Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 175 Dividing the spoils

Those three old boats were found by Luo Yan and Le Qianqian 'by the way' when they were looking for the manufacturing location of fierce oil.

According to the formula provided by Luo Yan, making fierce fire oil requires a large amount of sulfur, nitrate, brown sugar, arsenic, croton, etc., and these old ships of Wang's shipping company happened to have carried these goods two months ago, and the quantity was The aspect is quite small.

Le Qianqian also checked the customs clearance records of several ships and found that when they passed through Yizheng in Yangzhou to Dantu in Zhenjiang, they would stay on this section of the river for half a day to a day.

Therefore, the two speculated that there was a private port in Yizheng County on the north coast or Dantu County on the south coast that was not recorded by the government, and then deduced the location where fierce fire oil was made.

"I think it's more likely Yizheng."

Le Qianqian said in an uncertain tone: "When your brother Li Yan was serving as the garrison of the Zhenjiang Navy, he was dedicated to military affairs and conducted strict inspections. If there was a private port over there or smuggling ordnance, it should have been discovered long ago. After all, the arms case broke out before the second prince was attacked.

On the contrary, in Yangzhou, the military affairs have long been ruined and there is a mixture of good and bad. It would be easy for them to build such a private port and a workshop full of fire and oil on the coast of Jiangbei. "

Li Xuan only looked at a few files handed over by Le Qianqian, and then decided to wake up Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue and go to Yangzhou overnight.

If he doesn't find these three old ships, he won't be able to rest at ease.

And just as a few people walked to the door of Zhuque Hall in a hurry, Li Xuan suddenly stopped. He thought for a moment, then turned his head and asked: "Lao Peng, can you arrange a fast boat over there?"

"Of course!" Peng Fulai thought for a moment and understood what Li Xuan meant. This person did not want to use the Liudaosi's official ship: "I have to issue a flying talisman. It will probably take three quarters to prepare it. We can Take a small boat from Qixia Mountain to the center of the river and board the boat, ensuring that no one is aware of you. Qianzhi, are you worried about being watched?"

"One thing, I always feel like someone is staring at me today."

As Li Xuan spoke, he moved his right foot back from the steps: "Let's go out somewhere else."

The feeling of being followed started after he returned to Nanjing at noon.

But Li Xuan tried to find the source several times, but to no avail.

But he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, because theoretically speaking, after reaching the fourth level of martial arts, the ability of spiritual awareness will increase greatly. In particular, his spiritual power is nine times that of ordinary people, so the benefits in this regard should be extremely huge.

At this time when there are undercurrents inside and outside the Chengyi Mansion and crises are everywhere, it is even more necessary to be cautious.

Several people finally climbed out of the east wall of Suzaku Hall under the cover of Le Qianqian's magic.

After coming out, Li Xuan's mind no longer felt like he was being watched.

Next, we boarded the boat in the north of Qixia Mountain, followed the water all the way south, and then stopped for a while near Longtan Town in the east of Nanjing.

Li Xuan went ashore alone and left for a while. When he returned, he brought back a big package. It was filled with cash, gold, and various valuable antiques. There were even two medium-grade magical instruments, and there were nearly 70,000 taels of silver notes inside.

"This is the treasure accumulated by shopkeeper Han. The cash silver and gold ingots inside should be worth about 220,000 taels."

Li Xuan placed the package on the table: "I don't quite understand antique toys and magic weapons. Lao Peng, please come and estimate the price, and then everyone will divide it together."

Although this was information he obtained from Shopkeeper Han's memory, Li Xuan had no intention of keeping it to himself.

After all, at Huanglin Temple that day, several people present had risked their lives in the line of duty and had tried their best.

Without any of the four people present, he would not have been able to sustain Su Zhaojun's arrival.

"Damn it, I'm afraid this is Wang Xizhi's original work! It's probably the Huang Ting Jing written by him himself. Even if it is copied by later generations, it must be by a famous hand, and it will not be less than 7,000 taels."

Peng Fulai only looked through it hastily, then looked at Li Xuan with a shocked expression: "These things are much more valuable than the cash, and they may add up to three or four hundred thousand taels. I have limited knowledge and can't be sure. Their prices have to be brought back to be appraised by others. The question is, Qianzhi, where did you find the belongings left behind by Shopkeeper Han? I remember he didn’t tell me?"

"Why do you care so much? Just take the money. This is related to my family's secret skills, so I can't tell you."

Li Xuan glared at him: "Since it's hard to value things, let's divide the money first. Each person gets 20%, which is 44,000 taels."

Zhang Yue's face was slightly happy, but after he pondered for a moment, he shook his head: "Twenty percent is too much, just give me one percent."

Le Qianqian also nodded and said: "There are indeed many. After all, this is what you found, Master Youyou."

Luo Yan also looked happy, pushing back half of the money that Li Xuan pushed over: "They are right, you are our leader, you should get the big one."

Coke Qianqian always felt that the joy on this person's face was fake, and his eyes were clearly dismissive.

Li Xuan thought for a while, and then made a final decision without making any excuses: "Sure! That's it then."

There are all cheerful people here who can talk to each other. There is no need for him to be fake polite with these people, it will only appear that he is hypocritical.

After sharing the money, the atmosphere on the ship became relaxed and happy. Even wealthy people like Peng Fulai and Le Qianqian were very happy with this unexpected fortune.

What's more, there is a sum of money left behind, plus Peng Fulai's share of the debt after selling the antique toys, the total may be as high as 50,000 taels - this is not a small sum of money.

Only Li Xuan, because of Qiu Qianqiu's reminder, had been observing both sides of the river, and then his frown deepened.

"Master Youyou should be happy to have made a big profit this time. Why do you look so worried? Could it be that you regret sharing the money?"

Luo Yan walked to Li Xuan's side teasingly, and then followed his gaze and looked into the distance. On the north shore side, sailboats of various sizes were stranded on the shore.

The smile on Luo Yan's face suddenly faded, and his tone gradually became lower: "That's because of the blockage of water transportation. Thousands of canal boats in the whole north and south of the river have lost their business, and they have to spend money to dock at the dock, so we can only Temporarily stranded here.

They were actually lucky. Not only were the boats blocked in the canal unable to move forward or retreat, but they also had to pay for food and drink outside. Many boat owners suffered losses to the point of vomiting blood. It is said that many watermen have been laid off and have been without work for several months. But this is both a natural disaster and a man-made disaster——"

When the word man-made disaster was mentioned, Luo Yan's tone was particularly cold.

But then he laughed again and said with a slightly surprised tone: "I didn't expect that although Master Youyou comes from a family of Zhongmingdingshi, he can understand the sufferings of the people and is quite concerned about the people at the bottom."

"While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone."

Li Xuan remembered Qiu Qianqiu's words before, and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "There is a saying that water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. Hundreds of thousands of strong and hungry watermen are hungry, and there are many heroes among them. We are waiting for you. How can meat eaters not be afraid of it?”

Luo Yan couldn't help but be stunned and looked at Li Xuan carefully.

"The wine and meat of Zhumen are stinky, and there are frozen bones on the road? Water can carry a boat, but can it also overturn it?"

He murmured, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then he said with a half-smile: "Master Youyou is really talented, but sincerely, the Li family has a lot of money. As long as you are willing, we can do it with our family's strength." Let hundreds of thousands of watermen on the canal be fed and watered——"

"But what happens next?" Peng Fulai in the distance sneered: "Being accused by the court of trying to win over people's hearts and conspiring to rebel, and then having his house ransacked and executed?"

Zhang Yue also shook his head and said: "It won't work. I remember my father said that even if a family of warriors like us sets up porridge shacks at the major gates of Nanjing, there are rules. We must not go past those scribes."

Li Xuan sighed softly: "To be honest, I miss Zidie a little now."

With the Purple Butterfly Witch here, at least the lives of these hundreds of thousands of porters will be easier.

Hearing this, Luo Yan couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly.


Nanjing is very close to Yizheng, closer than the last time they went to Yangzhou Ship City. In addition, they were riding Peng Fulai's boat, so they had arrived at their destination about half an hour after setting off.

——If Li Xuan hadn't left for a while along the way, the speed might have been faster.

"That pier should be about ten miles away from here. We have to look for it carefully."

As Le Qianqian spoke, she raised two paper cranes and prepared to release them for exploration.

But at this time, Luo Yan looked at the black smoke column in front of him and sneered: "There is no need to look for the oil refining workshop, it is right here. With such a high chimney and such thick smoke, in addition to making strong fire oil, , other possibilities are unlikely.”

Li Xuan was refreshed. As long as he found the location of the workshop, it meant that a clue had been obtained.

Next, Le Qianqian brought him good news. Her paper crane had found the three ships. They were stranded in the nearby reeds, and a shallow magic array was set up around them.

——That is not a very sophisticated formation, it is equivalent to the camouflage of Li Xuan's previous life, which can make people from a distance feel wrong.

What's troublesome is that there are about sixty people guarding the ship, all of whom are powerful martial artists. Among them, five entered the second gate.

Then there were more people in the workshop, about a hundred or so, all wearing helmets and carrying armor, like a private army. Li Xuan took a look from a distance with his 'Dao-protecting Heavenly Eye' and found that there was a more powerful aura next to the workshop. It was probably a third-sect martial arts cultivator.

"We still have to call someone from inside the hall." Peng Fulai scratched his head: "I'm afraid we won't be able to get it."

Zhang Yue also looked helpless: "How about we talk tomorrow? Mr. Xiaowei went to Gaoyou with the general manager, and I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while."

"It's unnecessary!" An unexpected female voice suddenly sounded in several people's ears.

Peng Fulai and others looked at the source of the sound with stunned expressions, and then saw Xue Yunrou's figure standing behind them at some point.

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