The atmosphere was almost ready, Ju Qingyan cleared his throat and said, "First, I won't kill a ghost that doesn't eat people, because he's kind." He looked at Tamayo and Yushiro seriously, as if explaining his inner thoughts to them. "It's rare for a ghost to not eat people, and I can't bear to kill him at the last minute." Ju Qingyan shook his head slightly, expressing his resistance to this behavior. After a pause, he spoke again. However, this time his tone seemed a little unserious. "Second, I won't kill a beautiful female ghost, because she's pleasing to the eye." Ju Qingyan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a barely perceptible smile. "Ghosts have eternal life. If they are beautiful female ghosts, they are like a work of art that will never change. I would feel sorry to kill them."

When he said this, Tachibana Qingyan looked at Tamayo who was sitting opposite him, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

Then, he continued: "The third one, I will not kill obedient ghosts because they are well-behaved."

"Obedient ghosts can be used as tools, just like cattle and horses, they are free labor, and killing them is a waste of resources."

Hearing this, Tamayo and Yushiro looked at each other, their eyes full of doubt and shock.

After all, what Tachibana Qingyan said was very different from the principles that the Demon Slayer Corps has always adhered to.

Except for the first one, which is basically understandable, the last two are really incredible.

"Ms. Tamayo can take the first two items, and Yushiro, you at least take the first item, so don't worry that I will take action."

Before Tachibana Qingyan finished speaking, Tamayo, with a complicated expression, immediately retorted: "No, I have committed crimes before..."

Her voice was filled with deep self-blame and regret.

However, the next second, Tachibana Qingyan raised his hand and interrupted her words: "Haven't you been making amends for so many years? And that's not your original intention, the one who is wrong is Muzan Kibutsuji."

His eyes were firm and sincere, and he continued: "In my opinion, you are no different from humans."

This sentence was like warm sunshine, illuminating the dark corners of Tamayo's heart.

Hearing this, Tamayo's dim purple eyes instantly shone, as if igniting the fire of hope.

Tachibana Qingyan's understanding and recognition gave her great encouragement.

Because she had committed murder in the past to vent her anger, she once thought that she was an unforgivable evil ghost.

At this moment, the words spoken by Jiezhu of the Demon Slayer Corps were like a clear spring, washing away the guilt in her heart and making her feel the warmth she had never felt before.

"Thank you, Qingyan."

Tamayo bowed her head and thanked him solemnly.

Her tone was full of gratitude, and her eyes were slightly moist.

Then, she raised her head, with a firm light flashing in her eyes: "If there is anything you need, I will do my best."

This promise is full of sincerity and determination.

Tachibana Qingyan smiled and nodded, expressing his gratitude and trust in Tamayo.

He knew that Tamayo had extraordinary wisdom and ability in the field of medicine.

As long as she was willing to help, she would become a powerful force.

As expected of a woman who has lived for hundreds of years, she is really sensible.

Since the other party has said this, Tachibana Qingyan will not pretend to be shy.

"I have another mission later, so I'll make it short."

Ju Qingyan continued, "I hope Miss Tamayo can study all the effects of my blood on demons this time."

He has a super rare blood constitution, and believes that this special blood may not only be limited to attracting the attention of demons.

Perhaps it can also produce other unexpected effects, but these are all Ju Qingyan's guesses, and the specific situation still needs to be analyzed by professionals.

In addition to the blood breath rewarded by the system, Ju Qingyan has always felt that his blood may hide more secrets.

As the saying goes, different trades are like different mountains.

Although he has some experience in fighting, he is a complete layman in the field of medicine.

The Butterfly Sisters are mainly responsible for treating the wounded of the Demon Slayer Corps, and they also have to take care of daily training, so it is difficult to take time to study his blood specifically.

After comprehensive consideration, Ju Qingyan decided to give this important task to Tamayo, who has studied demons for hundreds of years.

After all, she is the one who knows demons best and is most likely to discover the secrets of his blood.

If the research results show that his blood has a

If there is a significant negative effect, then Tachibana Qingyan will follow the example of the future immortal Kawa Saneya and cleverly use his blood advantage in future battles.

But if the research results are not ideal, then he can only find another way.

Jushi agreed to this request without even thinking about it.

As a doctor who has been alive for hundreds of years, she thought it would not be difficult to study the blood of a human with thin blood.

At this time, Ju Qingyan began to look around, as if looking for something.

His eyes finally fell on Zhu Shi's fair and slender fingers.

In fact, he considered at least ten methods of bloodletting, but in the end he chose the method that could make Yushirou's mentality explode.

Under Yushiro's resentful and helpless gaze, Tachibana Qingyan took the initiative to hold Zhu Shi's jade hand, and used her extremely sharp nails to lightly scratch his arm.

In an instant, blood flowed out from the wound.

Zhu Shi's breathing immediately became rapid.

An obvious blush appeared on her face, and her eyes gradually became hot, shining with unconcealable excitement, as if the desire in her heart was aroused.

All these reactions are actually manifestations of her body's instinct - the ghost's desire for food.

In contrast, Yushiro's situation is slightly better.

His demand for blood is relatively small and he can basically resist this temptation.

Ju Qingyan has long been accustomed to this, after all, his blood is simply delicious to ghosts.

However, when he saw Zhu Shi's extremely eager but restrained look, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, revealing an imperceptible smile.

After all, it is better to be remembered by a beauty like Zhu Shi than by other ghosts.

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