Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 169 What are they doing?

The middle-aged maid was unconscious for nearly a breath, and then she regained consciousness.

Then she saw Su Zhaojun, who was looking at her with sympathy: "I take it back, if he has two or three capable helpers now, he will be killed by him even if he is in the seventh level."

The middle-aged maid couldn't help but blush slightly, knowing that Su Zhaojun was right.

If it were a normal battle, her protective aura and magical weapons would not be able to withstand the fierce attacks of Li Xuan and his companions within this breathing time.

Then the middle-aged maid saw another scene that made her unbelievable. She found that in the middle of the school grounds, Li Yan was frozen in a huge piece of ice, looking like his eyes were about to burst.

Li Xuan outside, slapped the ice with one palm after another, constantly strengthening the ice. Suppress the flames burning around Li Yan.

"Uncle? What's going on?"

"As you can see, he is the first to bear the brunt. Although his cultivation and quality of true energy are much better than yours, the time he can be stunned is almost the same as yours."

Su Zhaojun smiled at this: "Fortunately, he was a little more careful and wore the Ziwu Hanguang Armor on his body, otherwise he would have been embarrassed this time. He has been very angry recently, it is best to calm down."

The middle-aged maid thought that this was embarrassing enough. She couldn't help but shake her head: "But I think this is adding fuel to the fire. My uncle will probably be very angry."

At this time, at the edge of the school grounds, Li Chengji also looked stunned, and then he was overjoyed: "This god Kui Lei Yin is so upright and upright, it's amazing! He has actually cultivated to this point."

The moment Li Xuan's sound came out just now, even he was slightly dazed, which shows how powerful Li Xuan's sound vibration is.

Over there, Li Xuan slapped twenty palms outside the ice. Seeing that he could no longer freeze, he hurriedly jumped outside: "I surrender!"

"No!" Red flames erupted all over Li Yan's body, like lava, evaporating all the surrounding ice layers that had lost Li Xuan's support into water vapor molecules. And when he was about to swing the knife and teach Li Xuan a profound lesson, he found that the latter had hidden behind Li Chengji and looked at him with an innocent expression.

Li Chengji could understand Li Yan's emotions, but he said with a smile: "Brothers, let's fight until the point is reached. Since he has admitted defeat, the trial fight will naturally end here.

On the other hand, Yan'er, you really should reflect on yourself this time. We martial artists should guard against arrogance and impatience. We should not underestimate the heroes of the world just because you have achieved some success in martial arts. There are not many people in this world who are as skilled in miraculous skills as Xuan'er. "

Li Xuan nodded repeatedly behind him: "Exactly! Exactly! Brother should have thought that I would ask you to test the knife, so he should have something to rely on, but you are careless again!"

He kept remembering the incident when Li Yan scratched the soles of his feet not long ago, and thought that today was finally his revenge.

Li Yan was almost angry. Although he didn't continue to take action, his eyes were staring at Li Xuan dangerously. He didn't know what he was thinking, which made the latter feel scared.

Because he sensed that his brother's desire for revenge was too strong, Li Xuan did not dare to try Leng Yurou again. He did not even dare to stay in Uncle Chengyi's house for a long time. After going to his mother's place to say hello, he left the house in a hurry.

The strange thing is that although Mrs. Liu saw him, she told Li Xuan to stay a foot away and not allowed to come near. There was still strong incense burning in the room, which made Li Xuan completely confused.

What Li Xuan didn't know was that just when he walked out of Uncle Chengyi's house, Mrs. Liu was holding two greeting cards with extremely confused eyes.

"Zhang Wenxuan, isn't this the Deputy Celestial Master of Celestial Master Dao? He is also his cousin Zhang from the Xue Mansion - want to visit together?"

"Jiang Yunqi and his wife Xue - came to apologize? But they are not a family, do they need to send two greeting cards?"

Ms. Liu guessed that this was to discuss Li Xuan's marriage, and she was overjoyed. Why do you think this is so embarrassing? She should have gone to the woman's house.

But then Mrs. Liu sniffed her body and frowned: "Yurou, how long will it take for the smell on my body to be dispelled?"

"Normally it takes one or two months." Leng Yurou answered calmly: "But I have asked someone to buy cold herbs outside. If you can buy it, it will take seven days. But the problem is that the West Courtyard is also looking for some. , this thing is rare.”

The corners of Mrs. Liu's lips twitched, and then she put the greeting card helplessly on the table: "Please reply to the message for me. Just say that I have been feeling unwell recently and need to make an appointment at another time."


Arriving at Zhuque Hall, when Li Xuan asked Jiang Hanyun for help, he saw the boss pointing to the inner room next to him: "Go and wait for me there. Remember to take off your clothes. I'll be right over."

Ma Chenggong, Peng Fulai and others happened to be there at this time, and their expressions suddenly changed slightly, and they glanced back and forth at the two of them with strange eyes.

Li Xuan was also startled, wondering if he was going to encounter the unspoken rules of the workplace today?

He was stunned for a long time before he remembered what was going on. Jiang Hanyun should be talking about Lei Fa's physical training: "The captain is here. Isn't it not good at this time?"

"Not at this time, but at what time? Go in and take off your clothes, less ink stains."

Jiang Hanyun checked the name list impatiently and said nonchalantly: "We'll get this done quickly before Mao's hour passes. There should still be enough time. My father is very sorry for you. I urge you." I said the sooner this happens, the better, and I also asked me to be nicer and gentler to you."

Ming Youdu and others who were present to answer the call were all completely petrified, wondering what on earth the two of them were talking about? Is that what I thought?

It was only then that Jiang Hanyun noticed the awkward atmosphere here and the abnormalities on everyone's faces. Her face suddenly turned red: "It's not what you think, don't think about it! I just use my family's secret method to help him practice."

Ma Chenggong nodded as if understanding, and the color on his face disappeared. But I was thinking in my heart, doesn’t this explanation amount to a cover-up? When had Colonel Jiang explained this to his subordinates?

This situation is a bit interesting. It seems that Li Xuan usually fawns over Li Xuan more. Jiang Hanyun has a bright future, and will definitely be a figure like Qiu Qianqiu in the future.

This related household needs to be kept warm.

Li Xuan, who sat down in the inner room, looked around curiously. Jiang Hanyun's room was unexpectedly simple and clean. It was not as messy as he had imagined, and naturally there was no girlish atmosphere.

Then, Li Xuan was attracted by a bellyband on the bed.

"Don't look around!"

Jiang Hanyun walked in with a pretty face. She put away her bellyband first, and then sat down opposite Li Xuan.

"We're starting. There's nothing to pay attention to. The only thing is not to struggle or make violent movements."

Li Xuan nodded, and at the same time began to use the method of internal vision to observe his own body. He is also planning to use the thunder method to refine his body, and this secret technique of the Jiang family is just a reference for him.

At this time, Jiang Hanyun had already put her little hand on his chest. This one first emitted a tiny electric current and penetrated into Li Xuan's body. This person should be sensing something with the help of electric current and magnetic field, and then the power of thunder and lightning suddenly increased sharply, making a "sizzling" sound.

The taste was very sour, and Li Xuan managed to endure it with gritted teeth, but his body was bounced by the electricity, and then the entire wooden bed rippled, making constant creaking sounds.

At this time, Zhang Yue, who was walking outside the hospital, asked Peng Fulai: "Lao Peng, do you believe the explanation just given by the captain?"

"I half believe it." Peng Fulai's eyes were suspicious: "But Qian Zhi shouldn't be so unwise. That's Tu Jiang Hanyun, the bloody-handed man! How should he live the rest of his life?"

At this moment, they both felt something at the same time and looked behind.

"Creak, crunch, this sound is so familiar to me." Zhang Yue looked solemn: "I used to do things like this, crunch, crunch."

"Me too."

Peng Fulai listened carefully to the sound of Feng Bian. He was a little shocked: "But this frequency is so intense, at least twelve sprints in one breath! It's amazing!"


Afterwards, Li Xuan was full of energy and walked out of Jiang Hanyun's apartment. Then, as soon as he walked into their team's public room, he caught the admiring glances of Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue.

After noticing that Li Xuan's steps were steady and his eyes were clear, Zhang Yue's eyes became even more complicated: "Qianzhi, don't you feel tired? Aren't your waist sore? Aren't your feet soft?"

"Why are my feet so weak?"

Li Xuan glanced at the two people in astonishment, then waved his hand nonchalantly: "Are you asking about Mr. Captain giving me the thunder method to refine my body? I basically didn't move. Anyway, it feels very good."

Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue looked at each other after hearing this, and for some reason there was a bit of envy in their eyes.

Li Xuan ignored the inexplicable two people. He pulled Le Qianqian to a corner and started reading www.uukanshu. net directly asked Shopkeeper Han about the ship in his memory.

"Wang Ji is a big ship dealer in Zhenjiang. There are currently seventeen big ships, with the large cabins you mentioned, nine feet long and three feet wide. But I checked the customs clearance records of these seventeen ships one by one. There is nothing suspicious about them. They are running ships on the river normally these days, and they are legitimate shipping merchants. They do not do business, they just help people transport goods on the river, so everything is well documented.

Then I discovered that Wang Ji sold four old boats more than half a year ago. There have been no records of their entry and exit at water gates and docks in various places for a long time. "

As Le Qianqian spoke, he placed files one after another in front of Li Xuan.

"Then these days, someone saw a ghost ship on the water near Dasheng Pass. It couldn't be seen during the day, and it was dark at night. Some people had the courage to get on the ship, but they never came out again. Several people under our Zhuque Hall The branch offices along the Yangtze River have received several reports. However, due to busy business recently, and the ghost ship has not caused any major disasters, the branches in various places have chosen to postpone the handling. I read their descriptions, which are very similar to that. One of four ships.”

At this time, she paused: "Speaking of which, Wangji Boating is still the property of your uncle Zhenyi's family. This is the dowry left to your sister-in-law Su Zhaojun by her mother Wang."

Li Xuan was stunned when he heard this, wondering why it was related to his family again?

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