"Try slashing from the right side of your neck to your left armpit!"

said Tanjiro as he gestured, his knife across his chest.

"But the range is very wide, I think it will probably be hard,"


Inosuke felt that the harder the better, and rushed straight up, but the headless ghost was faster, and the golden blade was ghostly crossed down.

"Hiss. "

Inosuke's body leaned down, his arm was cut, fortunately it was not poisonous, and his IQ may be reduced when fighting alone.

Still unaware of the seriousness of the matter, Inosuke ran around the headless ghost, trying to find a breakthrough, and the spider had climbed onto his arm.

"Oops, there are spiders!" In

an instant, dozens of spider silks jerked, fixing Inosuke to death, and the headless ghost was so cunning that he slammed his shuriken down fiercely.

"I'm going to be killed!" At

the moment of the attack, Tanjiro blocked with a handsome horizontal knife, and the headless ghost saw that something was wrong, and immediately jumped a few meters and retreated.


the spider's web was cut off with a knife, and Inosuke came out of the trap, and Tanjiro turned his head and said sincerely to Inosuke.

Let's fight together,

think together, let's work together to defeat this ghost!"

Inosuke shouted as he sluggishly sluggishly.

"You, don't make me flutterer anymore!" The

headless ghost showed a flaw at this time, his body paused for a short time, and Tanjiro's face was happy, good opportunity.

"Inosuke, step on me.

Tanjiro used himself as a springboard, leaned down, and said confidently to Inosuke.


crisp footsteps sounded, and Inosuke flicked his two knives, and the headless ghost's arms were instantly cut off.

"Inosuke, jump!" "

All in the set, Mizuno-Brea, Shino-Type Strike Tide"

The headless ghost's legs were cut off instantly, and his body moved down, and Inosuke looked at this headless ghost, it was still difficult to cut down.

"Damn, what is this? Was it all as the guy expected? It was like it was bound to turn out like this. "

“...... That guy wasn't trying to put himself in the limelight. Rather, it is watching the flow of the whole battle. "

The two blades were stacked together, slashing at the neck together, and with the momentum of the downward thrust, the headless ghost completely lost its vitality and turned into ashes.

"Great, Inosuke, hit.

Tanjiro propped himself on the ground and said happily watching this ending, but Inosuke didn't move.

Three or four seconds passed.

Inosuke threw his double blade and ran towards Tanjiro, and then hugged Tanjiro, and the boar's head moved slightly, and he spoke.

"What you can do, I can do too, nerd!"

Inosuke's arms bruised and he threw Tanjiro to a clear place, and in the air, the smell was even more clearly distinguishable.

"Is that the smell like that? Inosuke!"

Obviously that puppet is the fastest and strongest, in the end, it's all weird to threaten me!

That's why I'm in a hurry, huh?" The

female ghost sensed something, and immediately looked overhead, it was Tanjiro who fell from the sky, and waves of qi gushed out of her mouth.

"Water Breath One Type

" [To be killed, the neck will be cut off! Think quickly, think well!]

"Ahhh! But if you die, you can be liberated." It's easy. The

female ghost raised her hands high, closed her eyes, and confessed her fate, Tanjiro had already seen the change in the female ghost and quickly changed her form.

"Water Breath Five Types, Dry Heavenly Rain"

A holy spirit light shrouded the female ghost, very warm, very peaceful, the female ghost was very happy, she had never felt this way.

"It was like being hit by warm rain.

Not painful at all.

Just felt very warm.


Those eyes, those gentle eyes, when I was once human, I felt that someone had cast a gentle gaze at me.

"That's, who's coming?"

"There are twelve ghost moons here, be careful. "

Before the female ghost disappeared, she gave Tanjiro an important piece of information, but she didn't say that it was the twelve ghost moons, nor how many.

"Eh, wait a minute. "

There are twelve ghost moons. The real twelve ghost moons are in this mountain.

Tanjiro's gaze became more condensed, without the slightest fear.


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