The two of them were so busy that they were not allowed to go out.

"Who are you?"

Fuzukawa Shiya looked at the two strange men in front of him with black hoods, revealing only their eyes, mouths and nostrils, with a vigilant look on his face.

He couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

How could such people appear here at this late night?

And the breath they exuded made him feel a little unusual.

Holding the axe tightly in his hand, Fuzukawa Shiya did not retreat a step.

After all, night is the time when ghosts are most active. Who knows whether these people are human or ghosts?

If there is any unusual movement on the other side, he will choose to attack immediately.

"Don't be nervous."

Ju Qingyan said comfortingly.

Then, he borrowed the Nichirin sword of Masahiro Izanori and cut off the neck of the demon tied to the tree cleanly.

"So fast, I can't react at all..."

Watching the demon turn into ashes and disappear without a trace, Fushigawa Shiya was shocked: "The power that can completely destroy demons!"

Then, Tachibana Qingyan and Masahiro Izanori took off their hoods and revealed their true faces.

The latter smiled and said to Fushigawa Shiya: "We are demon hunters, affiliated with the Demon Slayer Corps, an organization dedicated to killing demons."

"This is a weapon that can kill demons... Do you all dress like this in the Demon Slayer Corps?"

Although Fushigawa Shiya had never heard of the Demon Slayer Corps, he witnessed the process of demons being eliminated with his own eyes, and he had already believed it in his heart.

However, he really couldn't accept the other party's weird dress just now, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"That's not the case. You can understand us as a special force in the Demon Slayer Corps."

Tachibana Qingyan began to talk nonsense seriously.

He had already thought of the name of his team - the Bandit Squad.

In the future, the team members who will follow him on missions will be given a headgear as a symbol.

Hearing this, Fuzugawa Shiya's eyes flashed with excitement: "Will joining the Demon Slayer Corps allow me to master this power?"

His heart was full of desire to destroy demons, and before Tachibana Qingyan invited him, he took the initiative to ask to join the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Not necessarily, not all members of the Demon Slayer Corps fight on the front line."

Tachibana Qingyan shook his head first, then spoke again: "But judging from your ruthlessness, it should not be a problem to become a powerful swordsman, but before officially joining, I suggest you go to a trainer to learn some breathing techniques."

"Breathing techniques? What is that?"

Fuzugawa Shiya mistakenly thought that Tachibana Qingyan was deliberately trying to appease him, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"Xiao Jin, explain it to him."

Some things still need to be explained by professionals, and Tachibana Qingyan happened to have one by his side.

"As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Only by making yourself strong can you destroy stronger and more demons."

"The breathing method is a technique used by the Demon Slayer Corps to enhance physical ability to fight against demons whose physical ability is far stronger than that of humans..."

Kono Masachika was explaining with a gentle and extremely patient face, but was interrupted by Tachibana Qingyan halfway through his words.

"I suggest you get to the point, otherwise I won't stop him from beating you."

After listening to Tachibana Qingyan's words, Kono Masachika, who was late to realize it, noticed that Fuzugawa Shima was on the verge of going berserk.

Seeing this, he hurriedly said quickly: "In short, the breathing method can make you stronger, and you can destroy the demon by cutting off its neck with the Sunwheel Sword."


Kono Masachika took a long breath, and his thoughts were running fast. In an instant, he finished his long speech that he had prepared.

Then, in order to obtain effective means of killing demons, Fuzugawa Shima decided to follow the two and leave.

The three of them walked forward in a formation of two in front and one behind.

Walking in front were Ju Qingyan and Kuang Ye Kuangjin, who were arm in arm and seemed to be talking in a low voice.

"This boy is in your hands. When he learns the wind breathing method, he will be your junior brother."

Ju Qingyan said to Kuang Ye Kuangjin in a bewitching tone.


Kang Ye Kuangjin cried out in surprise, but soon realized his loss of composure and lowered his voice to continue: "Brother Jie, I see that this man has a fierce face and feels that he is not easy to get along with."

"Hehe, don't be fooled by his appearance. Although he looks fierce, he is actually a proud brother-control. As long as you use your infinite tenderness to melt him, you will definitely get along well with him."

Ju Qingyan explained with a smile.

This time he was serious for a rare time, and did not make the kind of laughter of the elders of the Soul Hall.

"Uh... okay."

Konno Kuangjin nodded helplessly, indicating that he accepted the task.

However, after a while, he seemed to suddenly think of something and asked in confusion: "Hey wait, Brother Jie, how do you know his character so well?"

Ju Qingyan smiled mysteriously, patted Konno Kuangjin's shoulder gently, and then pointed to the fork in the road ahead and said: "We are no longer on the same road, I will go first."

After that, he walked towards the fork in the road without hesitation, leaving Konno Kuangjin alone in the wind.

After a while, Masahiro Kono came to his senses, walked to Fushigawa Saneya, and introduced himself with a friendly smile: "Hello, my name is Masahiro Kono."

However, Fushigawa Saneya replied bluntly: "I'm not interested in your name, stop talking nonsense, take me to find a trainer!"

After being confronted by this irritable boy, Masahiro Kono's smile froze instantly.

But he remembered what Tachibana Qingyan said just now, and quickly restored his smile and approached Fushigawa Saneya again.

"Hey, at least tell me your name, maybe we can go on a mission together in the future."


"Fushigawa Saneya."

Soon after, the two disappeared into the night.

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