"To make me stronger, to make me climb higher.

Be my stepping stone! "

If this middle two is slightly domineering, it is a fierce medicine for gas ghosts!

"I'm angry, I'm mad."

The drum ghost is full of anger, and his breath is getting stronger and stronger, and the mouth is flat Inosuke can not care about these, one word - on.

"I'm going to get on, the pig is on the leap."


"Congratulations to the host, arrive at the destination, this navigation is over."

Wu Chen is not tired at all, he has a strong physique of a ghost, and he is afraid of the long way?

"Well, what's going on? The box is here, what about the others? Didn't I say, don't go in? Alas, forget it, the three of them fought anyway.

"System, change back to human."

Wu Chen pressed the OK button, moved his muscles, and walked over slowly, wanting to see the box, and when he got closer, the child he had saved before was still here.

The child's face was frightened, his eyes were closed, and he was worried about the box, maybe his body was too prostrate to run, but fortunately it was here.

Wu Chen thought it was funny, please, there is a super beauty inside, and her appearance is so high that many women are difficult to reach with beauty, what are you afraid of?


Wu Chen said hello, but the child remembered clearly, leaned out his head, and bitter tears oozed from his red eyes.

"Benefactor, they... They all went in. I...... I...... This box is moving. "

The child was terrified, his pupils were wrinkled, and people saw pity.

Wu Chen flashed in a flash, squatting very calmly, his tone was slow, full of comforting tenderness.

"It's okay, by the way, in this box, but to your benefactor, something very important to me, that I can give my life to protect."

"Don't worry! She's good! It's okay. You say they went in?

"Really? The contents of this box are important to the benefactor!

"Right. What happened to your injuries? The

child gradually stood up, and there was nothing left except the blood stains on his clothes.

"Much better, thank you benefactor, by the way, benefactor tell me your name!"

Wu Chen listened to it, and there was a lot of movement in the drum house, it seemed that he had to enter for the second time!

"My name is Wu Chen, you stay here first, help me watch this box, and don't let others destroy it."

Do you understand?

"Got it! Brother Wu Chen, I will definitely protect it with my life.

"Remember, life is only once, I don't need your life guarantee, but it's good to have this heart."

Wu Chen waved his hand, leaving a handsome back, and then disappeared in the white fog.

The child's eyes were firm, and he looked like he was dying.

"Since you are the one that Brother Wu Chen wants to protect with his life, then I will also protect you..."

Inosuke pulled out his sword, his body was unexpectedly tucked together, his back was bowed, and the two knives flowed - Inosuke, even so, the drum ghost ignored it.

"Bugs running around in the little student's house."

When the drums sounded, the room immediately changed, and Inosuke's attack was directly interrupted.

After a tumble, Inosuke just stepped on Mitsuko, and like a nobody, he laughed and said unruly.

"The room is spinning, interesting, really interesting."

Tanjiro saw that Inosuke didn't mean to put down his foot at all, and he didn't have time to speak, and rushed over.

A strong and powerful hand held Inosuke's foot on Mitsuko's body, and then threw it violently, and Inosuke was thrown out and fell steadily.

"Don't trample people underfoot!"

"What do you mean?"

Inosuke asked angrily, but Tanjiro was a compromiser, right was right, wrong was wrong.

"What do you want to do? Actually stepped on the body of such a child.

Tanjiro picked up Mitsuko, stroked Mitsuko's head with his hand, and replied.

"Hahaha, not bad, it's the first time I've been thrown by a human."

After that, the blade actually launched an attack on Tanjiro, and hit a blue arc of light at an extremely fast speed.

[Why attack me?] Isn't he from the Ghost Slayer?

Inosuke maintained a slashing posture and said without remorse, the boar's head covered with two large turquoise blue eyes that shone visibly aggressively.

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