Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 155 But Ke stepped into the fire pit of Shura

"By the way, take this-"

After Su Zhaojun thanked Jiang Hanyun, he took out something and threw it to Li Xuan.

"This is this?" Li Xuan took it in his hand and found that it was also a porcelain bottle with a label stuck on the outside: "Fourth Transformation Great Return Pill?"

His pupils suddenly became slightly brighter: "Is this for me?"

This elixir was produced in the ancestral court of Zen Buddhism. Its grade and efficacy are between those of Ren Yuan Dan and Di Yuan Dan.

Li Xuan's originally gloomy mood due to his shortened life span suddenly became as bright as spring.

Just because the biggest function of this elixir is to help people break through the realm, it can save yourself two or three months of refining the true energy.

And as long as you break through the fourth floor, it is not a dream to restore your life span to three to five months.

"My father spent a lot of money and asked me to buy it in the capital. Because the matter has not been finalized, I didn't tell you. It's a fluke that I only bought it in the last two days before leaving the capital."

Su Zhaojun waved his hand: "Dad, he is worried about your meager cultivation level every day. He also said that you are extremely talented and have already accumulated enough in the realm of intention. What you lack is just the hard work accumulated over time. And you are cold. Yurou helped you condense Qi and forge your body, so you asked me to buy this realm-breaking elixir to help you reach higher levels. But in my opinion, what you lack is not only true energy, but also hard training.

I took a look at you from a distance before, and your basic skills were so bad that I couldn't even see it. If you were more flexible when controlling thunder, you wouldn't be blocked by that person. I heard that you only practice twelve rounds of sword palms a day now? How is this enough? Twenty rounds is about right. "

Twenty rounds? Isn't this life-threatening?

Li Xuan suddenly sweated, but under Su Zhaojun's gaze, he was speechless. His scalp was numb, and he felt as if he was being stared at by a tiger.

Su Zhaojun seemed to be in a hurry, so he gave the Fourth Transformation Great Return Pill to Li Xuan and left in a hurry.

Li Xuan watched her figure leave in the distance, and then he relaxed and let out a long breath.

At this time, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue also walked out of the dense forest with their heads in the air.

"Why are you hiding?" Jiang Hanyun asked in confusion: "Sneaky and shady?"

"I don't dare to see her." Zhang Yue smiled awkwardly but politely: "How should I put it? This person always thought that it was us who led Qianzhi into trouble."

Peng Fulai's face couldn't help but tremble slightly, thinking that this is really a pig teammate, and they really should break off the friendship.

Sure enough, after Jiang Hanyun said "oh", her eyes became sharp when she looked at the two of them.

She thought that Su Zhaojun's point of view was right. Li Xuan's nature was not bad, and Tianmastiff also said that he had never done anything wrong in his life. So what was the reason that made him fall in love with a brothel during that time?

These two guys really deserve to be chopped alive!

Peng Fulai felt that the situation was not good and hurriedly changed the subject: "Qianzhi, I just looked at the boxes in the temple. 90% of the things stolen from the palace are in them. I think this case is almost ready to be handed over, Princess Changle What was promised to you has been secured.”

Li Xuan also cheered up, but then he looked at Shopkeeper Han's body, then asked for a ball of locust tree pollen from Peng Fulai, and strode over.

Luo Yan was also at the gap in the temple wall, looking thoughtfully into the depths of the temple. When he saw Li Xuan coming over, he said with a smile but not a smile: "Your acting skills are really good."

"Acting?" Li Xuan blinked, a little confused. What is this person talking about?

Luo Yan hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, you think I didn't say anything. Are you planning to summon souls? I've seen it. The man was extremely ruthless and deliberately chopped up Shopkeeper Han's soul. "

“You still have to give it a try!”

In fact, Li Xuan didn't give any hope. It was already a basic operation for these people to make people's souls fly away when they silenced them.

But he still scattered the locust tree pollen in his hand, and then squeezed the magic formula with his hand. Sure enough, what he attracted were just soul fragments.

However, in the next moment, following Li Xuan's thoughts, hundreds of blood-colored threads scattered in all directions, capturing, piercing, and extracting these souls one by one.

Li Xuan didn't hold out much hope. After all, he could still remember the scene when Shopkeeper Han died. The memory before his death shouldn't be of much help to him.

If he hadn't just obtained a Fourth-turn Great Return Pill from Su Zhaojun, he would never have wasted his life and used the ability of the female ghost in red.

Unexpectedly, shopkeeper Han seemed to have predicted Su Zhaojun's fate when he came to the scene. Before he died, he kept thinking about it with strong reluctance.

What this person thinks about most is his wife and children, and he is worried that they will be implicated.

Then there are silver notes, gold, and a large number of gems and jades buried in a cave, rare treasures on the market.

This shopkeeper, who has been working in Xuanyiju for twelve years, has accumulated a net worth of no less than two hundred thousand taels without telling his master's family. But he didn't dare to put these things at home, so he buried them in a cave not far from home.

——This is the source of Shopkeeper Han’s unwillingness to resent, and Li Xuan feels a lot of obsession from it.

Then, there were a large number of weapons and mountains of armor in a dark cabin.

Shopkeeper Han is worried about these soldiers. Once the ship is discovered, everyone in the family will not be spared.

Li Xuan thought to himself that he had known this before, so why did he do it in the first place? He ended the spiritualism with joy in his eyes, and then became embarrassed again.

He thought that the money would be easy to handle, and he could just find some time to look for it. He knew the specific location, and the characteristics of the cave were also obvious.

As for the cabin - in Shopkeeper Han's memory, he only saw a few scenes of the interior of the cabin.

Although Li Xuan remembered the length and area of ​​the cabin, there were also some special paint marks on the wall, especially the 'Wang Ji' written on the left wall. But the question is, how should he tell and investigate these clues?

Li Xuan then locked his gaze on Le Qianqian, who was sitting quietly with her eyes closed.

He thought he could only ask this person. Le Qianqian was the only person in Liudaosi who knew his guardian spirit, so he could accept whatever he said. Although it is very unkind to do this, people are still hurt——

Next, several people started busy again. Mainly with the help of the Yangzhou government officials who arrived, they counted the stolen goods and registered them; they also took photos and drawings of the deceased at the scene so that they could trace their identities afterwards.

In addition, the bodies must be examined to identify the cause of death of these people.

There is nothing to say about this. All the martial arts cultivators who were silenced died from a wind martial art called the 'Six Arts of Ao Feng'.

However, this wind martial art is quite common in the Jin Dynasty. He became famous for his 'Six Arts of Aofeng', and there were no fewer than ten martial arts cultivators who had reached the third level.

As time went by, Li Xuan found that Jiang Hanyun looked at him from time to time, and it became more and more frequent.

Li Xuanzheng was a little touched, wondering if this person was caring about his health? Then the sound-conveying snail he put in his sleeve suddenly moved on its own. As it floated into the air, Jiang Mu's voice came from inside.

"Hello? Nephew Li Xuan, can you hear me? The day before yesterday, I asked my daughter to invite my nephew to come over for a banquet today. I wonder if she told you?"

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized. Jiang Hanyun's abnormal behavior from yesterday to now finally has an explanation.

He looked at Jiang Hanyun again and saw the captain, whose face was as red as blood and steam was rising from the top of his head.

Jiang's mother in Chuanyinluo was still talking: "Hanyun has been talking about you recently, saying that you are not in good health after a serious injury and that your martial arts training is also very difficult. It just so happened that her father caught three 250-year-old Jin Ao, I told you to come over and drink Jin Ao soup to replenish your body.

Dear nephew, if you are free now, could you come over as soon as possible? In more than an hour, the Jin'ao soup will be ready. If the time is delayed, the efficacy of this Jin'ao Decoction will not be as good as before. "

Under Li Xuan's attention, Jiang Hanyun was ashamed and thought to herself, I didn't, I never said such a thing! Not even talking about it!

At this time, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue looked at Li Xuan with admiration and a bit of envy.

I thought to myself, could it be possible for this guy to really capture this bloody-handed man?

There are also three 250-year-old golden turtles - so envious! They have never tasted what Jin Ao tastes like.


What Li Xuan, who was looking at Jiang Hanyun, didn't know was that he was just dozens of miles away at the foot of Qixia Mountain. Xue Yunrou was holding a letter charm when she suddenly jumped out of the chariot with a pale face: "Your Highness, I won't go to Baohua Mountain. You can do it yourself."

Princess Changle in the car was stunned for a while, looking at Xue Yunrou in great astonishment: "But we have made an appointment, Yunrou, you said you would take me to see the scenery along the river. Are you leaving me like this now?" "

Xue Yunrou's pretty face flushed, and she avoided Princess Changle's gaze with a stern expression: "Didn't His Highness have an appointment with two other girls today? Anyway, I have an emergency at home, so I won't accompany Your Highness."

"Emergency? What's the emergency?"

Chang Leji's expression was full of suspicion. She looked Xue Yunrou up and down, and suddenly her eyes moved slightly: "Could it be because of that Li Xuan?"

She immediately couldn't laugh or cry: "Is that man so good? Can't you, Xue Yunrou, stay away from him for a day? Yunrou, Yunrou, I finally see clearly who you are today."

"Look at what you said, Your Highness." Xue Yunrou scratched her face with her fingers: "Have I ever broken trust with Your Highness in the past? I really have something to do today. How about I come back tomorrow? In fact, there is really nothing to see over there at Baohua Mountain. Now It’s not even the time to enjoy maple leaves yet. It’s not like you didn’t see what Qixia Mountain looked like yesterday.”

She was actually very sincere and wanted to accompany her friend to see the scenery of South Zhili, but her backyard caught fire and she had to go back to water it.

My aunt usually looks carefree, reading a book www.uukanshu. tt It’s rare to take anything seriously, but this time’s actions are really surprising and frightening. Fortunately, he was being watched, otherwise something would have been terrible.

Xue Yunrou thought that if she let things go today, her aunt might cook the raw rice into cooked rice.

She really can't afford this price.

"Okay! If you don't want to go, don't devalue the scenery of Baohua Mountain and Qixia Temple. The mountains and clear waters here are beautiful, and I think they are quite good."

Princess Changle was angry and laughing at the same time. She thought to herself that she had never seen Xue Yunrou look down on her friends like this: "Go, go, go! You won't be here tomorrow. I will remember that you broke your promise and got fat this time."

"Okay." Xue Yun walked down the slope smoothly and hugged his fists toward the car window: "I will apologize to the princess in the future!"

She really didn't want to come. Xue Yunrou thought that she had the time, so she might as well think of a way to show her face in front of Mrs. Chengyi and try to win the favor of Li Xuan's mother.

She had wanted to do this the day before yesterday, but she had been putting it off until now because she was worried about friendship. Otherwise, why would she be afraid of the ‘Jin Ao Banquet’ prepared by her aunt for Li Xuan today?

Princess Changle glanced at Xue Yunrou steadily, and then let out a long sigh.

She has seen that this friend's thoughts have already flown to Jinling City, and it is useless to force him to stay——

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