The two sides of the battle are still in a state of panic.

On the other hand, since the assessment of Fujikiyama has ended.

Ubuyashiki Yoya, who originally came for Tachibana Qingyan, also returned to the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters under the escort of Gyoumei Shimei.

On the way, he couldn't help but ask: "How long will it take for Qingyan to become a pillar, Xingming?"

"A demon who can behead a demon with blood demon arts in one encounter will probably reach the level of a pillar in a short time."

Beimingyu Xingming rarely didn't cry. After thinking for a while, he said again: "But considering the conditions for becoming a pillar, it's hard to say whether you can meet the twelve demon months, and it's not easy to find fifty demons. It's conservatively estimated to be four months."

"Considering Qingyan's obsession with money, killing demons is very motivating."

Ubuyashiki Yoya is very happy to spend money, but this money is not spent in vain.

At this point, he really hopes to hear news about Tachibana Qingyan as soon as possible.

"As for the future, the voice in my mind tells me that he should become a pillar soon."

"But his breathing method is quite peculiar, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to determine the name of the pillar at that time."

Obviously, through this assessment, Ubuyashiki Yoya learned that Tachibana Qingyan has his own breathing method - the breathing of blood.

Although creating one's own breathing method is not a common thing, it is not the first time in the Demon Slayer Corps.

After hundreds of years of inheritance after Kuniyoshi, a group of swordsmen derived five basic breathing methods from the Sun Breathing: wind, water, fire, thunder, and fire.

On this basis, the breathing methods of sound, flower, insect, snake, rosy clouds, and love were derived.

Later, Inosuke created the Breathing of Beasts.

Of course, this is a later matter.

"If you name it after the breathing method, why not call it the Blood Pillar?"

Gyoumei Beimingyu's face did not fluctuate, and he still looked compassionate.

"It doesn't sound good, I have to think about it again."

Ubuyashiki Yoya tapped his head lightly with his fist and said helplessly: "Ah, it's really a headache to think of a name."

Although he said he had a headache, he couldn't stop smiling.

The Demon Slayer Corps has added another fierce general, and the possibility of completely destroying the demons has increased a little bit. Ubuyashiki Yoya is happy from the bottom of his heart.


At dusk, several black crows circled in the sky on the road not far from the disc house.

"Respected boss, please give me some more food."

A sonorous voice came from above, from Ju Qingyan's crow.

It is said that the character of this thing is like its owner.

Ju Qingyan's crow is called Lueying, and its speed is the best among its kind, and its appetite is not small.

During the period of waiting for work, it was either eating or on the way to find food.

But now that I follow Ju Qingyan, I don't have to work hard. I think I just need to say a few good words to my master.

"Lieying, right? You have done nothing but dare to take my food for free?"

Ju Qingyan looked up at the black shadow running around in the sky and said, "You speak nicely, and the boss is very happy, but I don't like your behavior of taking it for free."

Ju Qingyan hurried on his way, looking at the outline of the building in front of him, and said unhappily, "The butterfly house is just ahead, go find food by yourself."

"Brother Ju's crow is a perfect match, and they are equally good at eating."

Zhen Gu's voice came from behind, mixed with the laughter of the other two.

Ju Qingyan waved his hand indifferently.

It should be said that this thing is about fate. As for Liuying, as his crow, it can be said that they are not from the same family.

However, before the salary is received, Ju Qingyan does not plan to keep this freeloader monster and let it fend for itself.

As for the people who had come with him, although they didn't have much communication during the seventh day in Fujiki Mountain, they became familiar with each other after more than half a day of traveling.

They were very open when joking.

Not to mention Santu and Zhengu, even the taciturn Tomioka Giyu would occasionally interject a few words.

The saying "If you don't make a sound, you will be amazing when you make a sound" probably refers to people like him.

"Night is the home of ghosts. It's too dangerous to travel rashly. Let's stay here tonight and set off for Sagiri Mountain tomorrow."

Others did not refute Tachibana Qingyan's decision.

After this assessment, they had a new understanding of their own strength.

Santu was relatively good, but Zhengu and Tomioka Giyu were much worse.

It would be bad if they encountered a powerful ghost while traveling at night and dragged others down, resulting in casualties.

As they were talking, the group arrived at the door of the Butterfly House.

As soon as Butterfly Kanae put down the medical surgical tray in her hand after stepping out of the door, she turned around and glimpsed the figure that she had not seen for a week. She smiled and walked over slowly.

She understood that Tachibana Qingyan had passed the assessment and officially became a member of the Demon Slayer Corps.

And looking at the spotless feathers, it seemed that the process was very easy.

In this way, she had a preliminary estimate of Tachibana Qingyan's strength.

"I'm back."

After not seeing each other for a few days, I missed this gentle girl a little.

Kanae's temperament was like a spring breeze, which made people like to stay with her.

This made it difficult for Tachibana Qingyan to refuse.

"Congratulations to Qingyan for passing the assessment. Xiaonin is already preparing dinner."

Kanae knew someone's foodie attribute very well. Before the other party opened his mouth, she said the key.

For a moment, Tachibana Qingyan didn't know how to say it when it came to his lips, and finally turned into a smile.

"Are you injured?"

The next second, Kanae grabbed Ju Qingyan's left hand and frowned at the scab on it.

"Uh, this is not... Alas..."

Then, Ju Qingyan was pulled into the disc room before he finished speaking. Kanae took out alcohol and gauze and other medical supplies and began to bandage it carefully.

A few minutes later.

"Huh, it's a good thing I came in time, otherwise the wound would have healed"

Looking at the white gauze wrapped around his arm, Ju Qingyan fell into a brief stagnation.

No, Jimei.

Let's just say, is it really necessary? Is it too much of a fuss.

"The wound must be treated in time to prevent infection."

Seeming to understand Ju Qingyan's eyes, Kanae turned her head away without leaving a trace and explained with her professional medical knowledge.

At this time, Santu appeared out of nowhere: "Brother Tachibana, is this my sister-in-law?"

Although he had practiced under Urokodaki Sakonji for many years, he had lived in Sagiriyama before that and did not know the existence of Dieya and the Butterfly sisters.

Seeing that Tachibana Qingyan and Kanae got along so well, he imagined some gossip scenes that young people liked.

So he said such a stunning sentence without thinking.

Upon hearing this, Kanae's smile suddenly froze, and then she lowered her head and did not speak. Her little face was quietly covered with red clouds, which was beautiful under the light.

On the contrary, Tachibana Qingyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Santu who looked serious. For a moment, he just felt that this boy was really good at dealing with things.

"Ahem... not yet."

Tachibana Qingyan took a sip of tea and coughed lightly to try to resolve the embarrassment, but he did not expect Santu to misunderstand.

"I understand."

Then, he turned to Kanae and began to introduce himself: "Hello, future sister-in-law, my name is Santo, and I am a disciple of the retired Water Pillar Urokodaki Sakonji... woo..."

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