Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 116 It’s not about money

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After Li Xuan opened his eyes, he stared at Li Yan, trying to convey anger and grief with his eyes!

Boil the beans to make soup, and drain the beans to make juice.

The beetles are burning under the cauldron, and the beans are weeping in the cauldron.

Since they are born from the same root, why be too hasty when they are in conflict with each other?

Why are you so impatient?

Li Yan smiled coldly and responded with eyes that didn't care at all. How can I not avenge the loss of ten thousand taels of silver as a brother?

Li Xuanzheng felt his teeth itch with hatred and felt severe pain in his ears. That was Mrs. Liu who had come back to her senses, and she grabbed his ears with anger on her face.

"Wow, how dare you deceive me! You have really grown up, haven't you?"

That night, Li Xuan was even worse than his father Li Chengji. Not only was his head bloody from being scolded by Mrs. Liu, but his ears were also pulled red.

After more than half an hour, Ms. Liu, who was thirsty, stopped, and then took a bowl of tea soup from Leng Yurou's hand to soothe her throat: "There is one more thing. Five days later, the old man of the Hou family in Zhendong will... It’s Taijun’s birthday, so you can go with me as my mother.”

Li Xuan frowned immediately. He understood Liu's intention: "I won't go! I have to recover from my injuries."

"Thousand taels of silver, I have to stay there for a full day." Mrs. Liu took a sip of tea, her expression extremely calm.

She knew how to convince her second son, but this time Li Xuan's response surprised her.

"Don't go!"

Li Xuan's expression was very determined. He now had enough money in his hand. Since he won Li Yan's ten thousand taels of silver, his pockets had bulged again.

He didn't want to go to a boring place like that for a mere thousand taels.

"Mom, listen to me, my child has made great progress in cultivation now, and his future in the Six Daosi is bright. You really don't need to worry so much about my child's marriage."

Ms. Liu frowned and looked at Li Xuan thoughtfully: "I'll give you two thousand taels, no more!"

In less than a month of working seriously in Liudaosi, he encountered two life-and-death crises. If this kid continues to work as an errand, I'm afraid he will be gone in two or three months!

Sure enough, we still have to find him a daughter-in-law who is white, rich and beautiful, and has no shortage of power in the family. It is best to be a daughter-in-law who is strong in force and capable of fighting. From now on, she will be safe at home. Wouldn't it be better to raise her with wealth and honor?

After Li Yan heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He was living a tight life here, and one tael of silver had to be treated as two taels. His younger brother was doing well, and his mother even offered him money to beg him to go on a blind date.

This is too partial. I didn't get such treatment at the beginning.

Li Xuan was slightly moved. He was a little moved for a moment, but after careful consideration, he still shook his head firmly: "Mother, this is not about money."

Li Xuan thought, how could he, a promising young man from a new society, give up for five buckets of rice?

He sighed and continued to persuade her earnestly: "Mom, you'd better not bother with this. I can probably guess what my mother is thinking, but I really don't want to cling to the powerful and eat the soft rice of women. In short, I won't do it. Go ahead, mother, no matter how much money you give me, it will be useless."

But then Li Xuan felt a panic in his heart and found that Mrs. Liu was looking at him with eyes like a lion.

"My mother is not negotiating with you, Li Xuan, are you going or not?"

Mrs. Liu's voice suddenly rose an octave, and at the same time, she slammed the tea cup in her hand on the coffee table, making a loud 'pop' sound.

Li Xuan was in a daze for a while, then swallowed: "I'll go!"

After a few breaths, he felt unwilling and asked weakly: "What about the two thousand taels of silver you mentioned?"

Mrs. Liu had already changed her tea cups and smiled at him without any warmth.


After Mrs. Liu left, Li Xuan continued to stare at Li Yan silently, his eyes full of questions.

"I betrayed you, what can you do?" Li Yan was not afraid at all. He glared back with a smile but not a smile: "Little brother, if you are not convinced, you can go to the school field with me and have a fight after you recover."

Li Xuan was really helpless, he could only make a note to Li Yan in his heart. I thought to myself, brother, your road is really narrow.

If this revenge is not avenged, I, Li Xuan, will be filled with anger and resentment.

He thought of the 'Han Jiao Jue' that Li Yan was very concerned about, and secretly thought that it might be useful. If he had time, he could find out the origin of this magical weapon.

After that, Li Xuan learned from Li Yan that today was actually the fourth day after the Ghost Festival. After coming out of the Huang Temple in the capital city that day, he was actually unconscious for so long.

He then asked about the follow-up matter, and found out that although the tomb of General Chen Han was suppressed by the capital city god with the help of his master that night, there were still sporadic evil spirits from the Yin Army who slipped through the net, and dozens of ghost attacks were concocted around Jinling. Disaster, more than 500 people were killed or injured.

Not to mention that the soldiers and horses in Dashengguan Town also suffered heavy casualties, with thousands of people dead.

This incident caused huge waves throughout Nanjing.

Li Changshan, the young eunuch of Si Tianjian, several officials from the Nanjing Ministry of Rites, including Zhuang Zhicheng, a member of the Ministry of Rites, and Han Long, the commander-in-chief of Dasheng Pass, were imprisoned by imperial decree on the same day.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army did not get any favors either. It is said that the emperor was extremely angry at the Governor-General of the Fifth Army in Nanjing for sitting idly by and did nothing. He not only issued an order to reprimand Xu Guogong and others, but also took away their official positions.

Therefore, these military bosses in Southern Zhili are now temporarily taking charge of their duties as a scapegoat.

"What about my family?" Li Xuan asked with some expectation: "Father, his crime has not been washed away yet? There must be someone who can make up for the crime, right?"

It concerns the whole family, young and old, and Li Xuan cannot help but be concerned about this matter.

"My home?" Li Yan sneered and said helplessly: "Don't think too much. Dasheng Pass and Chen Han Tomb are not my father's duties, and he is suspended pending investigation. This is like a dog meddling in other people's business. , the old man, it is a good thing that he was not punished this time, but he still wants to take credit? What is ridiculous is that for the unsealing of Chen Han's tomb this time, he alone acted as the six ghost generals who opened the fourth door, and then The injury was serious and there was a long cut on his chest. He didn't dare to tell his mother about it, so he could only secretly drink medicine to recuperate."

Li Xuan suddenly frowned and said, "But I remember a few days ago, you said that my father was injured?"

That was after the Lanyue Tower case, when the father and son had just returned home.

"That was an old injury from before, so I originally thought that this suspension would actually be a good thing for the old man. He would just rest for a while and recuperate from the injury. But who would have thought that not long after, there was another big victory pass? out."

After Li Yan sighed, he changed his tone again: "But the old man's health is still much better than before. In addition, I also heard that many Qingliu in the court have a good impression of his father, and several people from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War have a good impression of him. Among them, as well as several censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they all wrote memorials to defend him. Yu Shaobao also said personally in the court that the old man was loyal to the country, dedicated to his duty, and was a rare cadre in the court. . The court should rely on his abilities and should not judge him for his minor faults."

Li Xuan felt relieved after hearing this. As long as the government is not in a one-sided state, at least I don't have to worry about the entire uncle's house being confiscated and executed.

In particular, the one in Shaobao was another figure close to the level of a saint since the founding of the Jin Dynasty. More than ten years ago, he tried to turn the tide and save the fate of the Jin Dynasty from danger.

Now he leads the Ministry of War, is responsible for border defense matters in the entire north, and is very powerful in the court.

"That's right!" Li Yan remembered something again: "The Vermilion Bird Hall asked Peng Fulai to bring you news. After you wake up, go to the Vermilion Bird Hall as soon as possible. I guess they want to reward you for your merits. During this period, our uncle Qiu Shi also came here and visited you several times. He likes you very much. Gee, I think he wants you to be his son. With his merits and someone above him, I guess you The benefits will never be smaller.”

Li Xuan was in high spirits, and he was looking forward to what kind of harvest he would get at Suzaku Hall this time.

It's a pity that Mrs. Liu has given him a grounding order, and he must not step out of the house until he recovers from his injury. She didn't even allow Li Xuan to touch the sword and gun, and asked Li Dalu to keep an eye on her the whole time.

So Li Xuan could only do daily practice and comprehend martial arts.

That night, when Li Xuan was transporting his true energy, he realized what it meant when he heard the Tianmastiff say that he 'practiced the thunder method to get twice the result with half the effort'.

He can now increase the voltage of Shenxiao's annihilating thunder to 22,000 volts while visualizing without borrowing the help of any elixir. In addition, Li Xuan's internal organs, bones and blood marrow are also extremely adaptable to the thunder element and can already blend with each other. UU Reading

This caused Li Xuan to have more vitality in his body when he moved Zhou Tian.

As we all know, Li Xuan's practice method is very strange. The thunder method visualization and the ice method visualization have always complemented each other and enhanced each other.

The strengthening of thunder visualization also directly increased the effect of his ice magic visualization by nearly double.

The key is that when Li Xuan woke up the next day, he found that the green spot on his chest had not expanded at all. There may still be a slight contraction, but Li Xuan can't feel it for the time being.

——In short, this is one of the few times since the possession of the female ghost in red that the speed of cultivation has exceeded the speed of the Yin evil attack.

Li Xuan was overjoyed. It was confirmed that Tingtian Mastiff had not lied to him. The intensity of the evil attack on him had indeed been reduced to one-tenth of what it was before!

Li Xuan is already preparing to collect a few more good elixirs in the near future to give himself a serious boost of blood.

Just because Li Xuan felt restless when he thought that he only had less than twenty days left to live. This is too dangerous, and it has to be extended to about two to three months to be considered safe.

Otherwise, if something happens in the future that prevents him from practicing every day, wouldn't he have to cock his whip immediately?

But after the joy, Li Xuan looked around the walls and felt inexplicably lonely.

Last night, he followed the method given by Tingtian Mastiff and looked inside his own sea of ​​consciousness. The volume "Song of Righteousness" was floating alone inside, and the blood-eyed girl was missing.

Now it's better, even if I unseal the Qilin Arm, I can't find the object of my visualization. After all, his ability in this area is far from the state of being uncoded in his heart.

Li Xuan just sat on the bed for a long time, and then cursed secretly that he was sick, and that he was seriously ill. Then he hurriedly got dressed and walked towards the school grounds.

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