Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 162 Come quickly (a 4,200-word chapter)

When Li Xuan sprayed nosebleeds for the second time, Jiang Yunqi had completely given up hope.

He sighed secretly, thinking that even Quan Dingtian's disciple Luo Yun, a gentle gentleman who followed the rules and never entered the land of fireworks in his life, could not pass the test of lust in the end, let alone that little pervert Li Xuan?

He can stir up many desires in people, but his fundamental magical power is still in lust, which is his most powerful ability.

Li Xuan couldn't bear it, which was actually understandable.

While Jiang Yunqi was thinking this, he once again turned his attention to the Wenxin Bell behind Quan Dingtian. He was already planning how to break through the obstruction of his old friend and get this annoying bell.

But at this moment, the Imperial College priest across from him let out a sigh of relief and looked down with surprise.

"This is?"

He found that there was a talisman formation under Li Xuan's feet, and then his figure disappeared from the steps of the second floor.

"He actually passed?"

Jiang Yunqi was also surprised. He opened his mouth wide, even his chin was about to fall off, and his eyes were dazed.

That boy, that bastard with a bad record, he actually passed the most difficult level of lust? He is really a decent man who keeps his peace and maintains a clean mind? No way? This is too fantasy-

"Eating and sex are good, but you can't be obsessed with lust. Yes, yes!"

The admiration in Quan Dingtian's eyes was barely concealed: "This son should be the pillar of the Confucian school and inherit my mantle of Neo-Confucianism!"

Jiang Yunqi listened as if he had not heard anything. He turned to look at Quan Dingtian with misty eyes: "Brother Quan, when you broke into the building, you also passed the lust test, right? Tell me about this test, what is it like? "

Quan Dingtian was a little embarrassed. He looked out of the building with a dull look: "Ashamed, I was moved out of the building by the magic circle not long after the Lust Pass. The details are not enough for outsiders to understand."

At this time, there was already a roar outside the Wenxin Building, and the chaotic exclamations and discussions gathered together, just like a busy city.

"He went up, he actually went up!"

"Look, the lights on the third floor are on."

"Oh my God! That guy from the Six Daosi Division actually broke through the lust barrier."

"This should be the first one in the past fifteen years, right? The first one to be able to go up to the third floor. This is great. How can we lose face as a Confucian sect?"

"Sure enough, there must be a reason why Master Jijiu allowed this person to climb the stairs. This person's character is probably excellent."

"He actually went up there? He is so beautiful in his arms, but he can still sit there calmly."

Long Rui looked at Wenxinlou and was in a daze for a while. It took him a long time to come back to his senses and said, "This fellow from Liudaosi is so ruthless. He is really not obsessed with lust. He is really worse than a beast!

But I've figured it out before. Those who can be ruthless enough to build such a set of magic weapons for themselves are definitely not mortals. "

Then Long Rui stroked his head again and sighed in great distress: "It seems that we won't be able to go to the Qinhuai River today! Looking at this situation, I don't know how much time it will take."

"It's not a pity. Aren't our roommates and the wealthy brother there? They also came to see the fun. You can go to the Qinhuai River at any time, but this kind of excitement only happens once every few years. Come back."

Wang Jing pointed to her right, then glanced sideways at Long Rui: "Listening to Brother Long's words, you seem to have some expectations for him?"

"I'm just trying to save others by myself. I think about it. I regard power, wealth, fame and fortune as floating clouds. Only the level of lust is something I can't get over no matter what. By the time I get over it, I will definitely be in my seventies or eighty."

Long Rui laughed: "Since this ruthless man can even pass the level of lust, then other desires should not be difficult for him. But in this way, as the dear friend just said, the people of our generation Confucian disciples are afraid that they will be embarrassed to see others."

"I don't think so. When the Neo-Confucianism and Dharma Protectors are in place, the issue of the out-of-control Wenxin Bell will be revealed to the world."

Wang Jing shook his head and laughed and said: "As for the identity of this dear fellow of Six Daosi, it is also very simple. At that time, I am afraid that all the great scholars in the world would be like wolves and tigers and wanted to take him into their disciples. At that time, he was the most famous scholar in the world. A bright new star in Confucianism.”

"You're right." Long Rui nodded, with a dull expression: "But before that, he still has to overcome two difficulties. I have read the literature on Wen Xin Ling, and the last two levels are one of 'Knocking on the Heart' ', one said 'Ask'. That is really the most troublesome thing. In the past thousand years, only twenty-seven of the outstanding figures in the Confucian sect were able to finally obtain the position of Protector of Neo-Confucianism. Therefore, even if this person can break through the four The Great Desire is blocked. The possibility of successfully climbing to the top is almost non-existent.”

Wang Jing also sighed: "Knocking on the heart means asking about the past events of the person who entered the barrier. If the person who enters the barrier has ten things that are harmful to his heart, or a private secret that cannot be known to others, he will be expelled from the illusion of the heart-asking bell. . Yu Zi’s original intention is that everyone has private intentions, and it is impossible to be honest all his life. But as long as the person who enters the barrier does not have too many bad deeds in his life, he can pass the barrier. But now that the heart-asking bell is out of control, then this The situation in the first level is not that simple. There are also questions——"

Wang Jing's voice paused, with a hint of helplessness: "This is probably the most difficult thing for him."

Unlike Long Rui, he sincerely hopes for the emergence of a new "Neo-Confucian Law Protector".

In today's world, countless arrogant and ambitious people have infiltrated Neo-Confucianism and filled the temples.

This is just like when the Buddha attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree and Demon King Bo Xun said, "When your Dharma comes to an end, I will let my demon sons and grandsons mix into your monk treasure, put on your cassock, and destroy your Dharma." , misinterpret your scriptures, destroy your precepts, and pretend to be someone from your Buddhist sect to achieve my will.'

But today's Neo-Confucianism is in short supply of people who can protect the Dao!


"He went up! He passed the level of lust."

When she saw the lights on the third floor light up, Xue Yunrou's whole delicate body relaxed, and then she was endlessly surprised: "You are worthy of being Xuan Lang, I knew it. With his character and determination, how could he fall down?" Lust?"

Jiang Hanyun's face also relaxed, and there was a touch of joy and strangeness in his eyes: "It's true that I underestimated him. That guy is really different from before."

At this time, her mind moved slightly, and she remembered what Zhang Yue said this morning.

With such a character and character, how could Li Xuan stay in a brothel for three years? It must have been brought by his two friends, Li Xuan couldn't shirk the blame.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hanyun unconsciously held her waist knife in one hand.

I really want to flatter people——

Mrs. Jiang also showed a kind smile: "Look, I'm pretty accurate in judging people. That child's heart is upright, and he's different from ordinary people. General Tingtian, who is sitting down with the City God, won't talk nonsense."

She thought to herself that it was not in vain that she had gone through all the trouble twice to make soup for the child. He was indeed a good match for Hanyun.

But then she thought that Li Xuan was still in that building, and her face turned even darker.

Does that old man of my own want him to get into trouble? If this marriage fails, where should she find someone more suitable than Xiaoxuan?

Mrs. Xue was in a daze for a while, her eyes were stunned and a bit unbelievable.

"A flawless gentleman?"

Mrs. Xue actually faintly believed it. But after a moment, she still said coldly: "Don't be too happy too soon. After lust, there are still two hurdles: desire for power and lust for fame. Even if he passed it, there is still questioning and asking. Inside the Questioning Bell He turned into a demon, so we won’t let him pass like this.”

Xue Yunrou, who was already worried, turned paler now. She glanced at her mother, then gritted her teeth: "My cousin, he is already on the way. We will not let him get sick!"


Li Xuan felt like he was dreaming again, in which he experienced the life of a poor scholar. The family was poor, but he worked hard in the imperial examination, and finally ranked second in the imperial examination, becoming a Jinshi in the Jin Dynasty. The next twenty years of his official career were full of ups and downs and triumphs, and he was supported by nobles. At the age of forty-five, he was already the minister of the Ministry of Justice.

The things in this dream were so detailed, just like real life. Then Li Xuan found himself sitting in the courtroom. Below him were two men and women covered in blood who had been tortured. Next to them was a young man wearing a brocade robe, sitting proudly on one side.

"Li Shilang, what your Highness means is that the evidence in this case is conclusive and there is no need for another trial." That was a high-pitched voice, coming from an old eunuch, who was standing next to Li Xuan: " These two people should be executed immediately."

Li Xuan couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "But there are still doubts in the case that cannot be clarified."

"Really?" The eunuch glanced at him sideways: "My lord, please think carefully before speaking. This is His Highness's wish. He said we can't delay it any longer."

Li Xuan was in a trance for a while, remembering that the 'King of Han' was the nobleman who had supported him and made his official career prosperous in the past ten years.

Or what are the consequences of refusing? Your career will suffer a setback, and you may even be ruined.

He looked at the two nearly unconscious men and women below, then at the expressionless eunuch, and then fell into hesitation.

He couldn't let go of his power and position, and his decades of hard work were in vain.

Li Xuan thought for a long time, and then he laughed under the old eunuch's astonished eyes: "Come here, the doubts in this case are not clear, and the trial is adjourned!"

He thought that as a person with a short life span and almost dying, why should he bend his waist for power? Doing something against your will?

Eh? Why does he think his life is short?

besides? As that saying goes, if you don't make decisions for the people as an official, it's better to go home and sell sweet potatoes. It's good to have great power, but if you can't stretch your ambition, then what's the use of this power?

Next, the picture in front of him was shattered again, and he experienced multiple lives. Suddenly he was a high-ranking civil servant, sometimes he was a general with tens of thousands of troops, and he even became an emperor. Various choices were made among them.

It wasn't until the tenth time that Li Xuan experienced a different dream.

This time Li Xuan also experienced a person's life, but the protagonist was a famous doctor who saved countless lives and was regarded as a national expert.

Finally, he held a golden needle and sat in front of a seven-year-old child, surrounded by countless villagers.

"Master, that's not allowed!" A young man holding a medicine box next to him said with a sad face: "This child is hopeless! The chance of saving this child is less than 10%, why do you have to force the acupuncture?

He glanced sideways around, and then whispered: "This place is not kind, Master. I'm afraid that if you fail to save people, this life will depend on you. It's just money being extorted, how can you do it?" The reputation I have accumulated over the past ten years may be ruined by my peers."

Li Xuan frowned and fell into meditation.

Indeed, as the young man said, this child had been treated by four quack doctors and was now close to dying. And these people in front of them are indeed not pure and kind people.

Li Xuan then lowered his head and looked at the child who was already pale and dying.

He half-closed his eyes and meditated, then let out a long breath: "You go and write a deed, to the effect that this son's life is only a glimmer. Although I can try my best and give him acupuncture, there is no guarantee that I can kill him." Rescue him. Let his parents, relatives and friends sign on it."

The doctor was kind-hearted, and Li Xuan thought to himself that he could do his best to save the child regardless of fame and fortune. But before using the needle, he had to be on guard against others.

Therefore, the previous hospital’s practice of asking people to sign a consent form for surgery should be the most appropriate. It's in line with nature and human feelings.



When the lights on the fifth floor of Wenxin Building came on, the crowd outside the building began to buzz again.

"Go up!"

"We have reached the fifth floor!"

"The third level and the fourth level take one hour plus two quarters of an hour. Do you know how long the previous guardians took?"

"Who cares? But this guy is really awesome."

"I can't accept it. Is it true that an outsider from the Six Daosi Division is allowed to successfully climb to the top and serve as my protector of Neo-Confucianism?"

"What about outsiders? The four desires of greed, sex, power, and fame are all great harm to us Confucian people. Since this person can restrain the four desires, he is worthy of respect even if he does not understand Confucianism."

"He lived up to my expectations. His desire for power and fame really couldn't stop him." Among the crowd, Long Rui's eyes were extremely solemn. His hand held the folding fan tightly, but he didn't swing it anymore: "But he still let me I was surprised. I remember that for Fu Chen, the great scholar of the previous dynasty, the two Guan Tongs lasted half an hour, which was much shorter than this guy. But at that time, the heart-asking bell was still normal."

Wang Jing squinted: "The next step is to kowtow on the heart! This is also the most difficult. There are always some shady and secret things about a person. Even Yu Zi, UU Reading said that even he You may not be able to get through this.”

At this moment, in the fantasy world of Wen Xin Ling, Li Xuan was looking at him blankly.

He was standing in front of a simple palace, and in front of him, at the threshold of the palace, there was a beautiful girl about fourteen years old, with cool clothes and red runes wrapped around her skin. She was looking at her with an extremely sinister and cold gaze. Stare at him.

"You have just borrowed the power of the guardian spirit in these four levels. Why are you so proud of it? Isn't it amazing to look like an emperor?"

Li Xuan blinked in confusion, wondering why he was so proud? He can't even figure out what's going on now.

"It's really extraordinary. If she follows his path of turning into a demon, then she is destined to be the king, and I can only be a minister."

The bright girl's eyes were scarlet: "But the next step is a heart-breaking test! Even she can't help you."

This man then moved his hand and suddenly summoned a small mastiff in the void to the front of the palace.

"Tingtian!" The bright girl pressed her hand on Tingtian Mastiff's forehead with a cold gaze: "Tell me all the secrets and sins of this person in the past!"

Tingtian Mastiff raised his eyes and stared at Li Xuan, then his dog eyes were startled, and Li Xuan, who was also looking at it, fell into a state of big eyes and small eyes.

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