"That's right, this guy must only have one sword technique. "

The spider ghost showed a sinister smile, only one sword technique will not kill me.

[Listen up Shanyi, you are enough like this, long live if you can do one. ]

If you can only do one thing, take it to the top. 【

Honed to the limit.】 】


[Do you know how to forge a knife?]

[I don't know! Do you have to keep beating? I'll cry. 【

Knife! It is necessary to keep beating, constantly knocking, and remove impurities and excess parts.


Heehee, this degree is also worthy of being a

ghost hunter?" "The body is already unable to move because of the toxin!" "Why is

this ghost so careless! Haven't you heard that arrogant soldiers will be defeated?" Wu

Chen helplessly raised his forehead, and even had to sympathize with the ghost, it was simply stupid!

"Shanyi, go to the top!"

My wife Shanyi, you only need to remember one thing, concentrate a little, and reach the pinnacle - Wu Chen. "

[This hellish day of enduring exercise will definitely pay you off."

The thunder and lightning on the handle of the knife flashed, illuminating the night, and what was even more terrifying was that the thunder surged, and my wife Shanyi's eyes turned white.

The little spider ghost finally got into the loophole, seeing that my wife Shanyi did not dodge, and pounced on it, and the three layers inside and three layers outside the water leaked.

The spider ghost was still happy for a second, and now, this guy will definitely be gone, and the yellow thunder and lightning will tear the spider wall several times.

"What's wrong, the air is shaking. "

Thunder Breath One Type Thunderbolt Flash Six Lian"

As the breathing type finished speaking, my wife Shanyi's momentum was also raised to the peak, and several thunder and lightning roared in the sky, circling around Shanyi.

The spider ghost immediately felt bad, spraying poisonous phlegm at all costs, and the spider silk pulled him everywhere, but my wife Shanyi was faster.

Directly turned into yellow lightning, fused into one, the spider ghost will not be able to tell where my wife Shanyi is for a while? That lightning is him?

Several twists and turns of the yellow spectrum jumped rapidly, thunder was loud, my wife Shanyi

stepped on the spider silk, her figure jumped ten meters, and the spider ghost's head fell in response.

How could it be, how could I be a guy whose hands and feet were poisoned and couldn't move freely!" The

clock was still turning mercilessly, and soon my wife Shanyi would have gone west with hatred if there was no rescue.

"I had a dream, it was a happy dream..." Wu

Chen looked at my wife Shanyi with a embarrassed face, her face was covered with blood, her hands began to shrink, and her face was pale and weak.

"Oh, what kind of dream did you have, can you make the big hero of Shanyi say that it is a beautiful dream?" A

familiar voice sounded, and my wife Shanyi was suddenly surprised, this voice was Wu Chen, trying to open her eyes.

Sure enough, it was a smiling Wu Chen, under the bright moonlight, it seemed to be glowing with light, the picture was very beautiful, but there was no chance to appreciate it.

"Wu Chen, save me quickly, quickly... I don't want to become a spider!"

my wife Zen Yi was full of strength before a sentence popped out of her mouth.

"Well, you use breathing to relieve the toxin, I can't completely eliminate the toxin, you still have to wait for rescue, you know?"

As soon as Wu Chen finished speaking, Jitaro also came out, and he was still worried and tearful, nodded to Wu Chen, and fluttered his wings and left.

"Let's go!

Wu Chen nodded and continued.

The effect of the toxin of "Dark Breath Four Type Dark Origin"

was rapidly attenuated, and the big hole in my wife Shanyi's body had begun to become smaller, but it was still not enough, and Wu Chen withdrew his hand.

"My wife Shanyi, I can cure here at most, time is coming, you must not run around!

"Wu Chen, where are you going

?" "Of course I have to continue to help Tanjiro! "

Well, what is the bond between the four of us? Why do you tell me to concentrate and reach the top?"

When one side is in difficulty, the eight sides support.

"As for me saying to concentrate and reach the top, that's what you subconsciously have!

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