Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 150 Give it to me, I want it so much

"What do you think, Qianzhi? Do you want to go over and take a look?" Zhang Yue asked in a calm voice: "The sun is already high outside. If we don't make a decision, it may be too late."

"Go! Of course you want to go! If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?"

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows first, and then looked solemnly: "But I have to say something in front of you. No one knows what the situation is over there. We must be cautious. After we go there, everyone needs to listen I'll act according to the instructions. Qianqian, you first send a talisman to the hall and inform the school captain of the passing of this place. It's best to ask her to come over as soon as possible. Lao Peng, please also mention it to your family."

He knew that the situation in Huanglin Temple was different from that of the black market in Ship City.

They also knew the black market in Ship City well. Except for Luo Yan, Li Xuan and the other four people present had their own backgrounds.

Therefore, their move of sneaking into Ship City seemed reckless, but in fact, even if they failed, it would not be a big deal. They would just be beaten up and thrown out of Ship City.

But this Huanglin Temple, although you can tell from the name that it is not a dragon pond or a tiger's den, Li Xuan knows nothing about it.

The scariest thing in the world is usually the unknown.

Seeing Le Qianqian sending out a messenger talisman, Li Xuan turned around and ordered Zhang Yue: "Take this shopkeeper Han and the two martial arts masters next to you. Be polite to the shopkeeper, we may use it later. Gotta get this one.”

Without saying a word, Zhang Yue directly carried Shopkeeper Han on his shoulders. As for the two restrained martial artists, he held one foot with one hand.

The next few people jumped directly from the window and jumped into the water.

Maybe it was because of the blocking of the viewing angle, or maybe it was luck, but no one noticed them until Luo Yan at the back fell into the water.

It wasn't until a few people were sneaking about a hundred feet underwater that there was a commotion on the boat.

Just in case, they stayed underwater for a full moment, far out of sight of Ship City, and then emerged from the water near the north bank of the river.

This place is very close to Huanglin Temple, less than twenty miles away.

It is a ruined temple located in a dense forest that was once prosperous more than a hundred years ago. However, during the Hongxi period of the Jin Dynasty, a big demon caused chaos and slaughtered everyone in the Huanglin Temple. The temple was abandoned ever since. The local people regard this place as a dangerous place and refuse to approach it easily.

Li Xuan did not go there rashly. He led his people to stop on the top of a hill five miles away, and then asked Le Qianqian to test it with magic.

The latter carefully folded a piece of talisman paper into a paper crane, and then used his magic power to make it fly tremblingly towards Huanglin Temple.

Li Xuan guessed that this person's family background might not be inferior to that of Peng Fulai. The talisman paper for the origami crane was obviously the finest Yangsang paper, and the pre-drawn talismans on it were obviously made by everyone.

About four minutes later, Le Qianqian's eyebrows slightly raised: "The leader is a magic cultivator at the seventh level of the building. He has a very strong aura. He should be a swordsman. There are four other martial arts cultivators, all of whom are around the fifth level. In the realm, two people are in the dark, two are in the light, and in addition there are some martial arts masters who have not opened the second door. The shopkeeper is right, they are already preparing to evacuate. I saw them taking the wooden boxes in the temple, Put it into a few flying cars."

"Speed ​​car?" Li Xuan couldn't help but frown. He knew this situation and obviously couldn't delay it any longer.

The so-called 'flying car' is also a magical weapon. It has no wheels and is suspended in the air. Pulled by an earth-moving dragon, it is much faster than an ordinary carriage.

"Can you confirm? There is only one person in the Seventh Layer Realm there?"

He thought that if it was just a seventh-story building, then even if their identity was discovered, they should be able to escape.

There were many people present with various powerful Taoist talismans. This was enough for them to block the seven-story tower for a moment, allowing them to retreat into Yangzhou City, which was not far away, or to the river bank.

"My paper crane is a semi-finished product made by Master Zhang himself, with the method of 'Celestial Eye Observation' embedded in it."

Le Qianqian whispered: "In addition, the captain just returned Fei Fu and said she would leave immediately."

"Uncle Wang has already written back to me. He is on his way back from Taizhou. He will be here in two minutes at most."

Peng Fulai obviously saw Li Xuan's thoughts: "I don't think the problem is big. We can't let them leave like this."

Li Xuan was not a sloppy person. He slapped the tree trunk next to him and said, "Done! Taishan, untie Shopkeeper Han's rope. Find a place to hide those two people."

But after the old man broke free from the rope on his body, he smiled coldly. His whole body was as motionless as a piece of wood.

"I urge you to cooperate, shopkeeper!" Luo Yan put her finger on the old man's shoulder before Li Xuan could threaten him: "This is good for you and everyone, what do you think, shopkeeper Han?"

Shopkeeper Han suddenly felt a burning pain on the back of his hand. He raised his arm and took a closer look, and then looked back at Luo Yan in disbelief.


Although they knew the situation was urgent, Li Xuan and the others still delayed half a cup of tea before continuing to head towards the ruins of the temple.

The time was mainly spent on disguises - they could just hide their faces in Ship City and get into trouble, but they couldn't be so perfunctory when they went to meet the suspects at Huanglin Temple.

Fortunately, Peng Fulai's Qiankun bag contained everything. Not only did this guy take out a few sets of special costumes called "Buddy" from Nanyang, he also took out a complete set of rouge and gouache.

Li Xuan's original plan was to just smear it on his face, but Luo Yan couldn't stand it. He used these things to smear a few people's faces casually, trace a few strokes, and change their appearance, so that their original appearance was almost unrecognizable.

After Li Xuan finished putting on makeup, he couldn't help but stare at Luo Yan, thinking that if this person came to modern times, he would be the top makeup artist. The so-called four major evil arts in Asia will definitely not let Japan occupy a place.

When they were three miles away from Huanglin Temple, someone in the forest shouted and asked, "Who is he?"

"It's me! Xuanyi Ju Han Jiu." Shopkeeper Han was very cooperative. He led Li Xuan and others inside and said, "Is your girl here? I have a few guests here. They want to transfer the batch of people from the palace to Buy the goods together."

At this time, there was an extremely powerful energy that locked Li Xuan and others. However, after sensing Shopkeeper Han, this fierce energy was withdrawn, and then a female voice sounded like an oriole, but with a cold meaning: "Master Han Jiu? Come here."

When a group of people stepped into the dilapidated gate of Huanglin Temple, they saw a veiled female cultivator with three long swords on her back, standing in front of the half-collapsed Daxiong Temple.

She looked at Han Jiu with displeased eyes: "You shouldn't be here!"

"I can't help it." Shopkeeper Han said with a bitter smile: "These gentlemen are very generous, but they have to ship to Nanyang in the next two days. It would be a pity to miss this business."

The sword-bearing female cultivator did not lower her guard. She looked up and down at Li Xuan and others with careful eyes. Shopkeeper Han walked directly into the Daxiong Hall: "Where are those goods? They haven't been confiscated yet? Take them out and show them to these gentlemen."

"It's not confiscated yet. It's in the corner over there."

Perhaps because she didn't find anything suspicious, the female cultivator withdrew her gaze and said, "Han Jiu, you came at the right time today. Master asked me to ask you, when will the money be delivered?"

Shopkeeper Han frowned when he heard this: "You can go back to your master, and the money will be available in up to three days. Also, if the deal is completed today, we will have an additional income."

The negative sword female cultivator nodded: "What about the goods at Dasheng Pass? Master told me that they must be transported to Zhenjiang in the next few days. You have been delaying this matter for nearly a month."

Shopkeeper Han's frown deepened and he replied with difficulty: "Han understands and will definitely do it."

He obviously didn't want to talk in depth, but at this time, behind him, Peng Fulai and others couldn't help but glance at each other and communicate with their eyes.

Several people have heard that shopkeeper Han has a close relationship with people like Huanglin Temple, and it is not just a relationship between customers and sales agents. The tokens of Purple Butterfly are just deceiving people.

Li Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he instinctively became vigilant.

Dashengguan? What is there to be transported to Zhenjiang from Dasheng Pass?

Zhenjiang, also known as Jingkou in ancient times, is the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

It is said that before his brother Li Yan was dismissed from his post pending survey, he was in charge of the Zhenjiang Navy garrison, commanding the Zhenjiang Navy Battalion, with a total of 200 warships and 3,000 soldiers.

But then his eyes were attracted by an object placed in the corner.

——Li Xuan couldn't help but pay attention, because countless bloody threads and streamers flew out from behind him, and they were winding in that direction.

This is a metal plate with two layers, shaped like a pot lid, and is equally gorgeous. The top part that looks like a handle is a whole round ruby, like a sun.

On the edge of the metal plate are reliefs of four phoenixes. The two hollowed-out pictures in the middle are a complete picture of the stars in the sky.

At this time, Li Xuan's mind was almost filled with thoughts transmitted by the blood-eyed girl.

It can be summed up in just a few words - I want it! want to! Give it to me, I want it so much! must!

Li Xuan forced himself to look away, thinking that business was more important now. You can't take that thing for the time being, and you probably won't be able to put it down once you take it.

The next person to speak was still Le Qianqian. After receiving Li Xuan's gaze, she asked Shopkeeper Han: "How do you plan to sell these things?"

She spoke fluently in Southern Cantonese. UU Reading Only her expression and tone were not as confident and calm as Luo Yan, with a bit of restraint and reluctance.

"The quality of the things here is a little worse than what I sold to you before. You can take away a total of 220,000 taels of silver."

Shopkeeper Han's expression was dull. He knew that Li Xuan and others wanted to delay until the experts from Liudaosi arrived. So it was not easy for him to cooperate.

But the next moment, he received a warning look from Luo Yan, who looked a little helpless: "And next to it, there is a complete set of ceremonial guards used by the prince. If you are interested, you can also buy them. These things are only If it needs to be changed, it can be sold to some of your country owners."

"Two hundred and twenty thousand taels is too much. Fifteen thousand taels, sell these ceremonial guards to us as well." Le Qianqian shook her head slightly: "We will all use cash."

The female cultivator with the sword next to her clearly showed her heartbeat. She became interested and watched the two bargaining.

But at this moment, there was a sound of horse hooves like thunder and drums outside the temple. At the same time, a flying bat flew from outside and landed on the head of the female cultivator with a negative sword. The latter listened suspiciously, and then glanced at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan's heart suddenly sank when he saw this, knowing that the situation was not good.

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