Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 121 Mother Xue’s conduct

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"Then let it go! Don't you know whether men and women are close to each other? In public, this will have a bad influence."

As Li Xuan spoke, he continued to pull his sleeves, but unfortunately he still failed. He didn't dare to really tear the sleeves.

Li Xuan couldn't help but wonder, is this bullying someone? Is it great to be strong?

The men in our world are also very strong, but they have a lot of respect for women.

"Do men and women have sex?"

The fire in Xue Yunrou's heart suddenly rose. The key is that this guy obviously said and did this because he was worried about Jiang Hanyun next to him.

"Then let me ask you, did you hold my hand when you were in the underworld? Aren't you claiming to be a gentleman? Do you dare to answer my question?"

Li Xuan was slightly stunned: "Miss Xue, you also said that it was in the underworld."

He has never claimed to be a gentleman, and the occasional remarks he made were in jest.

What kind of person he is, he still has a bit of a clue.

"You can hold a girl's hand in the underworld, right?"

Xue Yunrou didn't wait for him to finish, and pressed again: "Let me ask you again, were you hugging me all the time at that time? In this case, what qualifications does Xuan Lang have to say whether men and women can be intimate?"

"Ahem..." Li Xuan's face turned red suddenly. I felt that Jiang Hanyun's eyes beside him had become colder.

Not only was there a green air on her face, but her eyes were more like swords, guns and halberds, trying to chop him into pieces.

Le Qianqian, who heard their conversation next to her, turned her head and looked at Li Xuan with the eyes of a scumbag. She thought that if she didn't deny it, it would be acquiescence.

Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, who had their ears pricked up in the distance, had expressions of respect and admiration on their faces.

Li Xuan realized that he had to explain clearly and prove his innocence.

“Ms. , Ask yourself that there is no transgression.”

Xue Yunrou sneered: "But you were not so well-behaved at that time."

As a result, Li Xuan's entire body turned to stone, and Jiang Hanyun's sight, which had softened, returned to its original state.

In his heart, he was crying out to Tianqu. How could he not be evil while holding Xue Yunrou?

——If someone can really do it, then that person must be worse than an animal, not a human being.

Le Qianqian nodded. Although her boss was responsible and compassionate, he was still a scumbag.

Seeing that Li Xuan had been tamed and no longer struggling, Xue Yunrou took her little hand back: "By the way, you haven't answered me yet, what were you talking about just now?"

"We are talking about business matters, which have nothing to do with you." Jiang Hanyun looked cold and hard. She felt that this cousin was becoming less and less cute. She was obviously very well-behaved before.

"Is it business? Forget it." Xue Yunrou looked at Jiang Hanyun with a smile: "Cousin, shall we go to see our aunt together? She is waiting for us."

Anyway, she didn't want to see these two people together.


At the same time, in a small pavilion in Zhendong Hou Mansion. Mrs. Jiang, Mother Xue and Mrs. Liu are all sitting here.

"Mrs. Jiang."

Liu glanced at the faces of the two people in front of her with suspicious eyes: "May I ask why you asked Mrs. Xue to invite me here?"

One of these two families is a demon-suppressing family, and the other is a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River. Although they are also members of the dignitaries in Nanjing City, the former rarely participates in the entertainment between the dignitaries, while the latter has been settling in the capital for the past twenty years.

Therefore, although Mrs. Liu knew these two people, they were not very familiar with them.

"What else could it be besides the debt of my children?"

Mother Xue poured tea for the three of them with a smile, but she felt strange in her heart. Why hasn't her daughter Xue Yunrou arrived yet? Was he delayed by something in the front yard?

She then shook her head, suppressed her distracting thoughts, and placed the overflowing tea cup in front of Mrs. Liu: "Mrs. Li, I wonder if your son, Li Xuan, has ever been engaged?"

Ms. Liu was surprised and slightly happy.

"Mrs. Xue, could it be that she has a crush on my bastard?"

This is a great event. Xuan'er can live his whole life waiting to die.

Xue's mother couldn't help but rolled her eyes secretly. She thought, even if she fell in love with Li Xuan, would she come to the door so directly and ask? Do you still want the girl’s face?

What's more, since the second son of Bo Chengcheng was notorious, he was a second-generation ancestor who was good at eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. She would rather find a son-in-law from an ordinary family than fall in love with this typical playboy.

"Mrs. Li was just joking. I was just asked by some relatives and friends to ask. If Mr. Ling hasn't been engaged yet, you two can have a talk."

No matter how late Mrs. Liu was, she found that Mother Xue's expression was very dull, while Mrs. Jiang's eyes were very expectant.

Thinking that this daughter was the famous 'Iron-Blooded Shura' and 'Blood-Hand Human Slaughterer', who had once made her unable to get off the stage in front of her, Mrs. Liu's heart tightened slightly.

"We haven't gotten engaged yet, but recently there have suddenly been more people coming to my door to be matchmakers for my boy. Two of them are very sincere, and we are in talks."

This is the truth. Recently, many matchmakers have indeed come to her door. She forced Li Xuan to come to Zhendong Hou Mansion this time just to be seen by others.

——Although the daughters of those families did not satisfy her, it was still better than marrying the 'bloody-handed massacre' home.

Mother Xue couldn't help but look at each other with Mrs. Jiang. Both of them were extremely astute people, and they both heard the hidden meaning of rejection in Liu's words.

Mrs. Jiang pinched her handkerchief helplessly. In the past, she would be very angry when encountering this kind of situation, but now she treats her precious daughter as if she is nothing.

But now, she couldn't be angry anymore.

She also knew that Li Xuan's market price suddenly started to rise. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so fussy this time.

Mrs. Jiang really didn't want to miss this son-in-law who was perfect in everything except his past reputation.

Now, she could only count on her younger siblings to be more eloquent.

"I have heard that Mr. Ling is a general and has excellent martial arts. It is said that he has also made a name for himself in the Six Daosi Division and has a bright future. Naturally, he will be favored by various families. After a while, it is estimated that the matchmakers who come to your house will be able to pass the threshold. Trampled."

Mrs. Xue nodded slightly, and then changed the topic: "Speaking of which, after Master Ling was promoted to the Demon-Subduing Tour, he can now get almost 600 taels of silver a month, right?"

Liu was not the only one who was confused by this sentence. Mrs. Jiang was also puzzled. I asked you to be a matchmaker. Why did you raise Li Xuan's salary?

"I don't know for sure, I haven't asked him." Mrs. Liu said uncertainly, her interest already waning.

If it weren't for the fact that the two people in front of her had good status and couldn't be offended by being rude, she would have just left.

"It should be this amount." Mrs. Xue continued to talk like a casual conversation, which seemed to have nothing to do with her children's marriage: "I remember that Hanyun's current monthly salary is thirteen thousand taels of silver, of which ten thousand taels are hers. The allowance is three thousand taels, which is her job, which is five times the salary of the demon-suppressing tour."

"Is there so much?" Mrs. Liu was surprised, and she became a little more serious: "In this year, wouldn't there be hundreds of thousands of taels of silver?"

"You don't know how rare it is to have a talented third-level martial artist like Hanyun, especially since she is only seventeen years old. If Liu Daosi doesn't pay her enough, how can she keep anyone? So? In addition to this amount of silver, there are also various benefits and silver rewards, which are far more than the hundreds of thousands taels. For example, this year, the elixirs and magic weapons provided by Liu Dao Siguang for Han Yun were worth tens of thousands. Many. She couldn’t use it anymore and resold it.”

Xue's mother then asked Mrs. Jiang: "It's strange to me, sister, why haven't you made an engagement for Hanyun yet? With the conditions of Hanyun in your family, shouldn't others be competing for her? I heard that you have prepared arrangements for her. Lots of dowry.”

Mrs. Jiang blinked and understood a little bit what her siblings meant: "Really? What else do you mean by dowry? I have this only daughter in my family. From now on, all my husband's property will be left to her. But for some reasons, thousands of people should be killed." The man who made the sword made a lot of noise and gave Hanyun the nicknames 'Iron-Blooded Shura' and 'Blood-Hand Human Slaughterer', which has caused me to still not find a suitable family for her."

Mrs. Liu couldn't help rolling her eyes, thinking that this was a bit shameless. Jiang Hanyun's evil reputation was not gained by spreading rumors. In just two years, he caused dozens of injuries!

"I think there is no need to worry about this matter at all. I heard Yunrou's uncle said that within two years at most, my brother-in-law will definitely be able to step into the throne of heaven. Not long ago, the royal family tried to recruit my brother-in-law, and Xu Yi He has a high position as 'Deputy Imperial Master', but even his brother-in-law looks down upon him."

Xue's mother blew tea leaves with her mouth: "When my brother-in-law ascends to the throne, whoever wants to be your son-in-law will not be able to do it? But in my opinion, she still has to find someone she likes and likes her. I heard Hanyun, she has been getting along well with a young hero under her recently?"

When Mrs. Liu heard this, she couldn't help but look slightly moved. Does the 'young handsome man' Mrs. Xue mentioned refer to Xuan'er?

And there is Jiang Hanyun, who is rich, powerful, beautiful, and highly armed. Isn't this exactly what she wants?

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Liu felt that Jiang Hanyun's pretty face didn't seem so hateful anymore.

There seems to be nothing wrong with having a strong personality, as he can protect Xuan'er.

Ms. Liu believes that she can still make sacrifices for her children. At most, she will live in a Buddhist temple and avoid her two powerful daughters-in-law.

She began to think carefully about the possibility of this marriage. She listened attentively to every next sentence of Xue's mother and pondered it in her heart.

It wasn't until Xue's mother and Mrs. Jiang changed the subject and started talking about romance that Mrs. Liu felt unable to sit still and found an excuse to leave.

She was going to find someone to inquire more carefully, and she couldn't just accept the one-sided words of these two people. But if it is true as Mrs. Xue said, then it is not impossible for her to consider it.

When Mrs. Liu left, Mrs. Jiang gave a thumbs up to Xue's mother in admiration. The latter chuckled and spilled the tea in the cup into the garden outside.

What kind of moral character does she have? Can she not see Liu's simple thoughts?

"Actually, those words are what I want to say to you, sister." Mother Xue looked at Mrs. Jiang sideways with a puzzled expression: "Given your family's conditions and Han Yun's beauty and ability, why are you so anxious to marry her off? ? She doesn’t have to let others look down upon her.”

Like her Yunrou, it doesn't matter if she never gets married, so she has to rely on a man?

Mrs. Jiang couldn't help sighing, and shook her head with a wry smile.

They were eager to find a husband for Jiang Hanyun, and there was certainly a reason for that.

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