Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 192 All have 0 years of Taoism

In the west of Nanjing and in the north of Confucius Temple, in a theater adjacent to the river, a woman's delicate, melodious, soft and sweet singing voice came out.

"——Could it be that the steps are shaking to reveal the exquisite bun, could it be that the skirt is dragging and the rings jingle, is it that the wind blows on the eaves of the iron horse, is it that the bell of the Brahma King's palace is ringing at night."

Xue's mother sat at the corner of the square table, listening attentively, with admiration in her eyes from time to time, intoxicated by the euphemistic, delicate, lingering and soft singing voice of the female lead on the stage.

Next to her was Jiang Hanyun's mother, Mrs. Jiang: "Why are you listening so fascinated? Is there no one in Beijing who sings operas?"

"Of course there are, but they mostly use huqin and gongs and drums, and their singing style is mainly falsetto. Sometimes they are too strong, and I am not used to it."

Mrs. Xue shook her head: "The dramas from my hometown are better. They are soft and elegant, and have the splendor of the south of the Yangtze River. They are very suitable for me."

"You told me earlier." Mrs. Jiang laughed: "Next time I will take you to Tanyue Tower. The troupes there are the top theater troupes in Nanjing."

But at this moment, the two of them heard a sudden buzzing discussion from the officials and their family members next to them. The sound quickly expanded and spread throughout the theater in a short period of time.

Xue's mother couldn't help but frown, as she thought these people were noisy. But then she heard the word 'Li Xuan', and her mind immediately moved slightly and her ears pricked up.

At this time, Mrs. Jiang had been listening attentively.

"——What's going on? Li Xuan, the second son of Uncle Chengyi, isn't he a member of Liudaosi? Why did he suddenly defeat the rebels in Zhenjiang?"

"I'm not sure. It's said that he led the army to put down the rebellion under the secret orders of the second prince, but I don't know whether it's true or not."

"This person was investigating a case that went to Zhenjiang. The Metropolitan Procuratorate spent months failing to find out something. He found out the truth within two days of taking action. Lin Ziyang had no choice but to raise the flag to rebel. But Li Xuan is so powerful. He only mobilized 3,000 troops and defeated Lin Ziyang's 30,000-strong army. It is said that the entire Fifth Army Commander's Mansion was frightened by him."

"Thirty thousand? It takes a little effort to line up people to kill, right? How did he do it?"

"I don't know. It seems like some kind of strategy was used to cause an explosion with flour?"

"Flour? Haha, I knead dough and make dumplings every day. Is this news not false?"

"It's true! My husband went out to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion with a livid face in the early morning, but he came back just a few hours ago. He kept saying that sincere uncle had given birth to two tiger cubs. In the future, the house would not fall down, and he also said that he would have children. Just like Li Qianzhi."

Mother Xue and Mrs. Jiang couldn't help but look at each other with surprise and suspicion in their eyes.

Although their family is also a well-known family in Nanjing City, no one in the family is serving in the court, so this news cannot be confirmed for the time being.

"I remember -" Mrs. Jiang looked at the middle-aged lady who was talking: "That seems to be Mrs. Zhen Haibo? Her husband is now serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the Left Army."

This means that the middle-aged lady's words are very credible.

"Whether he used flour or not, it is certain that Li Xuan made a great contribution. Zhenjiang is right on the side of Nanjing, and he defeated an army of 30,000 people. Isn't this a great achievement?"

"This is amazing. Lin Ziyang is a veteran with many years of experience. I remember my father once praised Lin Ziyang for his knowledge and ability."

"It's a pity that this person works in the Six Daosi Division. Otherwise, if the imperial court awards him a reward, he might be directly knighted?"

"It is impossible to be crowned a knight, but a heavy reward is certain. In addition, I also heard from my husband that Uncle Chengyi will most likely resurrect this time, and the court will only rely on him more in the future. This river is still forged by Uncle Chengyi's family. country."

"By the way, I heard that Li Xuan is not engaged yet? It seems that he was too ridiculous before and had a bad reputation, and then the Li family also suffered a setback. So Mrs. Li is full of eyes in Nanjing, but few are willing."

"Ha! This is interesting. I wonder how many people will regret it when this news comes out today?"

"Of course I will regret it. Li Xuan is obviously a young talent and a unicorn among people. Chengyi's house is also a top honorary family in Nanjing City! Isn't this an excellent marriage? It's a pity that my family does not have a suitable daughter. otherwise--"

"I actually misjudged him. Once that playboy turns around, he can soar to the sky like a roc. That guy seems to be ignorant, but he is such a good talent."

"Everyone? Who among you knows Mrs. Chengyi? Can you recommend me one or two?"

When Mother Xue and Mrs. Jiang heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other again. The latter blew the tea leaves as if nothing had happened, and then suddenly seemed to remember something and laughed: "Brother and sister, you sit here first. I I have something to do at home, so I have to go back as soon as possible."

Xue's mother also seemed to be fascinated by the opera. She nodded casually and said, "Sister, if you have anything to do, just go. I don't need to accompany you here."

Just then Mrs. Jiang took the maid and walked out of the theater. Xue's mother also stood up suddenly. She dropped a silver ingot and used it as tea money. Then she hurriedly walked out the door without waiting for the waiter to change the money.

"Where is Yunrou? Tell her to come see me quickly! No, I will send her a flying talisman directly. That girl usually does things with great force and resoluteness. Why is she so gentle at this time?"

She wanted to be like Li Xuan, a young talent, a virtuous gentleman, the whole of Beijing, that was wrong! There is no second one in the entire Jin Dynasty.

If Xue Yunrou must need a Taoist companion in the future, there may be no one who can reassure her more than the child from Uncle Chengyi's family. After all, these two people have a life-long friendship. With Li Xuan's character, if his daughter marries him, at least he won't have to worry about her being wronged in the future.

At this time, Mrs. Jiang, who hurriedly returned home, immediately called for her housekeeper: "Master, is he back? Have you brought Jin Ao back?"

"I just came back and brought back two huge golden turtles! They are much bigger than before. They must be more than three hundred years old. They were both thrown into the ice cellar."

The butler was a sixty-year-old man. He replied happily: "But after coming back, the master left in a hurry."

Mrs. Jiang thought that it would be easier to handle with Jin Ao: "What about the others? Where are they?"

"The master has gone to the hospital." The old housekeeper thought for a while: "It is said that Uncle Chengyi's eldest brother and sister-in-law, that is, Mr. Li's eldest brother and sister-in-law, were seriously injured. He had to go and have a look. I guess he was called back by the lady. Yes, madam, do you need me to call the master back?"

"No need!" Mrs. Jiang was refreshed, and her face suddenly became radiant.

"Go get Jin Ao brought out. I have to go to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion!"


Only a moment later, Jiang Mu's carriage arrived at the gate of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

When she got here, she was startled to see that the alley where Uncle Chengyi's residence was located was filled with various carriages. There are all kinds of them, and there are eighty or ninety of them.

The entrance was also extremely lively, with hundreds of people waiting outside, each holding a bench.

Mrs. Jiang originally thought that these people were here to visit Uncle Chengyi. But when she stepped out of the carriage, she found more than twenty matchmakers among them - this was because she was very familiar with these matchmakers, and Mrs. Jiang had dealt with them a lot for Jiang Hanyun.

This made Mrs. Jiang's face turn slightly cold, thinking how could Xiaoxuan's market price rise to such a level?

Later, what made Mrs. Jiang feel a little relieved was that when her servant handed over the assassination, the housekeeper of the Chengyi Mansion hurriedly came over and respectfully invited her into the house.

While leading the way, the housekeeper apologized: "Mrs. Jiang, please invite me. I'm sorry, several of the masters of the house are not here. Only our wife is in the house. She has some physical inconveniences, so she can only wait at the inner courtyard gate. I'm sorry for the neglect." Please excuse me."

Mrs. Jiang was shaking her head and wanted to ask how Liu was doing when she heard the housekeeper say: "What a coincidence, Mrs. Jiang, your niece Miss Xue is also at the house. She came here an hour ago and has already been with her." The lady talked for a long time."

Mrs. Jiang's heart suddenly felt cold. How could her niece be so fast?

Just as they were talking. The door to the inner courtyard is already in sight.

Before they even got close, Mrs. Jiang heard Xue Yunrou's voice: "Auntie, you don't know how heroic Brother Li and Erlang were when they joined forces to fight against the enemy. That kind of spirit, even if thousands of people died, It’s really heartwarming.”

Mrs. Jiang immediately frowned, thinking that this must be the first meeting between Xue Yunrou and Mrs. Liu? In just one hour, he used such an affectionate tone?

Mrs. Li's voice sighed: "My two children are naturally good and have first-class character, but I regret teaching my son and looking for a title. It's all their father's fault. I just don't want my own life. Let's throw the child away." He’s also been taught something wrong. Look at these days, the second child has only been in bed for seven days, and Dalang and his wife are also injured to this extent. "

Then she asked further: "What happened to Rou'er? How did they defeat Lin Ziyang's 30,000-strong army? It is said that they used flour, right?"

Mrs. Jiang felt that her heart had become as cold as ice.

Rouer? Is this Mrs. Li's nickname for Xue Yunrou?

"Auntie, you don't need to worry about the injuries of Brother Li Yan and his wife. I saw them when I came here and their Qi pulse is very stable."

Xue Yunrou comforted her and then talked about the 'flour defeating the enemy' thing: "That was Brother Xuan's idea. At that time, everyone thought they were doomed to lose -"

Her words stopped suddenly because Jiang's mother had already arrived in front of the second courtyard under the guidance of the housekeeper. She quickly curtsied and said, "Yunrou has met my aunt."

Mrs. Liu enthusiastically stepped forward and held Jiang's mother's hand: "Mrs. Jiang, why are you embarrassing me? Your beloved daughter usually takes good care of my Xuan'er, and this time I have to help you again." My husband took action to save the lives of Yan'er and his wife. I should have gone to your house to express my gratitude. And those two golden turtles, you just came to the door in person, why did you bring such a precious gift? "

Mrs. Jiang looked at Xue Yunrou and UU Reading smiled a little reluctantly: "How precious is that? My husband likes fishing, and he often has this thing at home. I happened to hear about your Da Lang and his wife. I can use this golden turtle to replenish my vitality. Secondly, it’s also to apologize for putting Li Xuan in danger because of my husband’s incident last time, and I have been feeling sorry for him. By the way, Mrs. Li, how is your health?"

Mrs. Jiang had already smelled a strong musk on Liu's body, as if she was using this fragrance to suppress some smell.

She thought to herself that Mrs. Liu's statement that she was unwell was probably true.

"It's okay!" Mrs. Liu glanced at Xue Yunrou with a smile at this time: "I was still feeling a little unwell this morning, but our girl Rou'er came up with a way for me and finally I can see people. This child is not only Zhong Lingyuxiu , Bingxue is smart and gentle, I really like her."

Mrs. Jiang felt a sharp sword thrust into her chest so hard that she almost vomited blood.

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