Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 15 There is a bandit gentleman

When the lanterns first came on, Li Xuan rode to Duke Xu's mansion. Not to mention the heavy traffic here, the carriages outside have already stopped three streets away.

When Li Xuan entered the door, he saw his two friends Zhang Taishan and Peng Fulai from a distance, and then he looked stunned.

At this time, Peng Fulai was wearing a snow-white Confucian shirt, a bachelor's scarf on his head, and a folding fan in his hand, looking very polite. It's a pity that his tonnage is too large and he doesn't have that elegant and dusty temperament.

Zhang Taishan also wore similar clothes, except that his clothes were royal blue. The effect can be imagined as Dian Wei and Zhang Fei wearing Confucian shirts.

What's annoying is that this guy is also wearing a flower on his temples.

Li Xuan felt his teeth sore: "You two took the wrong medicine, why are you dressed like this?"

"You just took the wrong medicine!" Peng Fulai replied subconsciously, then covered his lips with a fan, and looked around with his small eyes: "Slip of words! Slip of words! Brother Xian, you are also full of knowledge, how can you speak with words?" Can you be so rude?"

Zhang Taishan also shook his folding fan: "Exactly! As my brother Ziqiong said, we are all educated people and should treat each other with respect."

"Get lost! This is not how we treat each other as guests." After Peng Fu said this, he got angry again: "Zhang Yue! If you dare to call me poor again, I will fall out with you! You are poor, and your whole family is poor!"

Li Xuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He knew that "Ziqiong" was Peng Fulai's name and was given by a great scholar.

The great scholar probably looked down on Peng Fulai from a merchant family, so when the Peng family came to ask for help, he used the word "Ziqiong" as a joke.

In fact, it's not bad. Most of the ancient names and characters have the same meaning, are similar, go along with each other, extend to each other or have the opposite meaning.

Peng Fulai's father was very happy, and it is said that he offered the great scholar a thousand pieces of gold on the spot, but Peng Fulai regarded this word as a lifelong shame.

Zhang Taishan was stunned: "What about my rich brother?"

Peng Fulai couldn't help but look confused. He felt like he was calling an old farmer in the country.

"Okay, you still call me poor. I'll make a special case for you today."

"What's going on?" Li Xuan asked with an impatient look: "Why are you dressed like a peacock, all gorgeous and elegant, and pretending to be polite?"

"Don't you know Xianzhi?" Peng Fulai was very surprised: "Today's garden party at Duke Xu's mansion was actually the result of Mrs. Xu Guogong being entrusted by Concubine Zhang in the palace to select a consort for Princess Changle."

Li Xuan couldn't help but frowned: "Isn't Princess Changle missing?"

As far as he knew, this person was traveling with the second prince, and his whereabouts were still unknown.

In fact, he had been surprised before. When the princes and daughters of the current dynasty disappeared, the garden party was still held as usual. Did the famous nobles in Nanjing not take the imperial power seriously?

"It's just because this princess doesn't participate, otherwise I wouldn't like to come. Who wants to be a consort? Even if you can't be an official, you still have to be controlled by the princess. When you go to bed, you have to say respectfully, 'Your Highness, I give you this. Take off your clothes', 'Your Highness, I have come in', how frustrating is this life?"

Zhang Tailai sneered, and then found that Li Xuan and Peng Fulai were looking at him thoughtfully. He was suddenly stunned: "What do you think I am doing?"

"We are studying how long your face is." Peng Fulai smiled, then turned to Li Xuan and said: "He is right. It is precisely because the princess did not come that there were so many people attending the banquet today. The legendary Nine of the twelve beauties of Jinling are here this time. But the one we want to marry is Miss Xue Yunrou and Xue from the capital."

Li Xuan's mind flashed with information about Miss Xue - it is said that her father died early and left her a fortune, and her uncle is one of the top five masters in the world today, and his cultivation level has reached a breakthrough Twelve-level tower, entering the realm of heaven.

What's rare is that this woman is not only extremely beautiful and graceful, she is also gentle and versatile. His cultivation level is also very good, and he is a direct descendant of the Taoist Tianshi Mansion.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan was a little excited. This would save people decades of struggle and help them gain a big backer.

"But does this have anything to do with the ghostly appearance you are now?"

Peng Fulai couldn't help but say "Hey": "It is said that both Miss Xue and her daughter like to be literary people. Don't you see that so many people are pretending to be elegant?"

Only then did Li Xuan notice a large group of martial nobles here, all dressed as literati today. Several guys who usually speak sarcastically when they open their mouths but make mistakes when they close their mouths have changed their appearance today to look polite and polite.

Li Xuan hesitated for a moment, then put aside the idea of ​​changing clothes, and followed Peng Fulai and the others to the backyard of Xu Guogong's mansion.

This was the time when the dinner party started, and the garden party wouldn't start until after dark.

What makes Li Xuan regretful is that although the folk customs in this world are relatively open and similar to the Tang Dynasty in another world, there are still basic precautions for men and women, so male and female guests at the garden party cannot sit at the same table.

In addition, Nanjing's scholarly family and military nobles are not the same. Although this group of noble children all dress themselves up to be gentle and elegant, when they sit down at the banquet, they are clearly different from each other again.

Xu Guogong's mansion may also be worried about fights or bullying between the two parties, so it arranged a loft for each party.

——Li Xuan's predecessor had done this kind of bastard thing before. He once teamed up with a group of dandy boys to beat a group of Confucian scholars until they cried for their fathers and mothers.

When everyone was seated, the situation became awkward. In another attic across a flower field from them, people would chant poems and chant loudly from time to time. However, the atmosphere here was extremely dull. After the banquet started, For half a moment, no one spoke.

After a long time, the eldest son of Uncle Changwen's family might not be able to bear it anymore. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net After coughing, he took the initiative to raise the wine glass: "Gentlemen, don't drink too much. Why don't we give you a drinking order to help you enjoy the wine?"

"That's what we have in mind!" Someone immediately responded eagerly: "What are the rules?"

Prince Chang Wenbo pondered for a moment: "How about making an elegant order today? Using the word 'Xia' as the order, each recite an ancient poem?"

But the whole attic could hear the drop of a needle once again. Everyone fell silent and looked at the proposer with a knife-like gaze.

Peng Fulai leaned close to Li Xuan's ear: "Isn't this difficult for us? He will have no friends in the future."

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of Prince Chang Wen: "If the poem order is not good, then couplets? The Huazhi Order Headquarters, right? The Word Change Order? The Allusion Order? Or the Teeth Pai Order? Tou Hu?"

The atmosphere in the building was getting colder and colder. Just when a cold wind blew through the room, Zhang Taishan couldn't help but interjected: "How about boxing?"

At this moment, everyone's attention shifted from Prince Changwen to Zhang Taishan, and most of them were full of contempt and disdain.

About a moment later, Mrs. Xu Guogong and several ladies walked into the attic called "Tingyu Tower" from the back door.

“Mrs. "

But when she opened the curtain and looked into the hall through the screen, she was stunned for a while.

I saw that most of the people here were shirtless, waving their hands with red faces: "Sanyuanlang! It will definitely end! Good luck with both! Make a fortune with four -"

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