The match was not going well.

The third player on the Hyotei side was Kabadi. When the two came to the tennis court to pay their respects, the difference in their figures was too obvious, which made the audience around them shake their heads. This match was not equal from the beginning.

Of course, some viewers thought that Tan Taiyi might be very capable. After all, there have been many first-year geniuses in junior high school tennis in the past two years.

Taichi Tan (PS: He looks a bit like Yukimura)

I guess Taichi Tan won the serve first, so after the referee announced the start of the game, Taichi Tan came to the baseline, patted his face, and whispered:

"Come on! Taichi Tan! You can do it! Just practice as usual, no problem!"

After whispering, Taichi Tan took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and then took out a tennis ball with his right hand. Yes, Taichi Tan held the racket with his left hand, and he looked like a left-handed person.

After testing the elasticity of the tennis ball, he threw it high, then leaned back slightly, jumped up with his back arched, swung the racket upwards, and gave it a fast rotation at the moment of hitting the tennis ball, and the tennis ball flew directly towards the half court of Kabadi.

Kabadi quickly came to the landing point, and when the tennis ball landed, he was about to swing the racket back, but found that the tennis ball was spinning quickly on the ground, and then flew directly towards his face. Kabadi subconsciously tilted his head, and the tennis ball flew straight past his ear and rushed out of the court.

"Outward spin serve!"

"ACE! 15-0!"

Atobe frowned in the player's seat. This serve was very similar to that of the kid from Seigaku. He didn't expect that this first-year regular from Yamabuki had some skills.

"Hey~ His serve is similar to the forward serve!" Kintaro said happily outside the court.

"Yeah! It's a bit similar, but it seems there's something different!" Chitose stared at Taichi Tan and thought.

Only Akashi vaguely noticed something, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. If he guessed correctly, Taichi Tan might have taken a path similar to the original.

In the next ball, Taichi Tan still played an outward spin serve, and Kabaji once again came to the landing point, looking at the tennis ball flying towards his face and dodging sideways.

"ACE! 30-0!"

Taichi Tan saw that he had scored two points in a row, and his expression relaxed a lot, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously. At this time, Atobe's voice came from the Hyotei player's seat.

"Hit that serve back! Kabadi!"

"Mmm!" Kabadi's eyes flashed, and he responded with full energy.

When Tan Taiyi hit the third outspin serve, Kabadi's receiving action had become much more agile. When the tennis ball bounced, he took a small step back, then swung the racket directly and hit Tan Taiyi's serve back.

Tan Taiyi on the opposite side didn't expect that his opponent would break his serve trick so quickly. He was a little stunned. When the tennis ball bounced past his feet, he reacted, but it was too late. The tennis ball bounced directly out of the court.


Tan Taiyi's originally relaxed face suddenly tensed up again. He blamed himself for his stunned behavior just now. After adjusting his mood, he hit the outspin serve to Kabadi again.

Kabadi hit the serve back more easily this time, but Tan Taiyi moved when Kabadi just hit back. When he quickly came to the landing point, the tennis ball had not completely landed.

After the tennis ball bounced up, Taichi Tan swung his racket to meet it, but at the moment of contact, a huge force was transmitted to his left hand along the racket. Taichi Tan gritted his teeth and used all his strength to barely hit it back.

The opposite side, Kabashi, did not hesitate and directly hit the flying tennis ball with a forehand. Taichi Tan once again arrived at the landing point in advance. This time he made full preparations, holding the racket with both hands to intercept the tennis ball directly, and then hit a diagonal hit.

In this way, the two people with unequal body sizes began a fierce confrontation. Although Kabashi's strength was very huge, Taichi Tan could hit the tennis ball back every time by preparing in advance, and at this time, Atobe had seen through Taichi Tan's movements.

"It's a one-legged small step... Is he imitating that Qingxue Echizen?" Atobe said with some doubt.

"One-legged small step, and outspin serve, the style of play of this little guy Yamabuki is really similar to Echizen!" Tachibana Kihei said outside the court.

"Imitating Echizen's playing style? Does he know Echizen?" Chitose said with some doubt.

"No! He

The person he imitated was not Echizen Ryoma! You will know if you continue to watch!" Akashi said calmly at this time.

Although some people did not understand Akashi's words, they still watched carefully. Only Tezuka seemed to have thought of something and looked at the coach in the Yamabuki coaching seat thoughtfully.


At this time, Tan Taichi used his flexibility to catch a flaw in Kabaji and hit the tennis ball at Kabaji's feet, so that he could not intercept it in time.

But Kabaji was not so easy to deal with. Although he might not be as flexible as Tan Taichi, he was completely crushed in strength. After Kabaji increased his return speed, Tan Taichi's return began to be a little reluctant.


"40-40! Tie!"

"Hyotei leads!"

"GAME! Hyotei Academy! 1-0! ”

In the end, Kabadi relied on his powerful strength to break the opponent’s serve. Tan Taiyi was at a great disadvantage in terms of physique, but there was nothing he could do about it, as this was Kabadi’s innate advantage.

The second game was Kabadi’s serve. After the game started, Kabadi immediately imitated Tan Taiyi and served with an outspin serve, which surprised Tan Taiyi and he lost a point directly.

“ACE! 15-0! ”

Fortunately, Tan Taiyi was very familiar with the outspin serve. After all, he spent a lot of time practicing this serving technique. When Kabadi used the outspin serve for the second time, Tan Taiyi hit the tennis ball back very smoothly.

However, Kabadi's strong power was still a huge problem that Tan Taiyi needed to face. When Kabadi's movements became the same as Tan Taiyi's, the small steps on one foot made Kabadi's speed increase a lot, which gave Tan Taiyi a headache.

When Kabadi hit a diagonal ball directly to Tan Taiyi's right side, Tan Taiyi's next move made everyone feel familiar, because in order to avoid the racket being knocked off by the backhand, he directly changed the racket to his right hand while running, and then concentrated his strength again to hit the tennis ball back.

"Two-sword flow!"

This sudden change made Kabadi unable to react in time, because the hitting routes of the left hand and the right hand were completely opposite, and the tennis ball flew directly from Kabadi's left side and bounced out of the court.

"15-15! ”

In the subsequent games, Tan Taiyi started to switch between his left and right hands flexibly, always hitting some balls that were beyond Kabata's expectations, which made Kabata a little overwhelmed and finally lost the second game.

“GAME! Yamabuki Junior High School! 1-1!”

Seeing that he had won a game, Tan Taiyi jumped up happily. This was his first time to play a game. He had always played practice games before, so he was inevitably a little excited.

After the third game started, although Kabata's outspin serve had been cracked, Tan Taiyi still played this move. As expected, Kabata easily hit it back, and then a scene that even Atobe had not expected happened.

During the game, Kabata actually began to imitate Tan Taiyi's two-sword style again, directly switching the racket to his left hand and hitting the flying tennis ball directly.

After the tennis ball flew over the net, there was no tendency to lower its height, so it flew straight out of the court and hit the wire net behind Tan Taiyi.

“Out of bounds! 15-0! "

Kawachi looked at his left hand in a daze, as if he couldn't figure out why he hit the tennis ball out of bounds, while Atobe sighed in the player's seat. It seems that imitation with a pure heart is not always a good thing.

You know, Karachi has never practiced his left hand. Although he can imitate Tan Taichi's two-sword style and let himself master the timing of changing hands, this cannot make up for the problem that his left hand has no control over the ball.

In the next game, Karachi still imitated Tan Taichi's two-sword style, but the result was completely different from what he imagined, which made Karachi's face look at a loss for the first time.

"Out of bounds! 30-0!"

"Out of bounds! 40-0!"

Just when Karachi wanted to use the two-sword style to play, Atobe in the player's seat on the sidelines finally stopped him:

"Stop! Karachi! Don't imitate that style of play anymore!"

"Uh-huh! "After hearing what Atobe said, Kabaji stopped what he was doing, but Taichi's counterattack flew past him and bounced out of the court.

"GAME! Yamabuki Junior High School! 2-1! Exchange of venues!"

During the break, Kabaji walked off the court in a daze again, and Atobe said to him directly:

"Kabaji, don't imitate the opponent's two-sword style, play with your left hand, and rely on strength to suppress like in the first game. You should have gotten used to the two-sword style!"

"Hmm!" Kabaji nodded.

On the other side, in the Yamabuki player's seat, Ban Ye looked at Tan Taiyi who was already panting and sighed slightly in his heart. It seemed that the chance of winning this game was very small, but this could not be controlled by Tan Taiyi. His performance was already very good, even beyond Ban Ye's pre-match expectations.

"Taiyi, in the next game, the opponent should be able to deal with your two-sword flow, so you can try to use that move!" Ban Ye said to Tan Taiyi.

"Ah? But Ban Lao, that move is too difficult, I haven't mastered it yet!" Tan Taiyi said with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, maybe this game can make your moves more proficient, you must have the courage to try to break through yourself!" Ban Ye said with a smile.

"Yes! I know! I will work hard!" Tan Taiyi nodded seriously.

After the break, the two sides quickly exchanged courts. This game was Kabata's serve. Kabata played an outspin serve again. Tan Taiyi did not hesitate and directly cracked this move, and at the same time gave the tennis ball a special spin when returning it.

The two sides started fighting again. Gradually, everyone found that the range of movement of Taichi Dan was getting smaller and smaller, and finally stopped directly in the middle of the baseline. All the counterattacks of Kabaji would automatically fly to the left side of Taichi Dan.

"Is this a domain?!" Mu Te looked at Tezuka beside him in surprise.

"Yes! But this is not a complete domain, it should be a semi-finished product!" Tezuka said seriously.

"This time I believe he is not imitating Echizen, but why is his style so similar to Echizen?" Chitose asked Akashi in confusion.

"It's very simple! Whether it is an outspin serve, a small step on one foot or a two-sword flow, it is not Echizen Ryoma's own style of play. His current playing style is also imitating someone!" Akashi said calmly.

"Echizen Nanjiro!" Tezuka suddenly said.

After hearing Tezuka's words, everyone was shocked and looked at Tezuka in disbelief. They had never seen how Echizen Nanjiro played before, so why did Tezuka think of Echizen Nanjiro?

"Tezuka is right. This is indeed the playing style of Echizen Nanjiro when he was a student, and Echizen Ryoma should have unconsciously imitated his father's playing style as he grew up." Akashi also glanced at Tezuka, and then explained to everyone.

"But Akashi! How did this first-year student of Yamabuki get the information about Mr. Nanjiro's student days?" Tachibana Kippei asked with some confusion.

"Have you forgotten that Yamabuki's coach is the old man, and he probably knows the most about Nanjiro's student days, except for Ryuzaki Sumire~" Akashi said with a smile.

Everyone nodded in sudden realization this time. This is a point they had overlooked before, and now it makes perfect sense. It seems that this freshman named Dan Taichi is imitating Echizen Nanjiro's playing style.


At this time, Dan Taichi had already scored two points with the semi-finished field. Because it was a semi-finished product, Kabaji's return ball would only fly to Dan Taichi's left side. With the current technology, Dan Taichi can only control the rotation of the tennis ball in one direction at most.

However, in the next ball, Kabadi actually directly copied Tan Taichi's semi-finished field, making the tennis ball automatically fly to his right side, which made the game on the field weird, as if the two players were playing together, and the tennis ball was only flying back and forth on one side.

In the end, Tan Taichi was the first to collapse. After all, his strength was far inferior to Kabadi's. When Kabadi also used the semi-finished field, he basically had no chance of winning.




"GAME! Hyotei Academy! 2-2!"

"GAME! Hyotei Academy! 3-2!"

"GAME! Hyotei Academy! 4-2! Switch venues!"

"GAME! Hyotei Academy! 5-2!"

"GAME! 6-2! Game over! Winner, Hyotei Academy!"

In the end, Karaji still defeated Taichi Dan by relying on the difference in strength and won the singles match three. This made everyone in Hyotei look happy. They were completely relaxed because the next player to appear was their captain, Atobe Keigo.

The second player to appear in the singles match for Yamabuki was naturally Sengoku Kiyomizu. Sengoku's physical fitness has been greatly improved now. Compared with the original work when he entered U17, he is much stronger. He can be regarded as a preliminary entry into the national level. Unfortunately, he is still not a match for Atobe.

Mr. Atobe continued his magnificent entrance. The moment he entered the stage, the entire venue seemed to have become Hyotei's home court. Both the audience and the players could only hear Hyotei's cheers.

Fortunately, the opponent Chishiki has gotten used to it.

Chishiki won the serve right when guessing first, but now he wondered if his luck was used elsewhere. He actually met Atobe directly in this game. If his opponent was Jiro, he could still fight.

Although he couldn't guarantee that he could win, at least there was hope. But now he didn't have any confidence against Atobe. Apart from anything else, he had no way to crack Atobe's ice world.

Having said that, Chishiki couldn't just give up the game. He had to bite the bullet. After reaching the baseline, Chishiki took out a tennis ball and threw it high. The tennis ball was thrown very high. Then Chishiki leaned forward, exerted force with his legs, and instantly jumped high into the air and hit the tennis ball hard.

"Tiger Cannon!"

The tennis ball flew directly to Atobe's half court with powerful kinetic energy and speed, but Atobe had already seen through the ball path when Sengoku just played this move, and came directly to the landing point, and shot directly from the bottom corner. The tennis ball crossed the net at a very fast speed and then bounced out of the baseline.


When the tennis ball hit the baseline, Sengoku had just landed, looked at the tennis ball outside the court, shook his head helplessly, and said:

"Oh~ It still doesn't work, it seems that the tiger cannon can't be used!"

In the next ball, Sengoku did not use the tiger cannon again, but just played an ordinary high-speed serve, and then the whole person's movements changed, and began to sway back and forth, like a boxer.

As in the original work, Sengoku went to the boxing club to practice for a while, and integrated the boxing body movements into his tennis. Coupled with the good five-dimensional values ​​now, ordinary national-level players may not be his opponents.

Atobe was also stunned when he saw Chigoku's action, because Chigoku learned boxing at the end of the second grade, so even Atobe didn't know that Chigoku had changed his style of play.

However, Atobe quickly came to his senses. No matter how the opponent changed, he could not defeat his eyes. Thinking of this, Atobe directly hit the tennis ball back with a backhand.

The two began to attack each other. Chigoku barely kept up with Atobe's actions with his boxing style, and Chigoku never hit a high ball, giving Atobe no chance to launch a dance series.

After fighting with Chigoku for a few rounds, Atobe directly started his super attack posture, came to the net and began to see Chigoku's flaws while attacking.




"GAME! Hyotei Academy! 1-0!"

Chigoku finally failed to avoid Atobe's insight, was caught in the flaws, and frequently lost points, but Chigoku had tried his best, at least he got one point.

The second game was Atobe's serve. Atobe didn't hesitate and directly hit Tannhäuser's serve, winning three points. Chishiki cracked the last ball with his excellent dynamic vision, but it was useless and he still lost the game.

"GAME! Hyotei Gakuen! 2-0!"

After the third game started, Atobe directly activated the Ice World, completely freezing Chishiki in place, leaving him to be slaughtered by Atobe without any ability to fight back.

"GAME! Hyotei Gakuen! 3-0! Switch venues!"

When the game was paused, Banye didn't have any good way to help Chishiki. After all, Atobe's ability was too abnormal. Players who were not as strong as Atobe and had no special talents could not crack it at all.

"GAME! 6-0! The game is over! The winner is Hyotei Gakuen!"

In the end, Chishiki still lost the singles match very thoroughly, which also meant that Yamabuki was eliminated and missed the final of the metropolitan competition, and could only compete for the third place.

In the afternoon, the results of the loser's revival match came out. Seigaku defeated all opponents and got a ticket to the Kanto Conference.

Tomorrow's final will be just as everyone predicted, with Fudomine facing Hyotei. I wonder if Hyotei can hold out longer this time. Most of the audience holds this idea and is looking forward to tomorrow's final.

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