A sunny noon.

"Northwest-west! Northwest-west! Eliminate the demons entrenched on Shirai Mountain! Quickly! Quickly!" A hoarse voice broke the silence of noon. A big black crow with flapping wings actually spoke human words? !

This is a crow, a special crow trained by the Demon Slayer Corps. Every member of the Demon Slayer Corps has his own crow partner. The crow is also an important messenger for the team members to pass messages to each other and for the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters to issue demon hunting missions.

And below this quacking crow, several figures are rushing on the road at a fast speed. They are wearing wide haori, and under the haori is black, which looks like a special uniform for school students. A sheathed long sword is hung on the belt around each person's waist. The long swords are of different lengths, shapes and colors. They are the legendary members of the Demon Slayer Corps whose mission is to hunt evil demons. The long swords hanging around their waists are also the legendary demon-killing weapons-the Sunwheel Sword.

Hearing the urging of the crow, the team members, led by the leading Wu-class swordsman, sped up again. The wind on the road blew the wide feathers of the members of the Demon Slayer Corps, revealing the big "滅" character printed on their uniforms behind them.

"Senior Kawachi! Everyone is very tired. Can we take a break? If this goes on, everyone will not be able to bear it." A young team member asked the leading Wu-class swordsman.

There is a strict level division in the Demon Slayer Corps. The members are divided into ten levels from high to low, namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Sin, Ren, and Aoi. The higher the level, the stronger the strength of the members. Above the A-class swordsman is the most important combat force of the Demon Slayer Corps. They are the powerful swordsmen called "pillars".

It is very difficult to become a powerful pillar. There are two conditions to become a pillar in the Demon Slayer Corps. After becoming a A-class swordsman, you need to kill more than fifty evil ghosts, or kill a twelve demon moons to become a pillar.

Hanoi, a member of the Wu-class team, looked back at his companions. Sure enough, several Xin-class and Ren-class swordsmen were already exhausted and panting. Hanoi had no choice but to let everyone rest for a while. In order to prevent his own crows in the sky from disturbing his companions' rest, Hanoi took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and began to feed the crows.

Several young and immature members of the Demon Slayer Corps took advantage of the rare break time to joke with each other, "I'm so tired, I feel like my legs are almost numb."

"Yeah, Shiraiyama is too far away, and I don't know how many demons there are there, and whether there are enough for us to kill."

"Don't brag, Shinta, everyone knows that when you first went on a mission, you were scared to the point of peeing your pants by a demon, and you shouted for your mother, hahaha."

"Iron Me! Baka! You actually exposed my past!"

Kawachi shook his head subconsciously as he watched his companions quarreling. His personality also destined him to not fit in, because when he encountered an evil demon when he was a child, Kawachi, who survived by chance, also lost all his relatives and his tongue. Since then, Kawachi can no longer speak. With a strong hatred for demons, Kawachi joined the Demon Slayer Corps, and after three years of hard work, he has now become a powerful Wu-level swordsman.

Because he can't speak, Kawachi's personality has always been very cold. However, although Kawachi can't speak, his observation ability is very sharp. At this time, his eyes are all focused on another person who is alone like him.

Under the grayish green haori, the thin body looks like it can be blown down by a gust of wind. The wrinkled face and gray hair are so conspicuous. The uniform wrapped around the body is obviously different from the style of other team members. It looks older and more old-fashioned. The only new thing on this old man's body may be the dark green handle of the sun wheel sword on his waist.

Kawachi doesn't understand why an old team member who has retired for decades on the road strongly demands to join their crusade team. Obviously, this old man doesn't even have the strength to draw a sword. For this old man named Moriki, people of his age should be trainers, right? After all, it is rare for a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps to live to this age.

But now Hanoi's eyes towards Mr. Moriki have changed. The high-intensity rapid march along the way made even a Class E swordsman like him feel a little tired, but Mr. Moriki's breathing was not disordered.

At this time, Mr. Moriki was holding the Sun Wheel Sword and resting with his eyes closed.

"My intuition is not wrong. I can feel that the person who is truly suitable for the breath of the forest has appeared. Forefathers of the previous generations, please bless me and the breath of the forest. The inheritance of the breath of the forest must not be cut off from now on!" Mr. Moriki held the Sun Wheel Sword and muttered to it.

As time passed, the majesticThe sun gradually began to set, and the sunlight that could destroy any evil spirits gradually dimmed. The day was gradually replaced by the night. After the sun completely set, Hanoi and other team members arrived at Baijing Village as quickly as possible.

At this time, Baijing Village had fallen into chaos. Many elderly villagers ran out of their homes and called for their families in various places in the village.

Hanoi couldn't speak, so he gestured to a Xin-level team member to ask what was going on. After asking, he found out that it was the young people in the village who organized themselves. A large group of people rushed to Baijing Mountain with all kinds of weapons. The villagers who stayed in the village were stamping their feet anxiously, and many elderly villagers cried, "Mountain ghost! These children are confused. There are really mountain ghosts on the mountain. Isn't this a sin?"

"This is bad. I just asked other people in the village. At least more than 20 people entered Baijing Mountain. If they have any accidents, the ghosts on Baijing Mountain will be difficult to deal with." Hanoi's partner, Wu-level team member Hatamoto whispered.

Hawaii also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he immediately made appropriate arrangements. Together with Mr. Moriki, there were a total of eight team members, divided into four groups, entering Baijing Mountain from four directions to start searching. Once the traces of ghosts were found, they should not fight to the death, and quickly pass the message to notify other team members.

Hawaii gestured: Everyone be careful, and I wish you victory.

Then, several members of the Demon Slayer Corps dispersed at the entrance of Shirai Village and quickly ran towards the gloomy mountain behind the village.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the middle of the night, the moonlit Shirai Mountain did not become more beautiful, but rather eerily scary. The vitality of the mountain forest seemed to be completely deprived, and the entire Shirai Mountain was shrouded in a faint deathly aura.

Old man Moriki leaned over and grabbed a handful of soil on the ground, his gray eyebrows wrinkled. A Sin-level swordsman behind the old man was also very nervous at this time. The Sun Wheel Sword was held in his hand early, and he looked around vigilantly, fearing that an evil ghost would suddenly jump out and attack.

"Hey! Grandpa! Don't run so far! Be careful of ghosts attacking you!" The young member of the Demon Slayer Corps saw that Grandpa Moriki had walked a long way away, and hurriedly reminded him. In his opinion, although Grandpa Moriki's will to hunt ghosts was worthy of respect, he was old after all, and he would definitely not be able to resist ghosts. He didn't know why Senior Kawachi agreed to let Grandpa Moriki join their team.

Grandpa Moriki once again pressed his already somewhat withered palm on a big tree, closed his eyes, and a faint green light flashed in his palm.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After carefully sniffing the air, Shinichi stopped by a stream and roughly judged the direction, "Enji, it's up to you."

Ahhh! Yuan Er shouted happily twice, and then jumped down from Shinichi's shoulder. At this moment, the ghost blood in Yuan Er's body was quickly activated. The next second, Yuan Er rushed into the dense forest beside the stream like a black lightning.

Relying on telepathy with Yuan Er, Shinichi quickly received the information perceived by Yuan Er, "I smell a bad smell!" This is Yuan Er's inner voice.

It seems that there are indeed ghosts on this mountain. Shinichi subconsciously moved his finger joints, and the black claws on his fingertips flashed with cold light. But just when Shinichi was about to leave, Yuan Er sent another message, "There is the smell of other people, the smell of humans, a very powerful smell!"

"Others? Are there humans going up the mountain?" Shinichi was a little surprised.

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