The weather was very hot, but the weather was very good.

Mt. Kumodori is located at the junction of Tokyo, Saitama and Yamanashi.

The mountain is towering into the clouds, steep and shrouded in mist.

If you come here in late winter, the overwhelming snow scene is like a fairyland.

Ju Qingyan drove westward, the wheels rolled and raised a cloud of dust.

The early winter sun shone on his face through the car window, warm and bright.

After a long drive, he finally arrived at the nearest town at noon.

Although the town is not big, it is very lively. The streets are lined with various stalls and shops, people come and go, and the noise is one after another.

After getting off the bus, Ju Qingyan did not see Tanjiro and his son.

So he began to ask around the town about the exact location of his home.

With his money, these enthusiastic vendors showed him the way and told him how to get to Tanjiro's home.

"Brother, are you going back today?"

At the end, Shang Chuang Mei did not forget to ask.

"I probably won't go back today. If you are willing to wait, you can stay here."

Ju Qingyan waved his hand, leaving the driver with a handsome back.

After that, he walked into the mountain without looking back.

Walking along the winding mountain road, his steps were light and firm.

As winter approaches, the trees at the foot of the mountain gradually turn yellow, as if they have lost their vitality, presenting a scene of decadence and decay.

When climbing up the mountain road, you will find another scene.

Clusters of cedar trees are neatly arranged, guarding the land like soldiers.

At this time, the altitude has reached about 1,500 meters, and the cold air hits his face, and Ju Qingyan can't help but feel a little chill.

The blue haori on his body, this cold color visually further enhances the feeling of coldness.

Ju Qingyan exhaled a breath of white air, and as he continued to move forward, a family's residence gradually appeared in his sight.

It was naturally the credit of the crow that he could find Tanjiro's house without any accident.

The route information he had inquired about at the foot of the mountain before was also to provide guidance for the crow.

It would be a bit rude to visit Tanjiro's house for the first time if he came empty-handed.

Ju Qingyan was thinking in his heart, what kind of gift must he bring?

He suddenly had an idea and took out two fresh pork legs from the system space as a gift.

The pork legs were tender and juicy, and they would definitely be a feast for their family.

Then, Ju Qingyan walked towards the simple house in front.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, and the surroundings were filled with a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

When Tachibana Qingyan knocked on the door of Tanjiro's house, he was greeted by Tanjiro's father Tanjuro.

This was a man with long crimson hair, wearing a yellow and black plaid haori, and a shallow scar on his left forehead.

He looked pale and thin, giving people the illusion of being weak.

Seeing Tachibana Qingyan, who looked strange outside the door, Tanjuro first recalled for a moment, and after confirming that he didn't know him, a trace of surprise and curiosity appeared on his face.

But he did not show the slightest displeasure, but politely invited Tachibana Qingyan into the house and asked about his purpose.

After learning that Tachibana Qingyan was interested in his family's charcoal and intended to buy a large amount, Tanjuro's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

He quickly poured wine and entertained him warmly.

While drinking, the two talked happily and soon settled the business.

Taking advantage of this slight intoxication, the excited Tanjiro was ready to present a dance for the God of Fire, that is, the Breathing of the Sun, and he would drag Tachibana Qingyan to appreciate it together.

Although Tanjiro is physically weak, if he can master swordsmanship, he will be stronger than the current pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps.

With the blessing of the God of Fire Kagura and the transparent world, the demons below the top three are not to be feared.

The only shortcoming is that he cannot be in a combat state for a long time.

Tachibana Qingyan has experienced the enthusiasm of this family, and it is really hard to refuse.

In this way, he sat next to Tanjiro and admired Tanjiro's God of Fire Kagura in the open space.

Originally, Tachibana Qingyan was quite interested at first, after all, this thing is Tsugikoku Yoriichi's Breathing of the Sun.

However, as time went on, his interest gradually disappeared.

Just because, he couldn't understand it.

It seems that he really has no talent for the authentic breathing method.

Or maybe the system deliberately prevented Tachibana Qingyan from learning other breathing methods and ate up his talent.

Fortunately, I did not agree to learn water breathing from Urokodaki Sakonji when we were at Sagiri Mountain, otherwise I would have been exposed.

[Host dad, just eat it, you have me]

[And the Breath of Blood includes the sharpness of wind, the heat of fire, the agility of water, the swiftness of thunder, the solidity of rock... and the Immortal Slash and the Refining Demon Banner, why learn the Breath of Sun]

"Are you jealous?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Ju Qingyan always feels that there is a sour taste in the system's words.

[Humph, no]

"Then be careful not to spill the vinegar I put in the space."

Although it's a pity that he can't learn the Breath of Sun, Ju Qingyan thinks what the system said makes sense.

He is walking a completely different path of killing demons.


In the next few days, Tanjiro was burning charcoal every day.

In order to make up the number of orders, the slightly older Tanjiro was also covered in dust every day.

And Ju Qingyan was like a member of their family, living here during this period.

He played with Nezuko, Takeo and others, and sometimes even helped Aoi with housework, and got familiar with their family.

Because he ate too much, he took out some extra money and forced it on Tanjiro before leaving.

At night, when no one was paying attention, he put all the charcoal into the system space, and then told them the next day that the charcoal had been transported away.

He made an appointment with Tanjiro to meet again next year, and then went down the mountain and left.

The check-in was over.

Tachibana Qingyan thought to himself that with his growth rate, he should be able to deal with Muzan Kibutsuji very quickly.

In this way, Tanjiro's experience would not be so tragic, and he would not have to be a ghost hunter.

After going down the mountain, unexpectedly, the driver named Uechi Miya did not leave.

Feeling his persistence, Tachibana Qingyan was also rich and generous, so he directly let him be his full-time driver.

In the future, he can let him take care of any mission within Tokyo.

But this car is a bit laggy and does not suit his status. He will change to a luxurious one when the time comes.

After two months, the Demon Slayer Corps still did not find any clues about the Nada Spider Mountain and the Eternal Paradise Cult.

Unable to wait any longer, Ju Qingyan prepared to go to Yoshiwara Flower Street to capture Daki in person.

Nothing major happened during this period.

The only thing worth mentioning is that Ju Qingyan mastered the seventh form of Blood Breathing: Blood Vortex Cloud.

This move is to swing a knife violently, and the fragmented blade energy that spreads 360 degrees will form a vortex around. The vortex can attract the target to the user's side or above as the eye of the wind. In this process, the target will be cut into pieces by the fragmented blade energy.

In short, this move is to control the output of high frequency, which is really enough to torture ghosts.

However, the range is extremely large, and it is indistinguishable from friend or foe. It is best used when there are no teammates around to fight N.

For example, solo in Infinite City.

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