Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 173 Is that thing of his gone?

After returning to the city from Dasheng Pass, Li Xuan went straight to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

He found the sincere brother Li Chengji and his eldest brother Li Yan, and then threw the bag given by Le Qianqian on the table.

"What is this?" Li Yan opened the bag, took a look, and asked in confusion: "The silver ingots and weapons and armor cast by my family, where did they come from?"

"Comes from an old boat sold by Wang Kee Boat Company."

Li Xuan seemed to be drinking tea calmly: "The ship is full of weapons and armor, all from the Dasheng Pass arsenal."

At this moment, both Li Yan and Li Chengji changed their minds.

"Is it a frame-up?" Li Chengji's face was as green as water, but he was more worried about Li Xuan: "Xuan'er, will there be any hindrance to you in bringing these things out?"

"Only my subordinates and I were present at that time. Father, you know who Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue are. The other two can also keep their mouths shut."

Li Xuan said with a faint look: "Also, less than a moment after we arrived on the ship, Xi Ying arrived."

"Xi Ying?"

Li Chengji's pupils narrowed slightly: "Seven days ago, His Majesty approved Cui Chengyou's resignation. Later, on the recommendation of the cabinet, he ordered the left deputy censor Xi Ying to go south to preside over the investigation of the case. I guess the reason why His Majesty and Yu Shaobao approved it was because Probably because of the close relationship between Xi Ying and my Li family - I didn't expect that I, Li Chengji, would actually raise an ungrateful man-eating wolf."

Li Xuan's eyes involuntarily flashed a hint of worry.

He knew that most of the members of the current cabinet were ministers from the period of the Orthodox Emperor, that is, the former minister of the emperor who was captured by the Mongols during the defeat of Tumubao.

Although his Majesty, Emperor Jingtai, compromised when he ascended the throne, he made the eldest son of Emperor Zhengtong the crown prince. However, as Emperor Jingtai's power gradually stabilized, he began to have a desire to change the country's foundation.

And their Uncle Chengcheng Mansion may have been involved in this battle for imperial succession.

Li Xuan is not a novice in history. He probably knows that the Jin Dynasty in this world is very similar to the Ming Dynasty in his place. He also knows about the changes in Tumu Fort and the palace seizure that led to the restoration of the orthodox emperor.

——If the historical trend of his side is followed, both Emperor Jingtai and his only son will end up in disgrace.

"I'm going to Zhenjiang!"

Li Yan could no longer sit still and stood up directly: "The ship came from Wangji Shipbuilding in Zhenjiang. These silver coins and weapons probably came from my family's shop and farm there. I have to go and take a look. Let’s see what happens.”

"You can go there, but you must be careful!" Li Chengji looked solemn: "If something happens, you must be cautious and careful, and don't be careless."

He was very relieved about Li Yan's trip. Uncle Chengyi's house also had three farms and 200 soldiers there. In addition, before Li Yan was dismissed. It is still the Zhenjiang Navy garrison. There are many former colleagues there and they have a wide network of contacts.

When Li Yan heard the word 'cautious', he immediately thought of the scene of being frozen in the morning, and the corners of his lips twitched: "Father, don't worry, the child knows what's going on!"

He responded and left, and then Li Xuan extended his hand to Li Chengji.

"What are you doing?" Li Chengji was a little confused.

"Of course it costs money!" Li Xuan glared at Li Chengji: "You think this 'Little Sumeru Curse Seal' is free? I owe people tens of thousands of taels of silver now. Besides, this matter is not over yet, Wang I remember that there are still three ships sold. I have to continue to investigate. Who knows what is going on with those ships? This 'Little Sumeru Curse Seal' might have to be used."

Mainly because the sailboat they found was different from what Shopkeeper Han remembered.

"So, these three ships are indeed a hidden danger."

Li Chengji did not hesitate and took out a wooden box from his sleeve and put it in Li Xuan's hand: "You can use the money first. If you don't have enough money, you can take it from my father."

Li Xuan opened the wooden box and took a look and found a stack of thousand-tael banknotes inside. He pinched it and found that there were at least sixty of them. He couldn't help but look at Li Chengji in surprise: "Dad, dear dad, why are you so generous today?"

He became so happy that he stopped calling him "old man".

Li Chengji was yelled by Li Xuan so much that he had goosebumps all over his body. He couldn't help laughing and said: "It's a rule set by our ancestors. When the male of my Li family reaches adulthood and separates the family, he can get dividends from the family's industry every year.

In the past, Xuan'er, you were extremely naughty. As a father, you had to pretend that you didn't have such rules. But now that you have worked hard and are very different from the past, as a father, you can no longer hold back this money. However, it’s not time to pay dividends this year. When the year-end settlement is completed, it is estimated that you can still get 120,000 taels. "

Li Xuan regained his energy and felt that the whole sky was brighter and the fragrance of ink from banknotes was exuding all around him. He thought that by the end of the year, he would be able to collect the money to buy the Small Universe Bag.

But then Li Xuan felt strange: "Brother should be given more money, right? Why do you feel so poor? When you reward your servants, you are always picky and not grand at all."

Li Chengji smiled "ha" when he heard this. He lowered his head and blew a sip of tea leaves without saying a word.

Li Xuan understood immediately and thought that Li Yan was really useless.

Although the old man Lee Seung-ki was also a coward, he managed to retain his financial power. Li Yan didn't even hold on to his financial power.


Li Xuan remembered something and felt that others could hide it, but there was no need for Li Chengji.

So he placed the Wen Shan Seal in front of Li Chengji: "Yesterday I went to the Imperial College, and now I'm a Neo-Confucian protector."

Li Chengji suddenly spit out a mouthful of tea with a 'pop' sound.

He then looked at his second son with blank eyes: "What did you just say? Say it again!"

"I said that I am now a Dharma Protector. Didn't you see this seal?"

Li Xuan shook the Wenshan seal in his hand and said with a smile: "You increase the money to 160,000 taels, and I will take care of it for you, Xi Ying."

Li Chengji was stunned for a while, and then twisted his old face hard, looking like he wanted to pinch blood: "It hurts! Didn't you dream? It's strange, I am a bastard with all five poisons, what on earth did he do?" After passing the second level of greed, how did he pass the heart knocking and asking questions? This greed is just that, how can he pass the lust? Isn’t Xuan’er’s thing gone?”

Li Xuan couldn't help but have a black face: "Old man, what nonsense are you talking about? You don't have that thing! Your whole family doesn't have that thing!"


In the end, Li Chengji only gave Li Xuan 50,000 taels more. According to his explanation, the Chengyi Mansion had been hit hard recently, so the landlord's family had no food left.

As the head of the family, Li Chengji must have a large amount of money at his disposal and cannot use it at will.

Li Xuan thought that what he said made sense, so he didn't continue to ask for money.

The 110,000 taels of silver notes Li Xuan received from Li Chengji could not be warmed in his sleeves, so he gave it to Le Qianqian after returning to Suzaku Hall.

Among them, 90,000 taels were used to pay off debts, and the other 20,000 taels were used to purchase the 'Locust Wood Doll'.

Le Qianqian was very fast and delivered this thing to Li Xuan in just an hour. This is because objects are commonly used in Taoism, so the weapon refiner has several inventories in his hands.

Le Qianqian also taught Li Xuan the method of "inviting the gods" step by step. She was afraid that Li Xuan had made a wrong step or read the wrong scripture, which would give him the opportunity to transform into a demon.

Later, Li Xuan went to the palace at the invitation of Princess Changle.

He planned to retrieve the 'Xuanhan Ice Jade' as soon as possible, and then find a skilled weapon master to refine it into a magical weapon.

There is no way, the experiences these days have made Li Xuan extremely insecure.

And a high-grade magic weapon can be extremely helpful in battle.

Princess Changle was a generous and cheerful person. As soon as Li Xuan came to see her, she took out the 'Xuanhan Ice Jade' she promised and gave him an extra bottle of 'Nursing Pill'. His reward for recovering the stolen goods so quickly.

Li Xuan was overjoyed and wished he could take the 'Xuanhan Ice Jade' in his hand and appreciate it carefully.

But he still patiently explained the causes and consequences of the case to Princess Changle one by one.

"In other words, is there a follow-up to this case?" Princess Changle thought thoughtfully: "Is there a mastermind behind that shopkeeper Han? This imperial treasury theft case may not have been done by Zidie? And there are many criminals in this case. Might it be related to the recent arms theft case in Southern Zhili?"

"Exactly! This is the next investigation direction of the official."

Li Xuan said with a solemn expression: "There are many doubts about the imperial treasury theft case. I will attack from two directions, including the stone paint used by the criminal and the weapons stolen and sold in Dasheng Pass."

At this time, he discovered that although Princess Changle seemed to be listening attentively, her eyes clearly showed a lack of interest.

As soon as Li Xuan changed his mind, he realized that he had gone astray.

The person in front of him probably only cares about her stolen property. As for the real culprit in this case, UU Reading and the weapons theft and sale case in Nanzhili, this princess may not have much interest.

Sure enough, when Li Xuan finished explaining the details of the case, Princess Changle smiled politely: "Thank you for your hard work, but you don't need to report the next case to me."

Just at this time, a young eunuch asked outside the palace: "Can Li Xuan and Li Youjiu, the Sixth Daoist Master, be here?"

After asking, he walked into the palace and bowed to Li Xuan: "Li Youjiu, His Highness the Second Prince has something to call you. Please come over as soon as possible."

At this time, not only Li Xuan was stunned, but Princess Changle who was sitting at the top was also slightly stunned.

After Li Xuan meditated for a moment, he bowed apologetically to Chang Le, and then followed the young eunuch towards the East Palace of Nanjing's Forbidden Palace.

When he walked into the main hall of the East Palace, the first thing he saw was a young man in the center who was wearing a scarlet robe and wearing a five-piece crown.

He was about fourteen years old, pale, and smelled of pungent herbs.

—— According to rumors, although the second prince returned from Luzhou safely, he was seriously injured and has not recovered yet.

Then, Li Xuan saw another person next to the young man. It was the Imperial Academy Jiuquan Dingtian who he had just met yesterday.

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