Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 182 I Have a Way to Defeat the Enemy (6,700 words long chapter)

When Li Xuan took 200 shrimp soldiers and crab generals borrowed from Long Jun to resist the canal mouth and meet with Li Yan, his elder brother was stunned.

"Fuck, Li Xuan, how can you have such a big face?"

The 'shrimp soldiers' following Li Xuan were each five feet long. The shrimp claws they wielded were the size of an off-road vehicle, and their size was comparable to a bus.

The size of the twenty 'crab generals' is even more exaggerated. It is reminiscent of the 'Caterpillar 797' giant trucks in modern mines, and it is covered in heavy armor. The pair of crab claws are like giant hammers and look extremely powerful.

——This is obviously the most elite military horse in the Yangzhou Dragon Palace. All members have the cultivation level of the fourth level. Their combat power in the water is enough to equal several battalions of navy.

"I also feel baffled." Li Xuan recalled the situation in the Dragon Palace and felt confused: "I said that I wanted to ask him to borrow an elite army of 200 people, so Lord Long gave me his own army.

I said that in the later battle of Beigu Mountain, Long Junxiang may be needed to help. He said that as a Dragon Lord, although he could not directly intervene in human disputes, as long as Lin Ziyang used wind martial arts on a large scale, he would help us suppress it in the name of Lin Ziyang interfering with the weather in Zhenjiang and Yangzhou. Wind power. "

"He really said that?" Li Yan was even more surprised: "Could this Yangzhou Longjun have been replaced? That lazy guy spends 11 of the 12 hours a day having sex, and his taste is very curious. , everything is available, and there are no restrictions on men and women. Last time I went there, I saw him rolling around with a semen earthworm, and he even kicked me out.

This time he was actually willing to put away his dragon whip and personally help out? How strange! To be honest, I would be very surprised if you could ask his Prime Minister Turtle to help you this time. "

"Is it that exaggerated?"

Li Xuan also felt strange. He thought carefully about the words of Yangzhou Dragon Lord and Turtle Prime Minister, but he was still confused.

"It seems to be related to the locked Dragon Lord of Poyang? He said that I have the smell of the Dragon Lord of Poyang, and he said that she is coming out soon."

"How is that possible? The seal is strong. It's not like you haven't gone in to see it."

Li Yan sneered, then rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Isn't he attracted to you? I thought about it, and it can only be because you are more handsome than me. This The world of looking at faces is really disappointing.”

Li Xuan suddenly shuddered, remembering the time when he left the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Lord kept holding his hand with an unusually kind expression, and even personally escorted him out.

His complexion suddenly changed from green to white, and it took him a long time to recover. Then Li Xuan looked at the dozens of boats behind Li Yan and the many Shuiying soldiers on board: "Are you sure?"

The plan they formulated was to first use 800 Zhenjiang Navy troops and contract 200 Dragon Palace soldiers to capture Tieweng City. Later, Li Yan's best friend, the 'Commander of Dantu Guards' Shi Shishi, led his army to Beigu Mountain in the name of training.

This can avoid future troubles to the greatest extent - but the difficulty lies in whether an army of a thousand people can defeat the 'Iron Urn City' garrisoned by two thousand elite soldiers?

"Originally I was only 50% sure, but now -"

Li Yan glanced sideways at the soldiers and generals behind Li Xuan: "There should be no surprises. Lin Ziyang is currently dispatching troops and generals in Dantu City. He must not have thought that I would be so bold. As long as this person is not stationed in Beigu Mountain, we have secured the Iron Urn City!"

"What did the abbot of Ganlu Temple say?" Li Xuan glanced at the back mountain on the water side of Beigu Mountain again.

This is what worries him more. Ganlu Temple is also a large temple in the south of the Yangtze River. There are three hundred monks and soldiers in the temple, and the terrain is difficult, which is also a point that cannot be ignored in this battle. The host himself is also an eminent monk in the Nine Layers Realm.

"The presiding monk is cunning. He said that as long as it is 'confirmed' that Lin Ziyang is rebelling, their Ganlu Temple will naturally help us. If we don't care about him, that guy will not become a thief. He should also know that once Lin Ziyang becomes a rebel, he will definitely I will keep an eye on Ganlu Temple’s large amount of money and food.”

Li Yan paused and looked towards the west with cold eyes: "The night is long and the dream is long. Since everyone is here, let's start now!"


That night, the merchant boatmen who were entering and leaving the canal mouth, as well as the hard workers unloading goods at the dock of Ganlu Port, saw a scene that made them jaw-dropping.

A total of one hundred and eighty giant lobsters as big as ships, and twenty larger crabs, suddenly jumped out of the water and climbed up Beigu Mountain quickly. And behind them, there were twenty large boats washing up on the beach. The eight hundred naval officers who jumped off the ship followed closely behind with the same agility.

The two thousand elite soldiers in Iron Weng City had already been assembled and on standby under Lin Ziyang's orders. The defender of Iron Weng City was the commander of the Dantu Guards, a middle-aged general who Li Yan said was capable, powerful and powerful. But when those shrimp soldiers rushed up the city wall under the cover of Xue Yunrou's magic, the elite soldiers and generals in the city were still caught off guard. In just a few breaths, the defenses of Iron Urn City were breached.

——If it weren’t for the fact that the city’s walls were needed to defend against Lin Ziyang’s army, those crab generals would probably be able to smash the city walls with just a few pincers.

And as Li Yan's old navy troops climbed up on the backs of several lobsters, the battle was settled in less than two seconds. The whole process was like thunder and lightning, faster than the blink of an eye.

Although the fellow commander tried his best to resist, he was quickly killed by Li Yan and Su Zhaojun who joined forces.

However, this battle also allowed Li Xuan to see the use of 'power' by the generals of the Jin Dynasty.

The true cultivation level of this fellow commander was only at the seventh-level tower level, but at the moment of the battle, this person used the military power he had at his disposal to once burst into the ninth-level tower level.

Li Xuan was also surprised whether it was the elite soldiers of Tieweng City or the soldiers of the Zhenjiang Navy.

These people are only at the second or third level in terms of strength at most, but when they put on armor, form groups of three or five, or even ten or twelve people, and skillfully use the method of dividing and attacking together, their strength is obviously improved.

The elite soldiers in the city, a team of ten, can fight against two or three shrimp soldiers of the fourth level. After these shrimp soldiers come ashore, their strength will be greatly reduced. But they still have crushing power and indestructible armor.

Moreover, in the battle of Iron Weng City, if the soldiers of the Zhenjiang Navy had not followed up in time, these shrimp soldiers would have been almost driven off the city by the elite soldiers of Iron Weng City.

Li Xuan was secretly surprised. He had fought with Cui Hongan and others at the Xuanwu Lake Pier before, and the elite soldiers of the imperial camp were just mediocre——

"Do you think these are the so-called elite soldiers from the Nanjing imperial camp?"

Li Yan sneered: "The so-called elite soldiers do not necessarily have to be very strong in martial arts, but they must be proficient in battle formations. But the imperial camp has long been rotten. The real elites are all supported by nobles and generals. . And in the previous victory over the Yin Army in Guan, Chen and Han, our old man also had close to quasi-celestial combat power on the shore, but why was he injured so seriously? Isn’t it because of those ghost generals who can use the luck of the Yin Army? ?”

He touched his chin again and muttered: "But it's still very surprising. I have always heard that Lin Ziyang is very careful in training his soldiers, but I didn't expect that the soldiers in Iron Urn City are so elite. There are already nine sides." The standard of a soldier."

If it weren't for Li Xuan's good-looking face and the fact that he borrowed the Dragon Lord's personal guards from the Dragon Palace, they might not have been able to capture Iron Urn City so quickly.

At this time, an angry roar suddenly came from the west foot of Beigu Mountain: "Li Yan! You are looking for death!"

Li Yan glanced at the sky several miles away and saw Lin Ziyang, wearing heavy armor and a large cloak, hanging high in the sky, glaring in the direction of Iron Urn City.

He was slightly surprised, then he laughed with a sneer in his eyes: "General Lin is late! In fact, General Lin, you should have thought of it earlier. Since you have made it to the first grade of junior high school, can't I, Li Yan, still not be able to make the fifteenth grade?" "

Li Yan did not deliberately speak loudly, but Lin Ziyang was even more angry. He glanced at this side with a murderous gaze, then suddenly turned around and retreated towards Dantu City.

"Take good care of yourself. If I can't guard you, you will have to die! I won't kill you today, and I swear I won't be a human being!"

"Then Mr. Lin may not be able to do anything in the future——" However, when Li Yan said this, Lin Ziyang's people had already gone away for a long time.

Li Xuan held the document given by the second prince in his hand and began to ride his horse in the city: "Everyone in the city, please listen to me! I am the Lieutenant of the Six Daosi Demon Subduing School, the second son of Bo Zhenyi, Li Xuan , on the orders of His Royal Highness the Second Prince and the Nanjing Ministry of War to investigate the arms theft and sale case!

Today it has been discovered that Zhenjiang Commander-in-Chief Lin Ziyang and his subordinates are the masterminds of the arms theft and sales case, intending to commit rebellion! Our captain came here to capture him. You and others are officers and soldiers of the imperial court who were coerced by Lin Ziyang's power and official position. You are not guilty at all. If you still understand justice and care about your family, surrender immediately! Otherwise, they will be killed without mercy! "

This is because although the elite soldiers in the city were defeated frontally, there were still nearly a thousand people who fled and hid in the buildings and houses in the city.

Once Lin Ziyang raises troops to attack the city, this will definitely be a huge hidden danger.

Although Li Xuan himself was just a small demon-slayer wanderer, in order to win people's trust, he deliberately described himself as a demon-slayer captain.

I don’t know if it was the document that played a role, or Li Xuan’s words that swayed people’s hearts. In the following period, more than 700 Tieweng City defenders gradually walked out of various houses.

Just when Li Yan was working on wiping out the remaining enemies, they saw the city gate of Dantu County open and a large number of troops and horses galloping out of the city.

There were also fires in several other directions, and large groups of soldiers with helmets and armors were pouring down Beigu Mountain in groups.

Li Xuan looked at those torches from a distance, and there seemed to be twenty or thirty thousand people.

Fortunately, Shi Shishi had already led his 2,500 soldiers and horses to Beigu Mountain. Some of them were stationed in Ganlu Port and some were stationed in Tieweng City.

"Lin Ziyang's conspiracy to rebel was very deliberate and he has always been very secretive. I was suddenly alarmed not long ago when the arms theft and sales case in the Nanjing Arsenal occurred and this person began to deliberately recruit refugees."

Shi Shishi is a tall and tall man in his thirties, with a face as red as a jujube. After he entered the city, he first laid out the city defenses and patrolled along the city wall before coming to the west of the city to join Li Yan.

"The power behind him is huge. A month ago, I risked my life and sent three secret messages to the north. I also sent people to seek help from your uncle Chengyi's Mansion, and Yu Shaobao from the north for help, but they were all like mud and nothing. According to the news, the cronies sent out could not be seen alive or dead. From that time on, Lin Ziyang was even more wary of me, and even deliberately kept me in the dark.

I estimate that if this person had not yet planned to raise an army and was worried that the court would be alerted, my life would be lost. So, brother Li, if you don't come today, I will be ready to abandon my position and run away. Although this will cause endless troubles, it is still better than cutting off my head as a sacrifice to the flag on the day of his rebellion. "

He then talked about Lin Ziyang's falsehood and reality: "Brother Li, you must not underestimate this old guy. He still has a lot of cards in his hand. Lin Ziyang has the financial resources from nowhere to support at least ten thousand private soldiers around Zhenjiang." .Although they are all Changzhou refugees and watermen that he has gathered in the past month and a half, they are all well-armed, strong, well-trained, and their combat power is not inferior to that of the normal guard army. In addition, There may also be help from the Maitreya Cult and the Monster Race."

"Monster clan?"

Li Yan couldn't help but look at his wife. He remembered that Su Zhaojun had encountered two tyrannical demon cultivators on his way from Jinling.

For the first time, there was a hint of worry in his eyebrows.


At this time, Li Xuan came to the warehouse in Iron Urn City. His eldest brother Li Yan needed to strengthen the city wall as much as possible before the war started. His and Jiang Hanyun's mission was to watch the prisoners and urge them to go all out to send all the ordnance in the city that could be used to defend the city to the city wall.

Jiang Hanyun was already here, with her hands behind her back, looking at the mountains of supplies inside at the door.

"Li Xuan, are you here? It's a surprise today. Lin Ziyang is here and has really saved a lot of things."

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, walked in and walked around, feeling shocked. In this warehouse, there are also stored two thousand sets of armor, five hundred thousand arrows, six Fran machine cannons, twenty squatting tiger cannons, twenty bed crossbows, three hundred barrels of fire oil, and countless other supplies.

There was also a large amount of grain, including 13,000 dan of rice alone and 9,000 dan of shelled wheat. There is also about 1,900 shi of flour that has been ground.

It can be said that this warehouse alone can be used to convict Lin Ziyang of treason.

And when they sent arrows, artillery and other supplies to the surrounding city walls. Li Yan and Shi Shishi's faces were both ashen.

"What's wrong?" Li Xuan asked curiously: "Is the situation very bad?"

He remembered that not long ago, Li Yan was very confident.

"Look over there!" Li Yan pointed forward: "That old guy is so bold!"

Li Xuan looked in the direction he pointed, and then felt his breath suffocate. That was to the southwest of them. Fifty giants with a shoulder height of about twenty feet were walking toward the Iron Urn City, carrying giant trees on their forehands.

Beside them, there are one hundred and twenty three-foot-tall bear bears, as well as one hundred and twenty black tigers of similar size.

"That is a mountain spirit, and it is a mountain spirit with the blood of the witch clan. Compared with those demon armies, this is the most troublesome."

Shi Shishi's face turned green: "In the past, when the Mongolians attacked Xiangyang, they relied on the power of mountain spirits. Their hurling of stones was more powerful than trebuchets and Folang cannons. When Taizu founded the country, he had an explicit order to fight against monsters. Anyone who colludes with witchcraft will be punished by the whole world! I think he is crazy."

Li Yan took a long breath and said, "I'm really not sure about guarding this place now. Brother, please tell Mr. Long again that you must keep an eye on our dozens of ships. They are the only ones we have." retreat."

Li Xuan nodded slightly, feeling heavy.

He knew that Li Yan and others had no worries about their retreat. They were highly armed and could easily retreat if they wanted to.

The problem is Li Yan's old team and the people under Shi Shishi's command. These people are willing to follow them into danger, but they cannot be put to death.

"Also, let someone call the presiding officer of Ganlu Temple, Fa Xing!" Li Yan put his hand on the knife and said with murderous intent: "If he dares to shirk again, I will let Yu Shaobao cancel their ultimatum!"

But then, there was another mixed news from Xue Yunrou.

Lin Ziyang has actually secretly repaired the formations in Iron Urn City. The city seems old and dilapidated, but the formations located in the foundation of the city are close to complete. All it takes is a skilled magician to embed a few rune stones to make it work properly.

The bad news is that Iron Urn City's 'Ten Directions Iron Wall Formation' needs to be coordinated with the city wall to maximize its power.

Although Lin Ziyang had accumulated a lot of building materials in the city, including clay for making Sanhetu, glutinous rice, etc., with the time left, they could not continue to strengthen the city wall anyway.

And just after half an hour of intense preparations, the long flaming snakes pouring out from Dantu County had arrived at the foot of Beigu Mountain.

A total of 7,000 troops were stationed in the wilderness at the foot of the mountain, and more than 20,000 people were on their way.

Lin Ziyang, who came on horseback, took action again. A vast sword energy filled with violent wind suddenly struck hard at the top of Iron Urn City.

Li Yan's eyes changed slightly, and his figure immediately rose into the air. Su Zhaojun also rose into the air in unison. The two swords merged and turned into two huge flame dragons in the void.

But in just a moment, the red flame dragon was chopped into pieces, and the figures of Li Yan and Su Zhaojun were pushed back nearly a hundred feet. And the vast sword energy fell towards the city head without exhausting its remaining power.

"Crush it for me!"

It was Jiang Hanyun who took action. The blade of her sword brought up fierce thunder, which exploded into the light of the sword, and finally blasted it away. But the demon-suppressing captain also slid back more than twenty feet in mid-air, with blood dripping from his mouth.

Fortunately, Lin Ziyang stopped taking action after this strike. He sat on the back of an earth-moving dragon and looked up at the city with a sneer: "This is the appetizer I give you. At most in the early morning, the Iron Urn City will be broken, and you will be waiting for the beheading. A group of crazy people who don't know the heights of the world. Disciple, I hope you can give me some surprises when the time comes."

After he finished speaking, he rode back to the rear. Li Yan also fell from the air with bleeding from his orifices, and his face was a little pale: "I underestimated this old man a little. Although his martial arts is still at the level of 'po', it is similar to that of Zhaojun and me. But the use of momentum is... It's stronger than I thought. In terms of power, the sword just now is already on the level of our old man."

Su Zhaojun was also very embarrassed. Her situation was only slightly better than that of Li Yan: "But he won't be able to kill him again with such a sword for the time being. Just concentrate on defending the city. Now that we have reached this situation, can we still regret it?"

However, Li Xuan noticed that most of the soldiers in the city had pale complexions, and some even had fear in their eyes, which showed that their morale was already very low.


The situation then took a turn for the worse. Lin Ziyang's army first launched up to thirty Fran cannons and hundreds of crossbows. Continuous bombardment against the walls of Iron Urn City. There were bursts of roars and huge earthquakes, and white gunpowder smoke filled the battlefield.

Because they were attacking from above, the power of these artillery fire and crossbow arrows was greatly weakened, but Li Xuan still felt that the city wall under his feet continued to tremble, and gravel continued to scatter. Fortunately, there were enough artillery and giant crossbows on the city wall, and the naval officers under Li Yan were all familiar with the use of artillery.

But when Lin Ziyang's tens of thousands of troops finally assembled at the foot of the mountain, fifty mountain spirits also entered the battlefield. In Li Xuan's eyes, this long-range 'artillery battle' was completely one-sided.

The boulders thrown by the mountain spirits were as big as millstones, and they were very accurate. In less than a moment, four of the Franco cannons on the city were smashed by them. Even the city gate tower was smashed to pieces.

What's even more frightening is that in front of Lin Ziyang's army, there are forty tall "return cannons" being built.

Ganlu Port was also defeated in one fell swoop. Lin Ziyang's 3,000-strong pro-army army stormed into the city with overwhelming force. The 700 people Shi Shishi left to garrison in the harbor did not even last two seconds.

This is not because Shi Shishi's people are not elite enough, but because Ganlu City has no city walls and loses the support of arrow rain from the mountains. Under the current circumstances, they would be unable to compete with their opponents no matter what.

"Huihui cannon, Shanjing, Fran machine gun!" Shi Shishi stood on the city wall, his hands trembling slightly: "What does he want to do? This is enough to break the city of Nanjing. In this land of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I'm afraid there will be no The family can survive.”

Li Yan took a look at the sky, and then said calmly: "We have to think of a way, otherwise we may not be able to watch the dawn. Is there still no movement at Ganlu Temple?"

He was looking at one of his old subordinates, a naval general who had reached the rank of Commander-in-Chief. This man shook his head slightly with a cold face: "I went there with Li Youjiao, but the temple door over there was closed. We There was no way to get in. They said they were monks and didn't care about outsiders' affairs. After Jiang Xiaowei heard about it, he went there in person."

"These bald donkeys." Li Yan couldn't help but smile: "That old dog Lin Ziyang has already colluded with the demon clan, why is he doing this for nothing?"

At this time, from the corner of his eye, he saw Li Xuan ascending the city wall again. Li Yan's eyes were calm and he looked over without any fluctuations: "Little brother, please, please and Lieutenant Jiang watch the prisoners and send all the injured to them." Boat, take them to the north bank. You, Colonel Jiang, and Xue Xianzi are also leaving, there is no need to come back."

Li Xuan was stunned when he heard this and looked at Li Yan: "We are leaving, what should we do here?"

Li Xuan is just a rookie. But Jiang Hanyun and Xue Yunrou were the main combatants.

"Do you even need to ask?" Li Yan couldn't help but glare at him: "We can't hold on any longer, so of course we have to withdraw! You go first, and I'll break up with your sister-in-law."

Li Xuan frowned. He didn't notice that the 'Heroic Sacrifice' suit on his body was glowing.

"We have only been guarding for two hours? Is it too hasty? Is there no other way to think of?"

He has realized that this 'Iron Urn City' may be the only chance to avoid chaos in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and millions of lives on both sides of the canal.

Another reason for his resistance was Li Yan and his wife.

He had just witnessed Lin Ziyang's martial arts with his own eyes. But now that the generals and generals have gathered nearly 30,000 troops, their force will only become more terrifying.

He estimated that the chances of Li Yan and Li Yan escaping from Lin Ziyang's sword might be less than one percent.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?" Li Yan smiled bitterly: "If I had some ideas, I wouldn't say such cowardly words. Now unless we can destroy those returning cannons, we won't be able to defend this city. Maybe. Let's go quickly, I guess Lin Ziyang will take action again before dawn."

Li Xuan glanced down at the city and felt his scalp was numb. Those returning artillery pieces are heavily guarded, UU Reading www. uukanshu. net How easy is it to destroy it?

But then his mind moved slightly, and he remembered something in the warehouse of Iron Urn City.

Li Xuan's eyes flickered, and after hesitating for a long time, he said hesitantly: "I can't destroy those returning cannons, but I may have a way to create a very large explosion under this mountain."

In fact, when he saw those things in the warehouse before, he had some vague thoughts.

After all, he had only seen a movie about explosions before traveling through time.

Li Xuan imagined that in a normal world, this would be something difficult to accomplish. But this is in the fairy world where all kinds of magical spells are endless, so it may not be impossible to succeed.

"A super large-scale explosion?" Li Yan asked suspiciously: "What method and how large is it?"

"I am not sure."

Li Xuan thought about the 1,700 stone reserves in the warehouse and quickly calculated in his mind: "It should be no problem to cover the entire battlefield below, and it is very powerful. The martial arts cultivators in the fourth and fifth floors should be fine, but the ones in the fourth floor should be fine." If you are at the center of the explosion, it will be difficult to survive."

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