... Big brother, that box made a sound.

Tanjiro looked helpless, and actually dropped my beans, feeling deeply, looking at the child with melancholy eyes, but still politely said.

"Then, then you can't leave the box behind! The box is so pathetic! That box is more important than my life! As

soon as he finished speaking, a huge collapse sound came.

My wife, Zen-yi, cocked her frightened ass and directly knocked the unsuspecting Tanjiro and the little girl into another house.

"Sorry, bumped into."

My wife Shanyi also sensed something was wrong and immediately apologized, but it was too late, and a disgusting drum sounded.

The room changed immediately, but it was far from over, the drums were heard all over the place, and the room changed a lot.

As the smell differed, Tanjiro understood that this would definitely not be the previous room, but his face was happy.

That is to say, Brother Wu is fine, but it was transferred.

The drumming finally stopped, several lights came on, flashing dimly, and the room was slightly larger than before.

[No, are we moving?] It moved with the beat of the drums. But

at this time, the most important thing is to calm the girl's emotions, you know, this is very dangerous, a little careless, will be torn in half by the ghost.

"Sorry to separate you from your brother. However, I will definitely protect you.

Tanjiro gently wiped the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes.

"My wife Shanyi will also protect your brother, it's okay." What is your name? The

girl's face was slightly red, and she was not very afraid, and replied.


"Is it? Your name is Mitsuko, what a name..."

Tanjiro was about to speak, but was interrupted by a disgusting smell, and a tall, bare foot stepped on the floor.

The strange thing is that the oni has a lot of drums on him, just like the one that grows up, and his eyes do not look at Tanjiro and his group, and Tanjiro quickly covers Mitsuko's mouth.

[Of the several smells, this smell penetrated the house, the strongest.] Did he eat quite a few people? 】


"System, quickly give me out, how long has this been running, why haven't you been there?"

Wu Chen was in a ghost state, and his physical strength had been sufficient, but he still did not fall.

"Host, don't you know, this distance is a little close is a straight-line distance? And how do you walk in a straight line? It's all about a long detour. Wu

Chen jumped on a tree, and then violently exerted force, and the big tree held by several people was broken out of a few pieces, ejected and started, and the distance of thousands of meters arrived in the blink of an eye.

[Still not enough, why is this map so whole?]

"System, you say, how long will it take?"

"Note: Calculations in progress, please wait."

"Drip. Another 20 minutes. Please come on to the host. "

System. Listen to me, I thank you for having you..."

[He is the owner of this room.] The

entire eye of the drum ghost is red, there is no other color, and the ears are similar to the ears of the elf king.

The other side.

"It's going to die. Will die. "

My wife Zengyi knows that she has run into a big disaster, now that it's okay, Tanjiro is gone, what should I do if I encounter a ghost?

The boy, however, was unusually brave, risking being discovered by a ghost, and shouted loudly.

"Photon, photon."

Shanyi's two hands immediately grabbed the child's shoulders and said in an almost pleading voice.

"No, no, no, you can't shout so loudly.

If it's too loud to be heard by the bad guys, it's bad.

Let's get out!

"Why go out?"

The child was puzzled, and the words he said afterwards completely washed away my wife's good self-esteem.

"Do you want to run away alone?

It's been said that it will die and die.

Aren't you ashamed? "


" "Still hiding behind children younger than yourself, don't you feel ashamed?"

"What the hell is the knife on your waist for?"

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