The sound of a crow rang outside the door.


At this time, the sound of a crow rang out from outside the door.

"Boss, I'm back."

A sturdy crow with human language landed on the windowsill. It was Tachibana Qingyan's crow, Liuying.

"Is the matter done?"

The matter that Tachibana Qingyan mentioned was actually asking Liuying to contact Ubuyashiki Yoya to change the delivery address of the Nichirin Sword.

After the selection was completed, he originally planned to live in the Butterfly House.

However, after he changed his mind temporarily and accepted the invitation of the rabbit, he thought that the training in Sagiri Mountain would not be completed in a short time, so he asked Liuying to go to Ubuyashiki's residence and made a small request to Yoya.

That is, let the people of the Sword Forging Village change the delivery address of the Sun Wheel Sword to Sagariyama.

"I am known as the Thunderbolt Flash in the Crow World. You can rest assured with me."

Lieying raised his head, with a humanistic pride on his dark face, which he learned from the gorgeous crow of Hongwan.

"In this case, you have finally made some contributions. I will reluctantly support you for the time being."

Ju Qingyan nodded, quite satisfied, and threw a charred grilled fish to Lieying: "The Ubuyashiki Mansion is not far from here, why did you arrive just now?"

Lieying knew that this fish was not so easy to eat.

"Hehehe, Boss, don't we have to wait for the news from the Sword Forging Village to the Lord?"

"And this crow also needs to rest, okay, I won't deliberately slack off."

What do you mean, I just eat a little bit, Chunchun treats me like a cow and horse, right?

Liuying was a little upset, but he didn't dare to show it.

"I hope so."

After saying that, Ju Qingyan threw out two more fish.


The next morning, the dawn was just beginning to appear, and a hint of white appeared on the horizon.

Ju Qingyan and Urokodaki Sakonji got up early and set out for the mountain top.

In fact, the downhill training discussed last night would have a better effect at night.

However, Ju Qingyan chose to blindfold himself, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to this point, no matter when.

Originally, the three of Santu also wanted to follow and see it, but they were rejected by Urokodaki Sakonji.

In his words, he was afraid that Ju Qingyan would dampen the enthusiasm of his disciples.

After all, if the gap is smaller, there is still the momentum to catch up, but if the gap is bigger, they just want to play badly and look up.

An hour later, at the top of Mount Sagiri.

Urokodaki Sakonji looked at Tachibana Qingyan, whose breath was steady, and felt more satisfied.

Although this kid was not his disciple, it would be a good thing if he could make a powerful pillar appear in the Demon Slayer Corps.

After all, the Demon Slayer Corps needed more powerful swordsmen to fight against evil spirits.

As a trainer now, Urokodaki Sakonji naturally hoped to see these young people continue to grow and improve.

"Just go down from here."

In an open area on the top of the mountain, Urokodaki Sakonji raised his arm and pointed in a direction casually, saying to the boy behind him.

"So casual?"

Seeing the other party nod seriously, Tachibana Qingyan was a little surprised and added: "I am born with a poor sense of direction and may get lost."

"It doesn't matter. There are traps everywhere on this mountain. Even if you get lost, the training effect is the same."

"I will leave first."

Urokodaki Sakonji explained briefly, and his figure disappeared in the thick fog after he finished speaking.

Ju Qingyan smiled and shook his head, thinking: "As expected of you, Urokutaki Laodeng."

Then he took out a piece of black cloth to cover his eyes and prepared to go down the mountain.

At this moment, Ju Qingyan seemed to have installed a radar station, and the pictures and scenes appeared in his mind very clearly.

And with the continuous growth of Qi and blood, the detection range of this radar has expanded by several meters compared to the time in the Wisteria Prison.

In this area, whether it is the rope buried deep under the dead leaves, or the logs and bamboos hidden behind the bushes, all traps cannot escape his perception.

And now what Ju Qingyan needs to do is to improve his reaction speed so that he can be fully aware of any subtle changes in the area, so that he can go down the mountain safely without opening his eyes.

The air on the top of the narrow fog mountain is relatively thin, but this is nothing for Ju Qingyan who breathes blood.

Even if he does not breathe now, the oxygen in his blood is enough for ten minutes.

However, because of closing his eyes, his body is

There is still a slight discomfort similar to fear.

After a brief psychological adjustment, he was fully prepared and finally took a step. He jumped according to the scene in his mind and disappeared into the dense jungle.

At the beginning, in order to increase the difficulty of training, he deliberately touched all the ropes that triggered the traps.

Feeling the stones, kunai, bamboo and logs whistling around him, Ju Qingyan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. These traps were easily resolved by him.

However, just when he was secretly proud of himself, he suddenly discovered a very unpleasant fact that he was lost again!

No, why did I say again?

"I knew it would be like this..."

Ju Qingyan frowned, a little speechless in his heart, and he got what he wanted.

While moving forward carefully, he carefully felt the surrounding environment.

I don’t know if it’s because of bad luck. Ju Qingyan seems to have entered an area with dense traps. Every few steps, a new trap will be triggered.

The traps in these areas were so well designed that Tachibana Qingyan didn't even understand the triggering conditions of some of the traps for a while.

"It can't be infrared heat, right?"

"It seems that I can only use a knife."

Finally, facing such intensive attacks, Tachibana Qingyan had no choice but to take out the Immortal Slash.

An incense stick later, Tachibana Qingyan, who had crossed the narrow fog mountain, appeared at the foot of the mountain.

There was no trace of scars on his body, only a few torn corners of his clothes.

"Even if you were blindfolded, you can still go down the mountain intact, and you also broke the record of the rabbit, just as I thought."

Urokodaki Sakonji walked slowly, with Tachibana Qingyan's crow on his shoulder.

"Not enough, I didn't plan to use weapons."

Tachibana Qingyan shook the Immortal Slash and said with some helplessness.

"You can still say such things after passing through a densely populated area. I can only say that you are a pervert..."

Hearing this, Urokodaki Sakonji didn't know what to say for a moment, and finally uttered a word.

He then asked: "This doesn't look like a Nichirin sword. I smell an ominous breath. The dark red color of the blade seems to be infected by a large amount of blood."


The Immortal Slash returned to the sheath.

"It's really ominous. Only I can use this sword. If others try to pull it out, they will surely die."

"But so what? A sword that can kill ghosts is a good sword."

Tachibana Qingyan didn't explain too much. He believed that Urokodaki Sakonji was not a pedantic person.

"That's right. I was just imagining it."

Sure enough, Tachibana Qingyan got his approval the next second.

At this point, let's have breakfast first.

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