"Aoi Lai is the same, there is no point!"

Inosuke's violent temper immediately broke out and he punched out.


" "Well, Wu Chen, why are you stopping me?"

Inosuke said puzzled and withdrew his hand. Just now, it was clear that he was about to hit, and Wu Chen directly stopped it.

"Oh! If there is no meaning, then create meaning, dignity is your own struggle, not given by others, as long as you have faith, you will definitely succeed. "

Wu Chen is extremely like a speaker at the moment, obviously he also wants to do it, but this person has a good attitude, he is worried about us, so he spares him the pain of flesh and skin.

"Makes sense."

Tanjiro was also impressed by it, yes! Dignity is my own struggle, you say I can't do it, can't it?

"Well, the crow gave us instructions, ten team members arrived here, and after entering the mountain for a while, the team members we...

The team killed each other, and I..."

"It's hard to come back!"

The warm words were slowly spoken, and the lord stroked the crow's body, and the crow was tired and panting and sweating.

"Have almost all of my swordsmen (children) been killed? There may be twelve ghost moons there.

"It looks like the column has to be visited."

The Lord is sitting on his knees, and next to him stands an inseparable child! It was the two of Fujisiyama.

"Righteous courage ... Endure..."


"If only people and ghosts could get along well!"

A pleasant voice sounded, and he lifted his lips and spoke.

"Doesn't Mr. Tomioka think that way too?"

"It won't work, as long as the ghost can eat people."


My wife Shanyi lost her eyes, clasped her hands on her knees, and fell into self-blame, and the person who saved her was gone, leaving the green mountains behind, not afraid of no firewood.

"Am I hated by it! Do you generally leave your companions on the side of the road?

No, didn't Wu Chen say that? I'm not alone, there are bonds to begin ... We are just four people..."

Wu Chen's words echoed in his mind, a trace of hesitation, a kind of pride was born, yes! We are four people, what are we afraid of?

"There's no point in cringeing, just hurry up and help your companions."

Jitaro stopped on the road and cheered on my wife.


"As a ghost, you are obviously so cute, but as a sparrow, you are so violent.

Yes! That guy! Take Your beans away. "

A gust of wind blew, and my wife Shanyi could be regarded as a soldier, flying thick dust.

"Why did you take my important beans away?"



..." [What a strange sound, this is probably the little spider starting to move! ] Interesting.

"What is this sound?"

"Here it is again. Hearing this voice, coming back to his senses, his teammates began to kill each other.

"Is that so?"

Wu Chen replaced the sword, in order to save those who deserve to be saved as soon as possible, this is the only way.

"Click, step..." The

sound of messy footsteps sounded, and several members of the ghost killing team turned pale, their eyes were empty, and their bodies moved like puppets.

"Ugh! Wow! "

The puppet really didn't recognize the six relatives, and he cut it down with a knife, and when he saw that he didn't succeed, he followed closely to mend the knife.

"Their movements are very abnormal, there must be something controlling them, if you look closely, you can find that the spider silk is attached to their body."

"Well, how do you know?"

The teammate said that he had not found it for so long.

"Because the three of us are comparable to the Aoi-level players, we are not comparable to you."

Wu Chen is full of arrogance, and my wife Shanyi, all of them are strong.

"Got it! Cut their backs and you'll do.

After Wu Chen dodged, he quickly said that the longer he delayed, the less likely these people were to live.

"Well, understood."

"Haha, I have already thought of this method! I noticed it before you did.

Inosuke's face was full of pride, and his two swords appeared, and the brilliant knife light lit up.

"Dark Breath Three Type Shadow Thousand Fronts"

countless sword shadows mixed in the night, in the blink of an eye, all the spider silk was cut off, and the puppet fell straight to the ground, but in a while a new net will definitely come.

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