Douma sat on the water lily bodhisattva with a leisurely look on his face. He found what was happening in front of him very interesting.

The human beings he had risked his life to protect turned against him. What would the pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps think?

"Go, clean up the blasphemers, and you will be saved!"

Douma smiled and even exaggerated. He was impressed by the silver-haired swordsman, but he had to kill him with his own hands.

Iguro Obanai's face was livid, but the Demon Slayer Corps had a rule that ordinary people could not be killed. He pointed at Douma and cursed, "You idiots, he is a demon, what a bullshit god!"

Iguro Obanai's words could be said to have stirred up a thousand waves. The believers loudly refuted, and a large number of people surrounded Iguro Obanai.

"You blasphemer, you should be burned at the stake!"

"Yes, burn him to death!"

Iguro Obanai disdained to pay attention to those stupid believers, easily dodged the attack, and then jumped lightly to the side of the water lily bodhisattva.

However, just as Iguro Obanai swung his knife, several desperate believers directly protected the Water Lily Bodhisattva with their bodies.

Iguro Obanai gritted his teeth and stopped the blade in time.


"Get out of here!"

Iguro Obanai kicked the believers away with a few kicks, turned around and jumped onto the Water Lily Bodhisattva.

The other few people went around the believers and ran straight to the Water Lily Bodhisattva. In front of everyone, the believers were like primary zombies, as slow as a turtle.

Seeing the blade approaching, Douma still sat calmly. He raised his hand slightly, and the Water Lily Bodhisattva also made the same move.

A huge ice hand knife smashed into the crowd, and Douma asked with a smile: "What are you going to do next?"

"Kill me, or save the people who killed you?"

Kiriya Sento frowned and cursed: "You bastard, damn it!"

In addition to Iguro Obanai who rushed to the Water Lily Bodhisattva, Kyojuro, Tomioka Giyuu and Fushigawa Miya all released sword skills to catch the hand knife of the Water Lily Bodhisattva.

Kiriya Sento pulled the believer who was standing there out.

The flames touched the ice knife, and white mist evaporated, but it condensed into ice crystals in an instant.

Kyojuro and the other two retreated immediately. They all remembered that Kiriya Sento emphasized not to inhale ice crystals.

After all, ice crystals will destroy the alveoli, which is extremely poisonous to those who use breathing methods.

The man who was saved by Kiritani Sento pushed him away with a look of disgust, yelling, "Stay away from me, disgusting!"


Kiritani Sento was so angry that he couldn't speak for a moment. He even had some doubts. Should he risk his life to save these guys?

Iguro Obanai had already climbed onto the shoulders of the Water Lily Bodhisattva, and Kyojuro and the other two also surrounded the Water Lily Bodhisattva.

Iguro Obanai stared at Douma with his teeth bared, and he roared, "Go to hell, you disgusting guy!"

Snake Breathing·Five-type activated, the white giant snake opened its bloody mouth, and its sharp fangs aimed at Douma's neck.

"Ah! Do you hate me so much?"

Douma stood up and gently waved the folding fan in his hand.

But he suddenly froze for a moment, and black blood flowed out of Douma's seven orifices, and Douma was stunned.


Why was he poisoned?

No, it's that wine, that silver swordsman!

Iguro Obanai's mouth corners rose, the opportunity has come, the careless guy, must have been poisoned!

Die, even the upper strings must die!

The double-edged blade flashed with a faint cold light, and Iguro Obanai used the greatest strength of his life.

At this critical moment, an ice sculpture that looks like Douma appeared.

It was the blood demon art·Crystalization of the Goddess. This technique does not require waving an iron fan to create a small ice man who can fight independently. The appearance is the same as Douma himself, and the ice god can even use Douma's blood demon art.

Iguro Obanai's knife was crooked, and the crystal god shattered with a sound, but another ice god appeared behind him.

At the same time, the ice god waved the fan of the ice sculpture, and the blood demon art·Lotus Leaf Ice was activated, and dozens of sharp ice lotuses flew towards Iguro Obanai.

Iguro Obanai activated the second form, the narrow-headed fangs, and the amazing fighting spirit surrounded him, and countless poisonous snakes bit the ice lotus.

Douma seized the opportunity and kicked out, and the black fighting spirit shattered like glass, and Iguro Obanai flew backwards, and a blood-red arc cut through the sky.

Iguro Obanai fell into the dark red wall.

Kiritani Sento rushed to Obanai with a worried look on his face: "Little snake!"

The believer he saved suddenly blocked Kiritani Sento, and he said with a smug look on his face: "See, this is the fate of those who blasphemed the gods!"

Kiritani Sento's veins popped up, he had never hated a human so much, and the murderous intent that was almost materialized enveloped the man, and he collapsed to the ground in fear.

"Get out of here!"


Douma stood up tremblingly and gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He had already decomposed the toxins in his body.

Douma waved the iron fan in his hand vigorously, and countless ice lotuses filled the sky above the square.

Blood Demon Art: Winter Icicles was activated, and thousands of sharp ice cones enveloped everyone.

Douma raised the volume to the highest, and his playful voice echoed throughout the square:

"There is no paradise in this world. This is just a story created by your human delusion.

Gods and Buddhas are also a joke. The so-called heaven and hell are just fantasies. Once you humans, such pathetic creatures, die, you will turn into nothingness and feel nothing. After your brain and heart stop and your body rots, you will return to dust.

So, everything you believe in is false, including me. I really hate you bugs from the bottom of my heart! "

Douma's words were like the devil's whisper, which was no less than a nuclear bomb for the believers who always believed in the Eternal Paradise.

At this moment, all the believers had a mental breakdown, and some even knelt on the ground and cried.

Douma even did not forget to joke: "I have always believed that I have the advantage of treating people with sincerity. It turns out that I feel comfortable when I tell the truth!"

Kiritani Sento stared at the high-ranking Douma. He felt that all his plans were reasonable, but these brain-dead believers were too unexpected.

If it were a normal person, he would have run away when he saw the Water Lily Bodhisattva. Who knew that these guys had been interfering with everyone.

Self-blame and guilt instantly filled Kiritani Sento's heart.

Douma stared at Kiritani Sento intently, and he liked the expression of the silver-haired swordsman.

At first, he had the same confidence on his face as himself, but now his confidence is gone.

"Hahaha! "Douma was as happy as a child.

He controlled the Water Lily Bodhisattva, and smashed the huge fist that was big enough to cover the sky heavily on Iguro Obane under the ruins. At the same time, four crystal children surrounded Kyojuro and the other two.

Countless ice cones also fell at this moment. Douma controlled the fate of everyone present with his own strength.

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