Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 196 I seem to have forgotten something (6,000 words long chapter)

The monk was about twenty years old, wearing a plain white monk's robe, with a face like a crown of jade and clear eyebrows. With his hands clasped together and his majestic appearance, standing there, everything around him shone brightly, making him look like he was not an ordinary person.

The other two Confucian scholars are also handsome, handsome and outstanding in appearance.

"It's Master Zhenru? Brother Xiquan and Brother Shouzhi?"

Xuanchen recognized the two Confucian scholars as Long Rui, Long Shouzhi and Wang Jing and Wang Xiquan, direct disciples of Jiangnan Confucian Quan Dingtian.

In the past, the two of them visited Longhu Mountain and stayed in the Tianshi Mansion for a few days. They talked about mysteries and Taoism with him, and their temperaments were very compatible with each other.

As for that monk, he was Master Zhenru from Baosheng Temple. An eminent monk who has already become famous in the south of the Yangtze River at a young age is known as the living incarnation of the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata. Because the two were peers and had a close friendship between their teachers, they had many contacts with each other.

In the past, Xuan Chen would have been very happy, but today he just bowed with a melancholy expression: "It's really a coincidence, why are the three of you here?"

"Master Zhenru is a master of medicine and is here to teach His Highness the Second Prince. The two of us were selected by Master Quan to entertain His Highness with his studies."

Long Rui returned the gift and asked strangely: "Why is Taoist Xuanchen so depressed today? He looks like he has lost his soul?"

Master Zhenru burst out laughing when he heard this: "Today, my Taoist friend Xuanchen has broken off his mortal bond, so naturally he will be sad."

Wang Jing said with great interest: "Is she the girl just now? Fairy Xue Yunrou, one of the two treasures of the Heavenly Master."

"If it's this person, then fellow Taoist Xuanchen is really hopeless."

Long Rui couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Everyone in Nanjing now knows that this Fairy Xue is deeply enamored with Li Xuan, the second son of Uncle Chengyi. The most unattainable famous flower in Beijing has now been taken by us. Nanjing people, please take it off."

"Li Xuan?" Xuanchen frowned, thinking, is this Li Xuan the one who defrauded his junior sister's heart?

"Uncle Chengyi's second son? May I ask you three, who is this Li Xuan?"

"The Li Xuan you asked about is also a newly rising legend in our Nanjing city."

Long Rui looked strange. He waved the folding fan in his hand and said: "Before he was eighteen years old, this man was still a playboy who played cockfights and horses. He was young and handsome, and left many legends in the Qinhuai River. Then. At the age of eighteen, this man suddenly rose up in the wind and soared ninety thousand miles away. He defeated demons and demons and repeatedly solved major cases.

Not long ago, this person even performed an extraordinary feat in Beigu Mountain, defeating Lin Ziyang's tens of thousands of troops with three thousand weak troops. With such a heroic figure and a suave temperament trained on the Qinhuai River, it is not difficult to win the heart of Fairy Xue. "

Master Zhenru also clasped his hands together: "This donor Li has eliminated a catastrophe that may have affected the entire Jiangnan. It can be said that he has immeasurable merits. If there is a fate in the future, this poor monk would really like to meet him for a while and see." What kind of person is this young hero?"

After hearing this, Taoist priest Xuan Chen grinded his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, making a "crunch, bang, bang" sound.


On the same day, Qiu Qianqiu and the blind old man were seen in Qixia Mountain late at night. He was looking at the demon in front of him with a solemn expression.

——It was a man and a woman who looked just like normal people. But if you look carefully, you will find that their bodies are connected to each other, and they are one body. They each have a gray-black wing on their back, extending to both sides.

"Unexpectedly, the Demon Subduing Manager of the Labor Suzaku Hall and Qiu Zhenren came forward together to take action together. Sister Yu and I are really honored."

The male among the monsters laughed loudly and said arrogantly, "Are you trying to capture us in the Demon Suppression Tower? This won't be easy."

The woman snorted: "Let's go, why are we talking nonsense to them?"

Qiu Qianqiu didn't say anything. He ducked out of the way and reached the demon's female body, stamping his palm on her chest.

At this time, the blind old man also made the same move, and his palm also hit the same part of the demon man's body. The latter was completely unable to react, but neither male nor female showed any fear.

The next moment, there was a loud bang. Qiu Qianqiu felt an extra fierce thunder palm force pouring from his palm, followed by endless death power.

The blind old man felt like he was facing a master with the power to destroy all.

At this moment, strong winds surged in Qixia Mountain, and the power of the two people spread out in all directions, shattering all the vegetation into powder, and leveling the surrounding hills to the ground. At the same time, a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The two-body demon with two wings was also blown three feet away by the huge waves of overwhelming air. The male body laughed again: "I said it! You two are in vain. I Although the two of them are just winged demons in the Nine-Layer Tower Realm, they can't kill and suppress just anyone. Not even you two, haha! Farewell, you two!"

They spread their wings and flew southward.

Qiu Qianqiu didn't chase him, he just stood there. He looked at the direction in which the man and woman were leaving with a livid face.

After the demon disappeared into the night sky, Qiu Qianqiu turned to look at the old man beside him: "Manager, are your injuries okay?"

"Fortunately." The blind old man said with a bitter smile: "Fortunately, Qianqiu, you only used less than 10% of your palm strength just now, otherwise the old injuries on my body would definitely be aggravated."

The old man then shook his head and said: "These twin demons are really difficult to deal with. You and I were almost in sync just now, but we still couldn't hurt them at all. This ability to guide and transform force is really terrifying. The key is that as long as If one of the two keeps a certain body part intact, the other can regenerate the same part indefinitely until their magic power is exhausted."

"But it's not easy to exhaust all their energy. The bodies of the Biyi Demons are weak, and their strength is not much higher than that of martial arts cultivators at the seventh level. But their mana reserves are not inferior to the two of us. Especially, especially In Nanjing, their recovery speed may be far faster than that of you and me."

Qiu Qianqiu frowned and felt a headache: "Unless there are two people who can truly communicate with each other. They can hit the same part of their bodies without any difference. But where can we find such a person? Why did this Winged Demon suddenly arrive in Nanjing?"

The old man fell into meditation, but no matter how hard he thought, he could not think of a way to break the situation.

"The current plan can only be to prevent expulsion and try not to let it get close to Nanjing City. Then we will explore the potential internally. I remember that there is a top-notch joint attack martial art in the library, 'Forward and Negative Two Instruments, Heaven and Earth Strike Combat Technique' , just in time to restrain demons, swords, spears, spears, and all kinds of weapons can be used. After returning this time, I will distribute this martial art and urge all members of the Six Daosi Division to practice. Especially those couples, couples, see if there are any Man can accomplish it.”

"The combination of positive and negative techniques, heaven and earth strike? I have heard of it." Qiu Qianqiu looked suspicious: "There are many people who can practice this method. They may be able to reach the ultimate state. The steps are exactly the same. I'm afraid Not one in a billion.”

"I am a dead horse and I am a living horse doctor. There is no alternative."

The blind old man sighed: "You and I must deal with this winged demon as soon as possible. Since this demon arrived in Nanjing twelve days ago, one hundred and seventy couples have become enemies in the city. There are also nine cases that have occurred in Nanjing. The murder case between husband and wife is going to get worse if it goes on like this! And you didn’t realize that this Bi-Wing Demon is about to break through. Once it enters the fourth gate, it will be even more difficult to control.”

Thinking of the scene when the demon stepped into the fourth gate, Qiu Qianqiu suddenly turned purple: "I have sent out the flying talisman to invite the heroic couple from the north to go south."

But he felt guilty in his heart, even if it was the existence of Le family's couple who were called gods and immortals. I'm afraid it's impossible to achieve this kind of tacit understanding that is completely like the same person, right?

He even doubted whether there was anyone in the world who could cure this Biwing Demon.

"It would be best if they could come, but if that doesn't work -" the blind old man's tone was also quite depressing at this time: "I can only invite a few heavenly beings to seal this demon together."


Three days later, in the early morning, Li Xuan stood at the gate and respectfully sent his father Li Chengji off to take office.

As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes. At this time, Li Chengji was wearing golden armor and carrying a sword at his waist, looking majestic and extraordinary. There is no trace of the bad old man anymore.

"You have now begun to master the true meaning of the cold method and the true meaning of the thunder method. Next, do not aim too high and pursue the improvement of the true meaning. It is better to consolidate and condense it. There is no other way to go, only practice and thinking."

Li Chengji rode on an earth dragon and told Li Xuan condescendingly: "Practice is to integrate your true meaning into the four martial arts and practice it over and over again. The more you practice, the true meaning will be stable. Thinking about it is to recall the true meaning of the sword technique performed by the ancestors when they came to you. Don't miss every detail and try to deepen the impression as much as possible."

Then Li Chengji also said with great regret: "Unfortunately, my delay at home for these three days is already the limit. Your Majesty and Yu Shaobao now pay extra attention to Jiang Fang. With three consecutive orders, my father can no longer delay it. Otherwise, according to me The intention is to stay a few more days to help your two martial arts true meanings be completely solidified."

He said before that he was helping Li Xuan realize martial arts, but in fact he thought that as long as Li Xuan could lay a certain foundation within three days, it would be a very good result.

But his youngest son has only surprised him recently. He has almost miraculously gained access to both true meanings.

Therefore, Li Chengji really wanted to practice with his Xuan'er for a few more days. He missed the happy feeling of studying martial arts together between father and son.

"My child understands that I will practice diligently in the near future." Li Xuan said with a respectful expression on his face, "The so-called emperor's orders are hard to disobey. Father, just go about your official duties and don't worry about your family. Whatever matters at home, my child I’ll take care of it too.”

At this moment, his heart was going, 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,' and the grass was growing like crazy.

I wonder if I, Li Xuan, can survive if you stay for two more days? In the past three days, I have been bullied terribly by you, dad. I was so cold every day that I couldn’t even taste the food I ate.

He has already come to a very painful realization. Before cheating on his father next time, he still needs to take a look at the situation.

This old man of mine is not just dough that can be kneaded at will, there is a needle hidden in the dough! He must be a smiling tiger in officialdom.

When Li Chengji left unwillingly, Li Xuan felt that the pressure in his chest suddenly relaxed.

It's hard to live a life of being frozen like a dog every day. The key is that he is willing and chooses his own path, which is even more painful.

After that, he walked towards Leng Yurou's basement, and when he passed those narrow steps, he entered Leng Yurou's studio. I saw the latter wearing those glasses, lowering his head at his desk, concentrating on his work.

It is worth mentioning that there are many newly cast gears and roller bearings on the table. There are also several components that can be used for hydraulic transmission, all of which have traces of quenching.

Li Xuan's 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong' was parked aside - unlike when Li Xuan brought it over before, this mechanism puppet had some mysterious and exquisite runes that were symmetrical to each other. In addition, the iron armor is also covered with a light golden color for some reason, which adds a bit of beauty to the 'Demon-Suppressing King Kong'.

Li Xuan watched around the two-foot-tall puppet, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Just by intuition, he knew that Leng Yurou's modifications were of a very high standard. Just looking at the newly added runes on this armor, it can be seen that her level of runes is not lower than those of those magicians.

It was only when he turned to the third circle that Leng Yurou noticed Li Xuan's arrival. She glanced sideways at Li Xuan: "Let's find a place to try it. The gears and roller bearings you taught me worked better than I expected."

Li Xuan pointed at the runes on the 'Demon-Conquering King Kong': "What's going on with this new talisman array? It seems to be a high-level talisman array. This should increase the burden on power, right?"

Leng Yurou had expected it and explained calmly: "That's because the previous transformation of the 'Demon-Conquering King Kong' went very smoothly. I also made some enhancements to the power furnace and used gears in it to make the power furnace more powerful." The power increased by two and a half percent.

As for this talisman formation, it is a small Tiangang formation, which can add an extra layer of Gang Qi to the 'Demon-Conquering King Kong', which can strengthen its defensive capabilities and destructive power. You will know exactly how it works when you go out and try it yourself. "

Li Xuan's spirit perked up. This Gang Qi was a good thing and could be used both offensively and defensively.

The martial arts cultivators at the fourth level are much stronger than the martial arts practitioners at the third level just because they can stimulate Gang Qi. This is also the biggest difference between the first and second levels.

This 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong' is originally made of steel, but now with the help of Gang Qi, it can be said to be even more powerful.

"So what about the hidden weapon on the knee that I mentioned before? Have you added it to me?"

"In addition, there are still marbles, the size of a little finger. You let this big guy use the two moves of 'Tarzan Pressure' and 'Maha Boundless' to activate them. The marbles are specially made by me, and they are designed to defeat demons and gangsters. Anger. There are fifty rounds in the memory, and I have prepared an extra hundred for you. You can ask me for them when you use them up."

Halfway through Leng Yurou's words, she saw the disappointment on Li Xuan's face. The corners of her lips curled up slightly: "There are also twenty cone-shaped marbles that can explode. These are more difficult to make." , and too destructive. I added an extra layer of locks to them, and you must unlock them with your mind before using them."


Li Xuan's eyes suddenly flashed with strangeness: "I'll take it out and give it a try."

This place is not far from the school grounds. After a while, Li Xuan brought the 'Demon-Conquering King Kong' to the school grounds and practiced the 'Thirty-six-way Demon-Conquering Sword' and the 'Tiangang Demon-Breaking Technique' one by one.

The punching power of the 'Devil-Subduing King Kong' has indeed greatly increased, and with the help of Gang Qi, it is very powerful. Li Xuan felt that the combat effectiveness of this 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong' might have more than doubled compared to before.

It used to be much stronger than the peak of the Sixth Layer Realm, but now it is infinitely close to the Seventh Layer Realm. Even in terms of defensive capabilities and strength, it is much stronger than many Seventh Layer Tower martial arts cultivators.

Li Xuan next found another stone next to the school field. The Demon-Suppressing King swung his heavy sword directly, and according to Li Xuan's instructions, he used the move of "Taishan Crush the Top".

With this heavy slash, the heavy sword in the hand of the 'Demon-Conquering King Kong' was suddenly covered with a layer of red aura, carrying majestic thunder, and struck down like a heavy hammer.

But the next moment, a small hole suddenly opened at the knee of the 'Devil-Subduing King Kong'.

With a 'thunk' sound, the tall green stone was suddenly hit by a tiny marble until it was full of cracks. Then when the heavy sword slashed down, the boulder was smashed into pieces.

Li Xuan was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking that Leng Yurou had done a very beautiful job in this "Taishan overwhelming" response. It was just what he wanted.

After that, he was ready to try the 'Maha Boundless' again, and the 'Taishan Overwhelming' came from the 'Thirty-six-way Great Demon-Conquering Sword'. ‘Maha Wuliang’ is derived from the ‘Tiangang Demon Breaking Technique’, a melee combat method.

But just as Li Xuan was looking for stones, Li Yan's voice came from behind him: "Puppet? Is this your new toy?"

Li Xuan looked back and saw Li Yan wearing a moon-white robe and standing ten feet away with a smile.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly: "Your injury shouldn't be healed yet, right? It's only been three days, and you dare to run around?"

"Isn't it the same after you were injured before? In the past three days, all the bones in my body were itchy while lying on the bed."

Li Yan smiled "hey" and stretched his arms. He moved his limbs again, and then looked at Li Xuan: "Just in time, little brother, please practice with me later and stretch your muscles with me."

Li Xuan immediately became vigilant. He had already been frozen for three days by Li Chengji using the excuse of being a 'sparring partner'. Does Li Yan want to do the same thing?

"I don't have the skills. Speaking of which, brother, your current situation makes it inappropriate to use force?"

"My situation is different from yours at that time. At that time, your whole body was broken every inch, and your whole body was soft. On my side, there were mostly internal injuries and stab wounds, and you also underestimated an Eighth-level martial arts cultivator. Resilience.”

Li Yan's eyes sparkled: "Brother, haven't you been studying the true meaning of martial arts these days? I can also help you."

Li Xuan suddenly understood and thought that this guy really had no good intentions.

"Brother, you don't need to worry about this matter. I have to go on duty at the Sixth Avenue Division this afternoon. If necessary, you can ask the captain to help me."

Although they are both suffering, there is still a difference. One is helping him sincerely, while the other is deliberately trying to make him look good.


Li Yan curled his lips unwillingly, and then looked at the 'Demon-Conquering King Kong': "Then let this big guy practice with me? It's fun to have someone to practice with."

Li Xuan hesitated after hearing this: "That's okay, but if there is any damage to this big thing, you have to be responsible for the compensation."

He was worried that this guy was deliberately retaliating and wanted to use his 'Devil-Conquering King Kong' to vent his anger.

This mechanism puppet is very valuable, worth more than one hundred thousand taels. Especially after being transformed by Leng Yurou's hands, even if the price is 200,000 taels, it will probably be sold.

Therefore, any damage to this puppet would make him feel distressed for a long time.

Li Yan waved his hand impatiently: "Okay! I'll apologize. Where did you come up with so much nonsense? Hurry up."

Li Xuan then controlled his Demon-Conquering King Kong, walked up to Li Yan, and then made a semblance of a fist.

Li Yan also defended his fist in return, and then his body 'extinguished' like a flame, and reappeared above the head of the Demon-Conquering King Kong. Then he slashed hard at the head of the 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong' with a sharp knife.

Li Xuan was watching the battle with great interest, when the housekeeper of their Chengcheng Mansion hurried over: "Second Young Master, the court angel has arrived, saying that His Majesty's reward for you has been sent down."

Li Xuan became energetic after hearing this. He immediately dropped his machine puppet and ignored Li Yan, and walked straight towards the gate.

Li Xuan is very looking forward to the rewards from the court. Although the Jin Dynasty has been experiencing financial difficulties in recent years, His Majesty and Yu Shaobao are very generous in rewarding military merit.

He walked hurriedly to the front yard, then thought of something again and paused slightly.

Li Xuan thought to himself that he seemed to have forgotten something? But when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember it.

At this time, in the backyard of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion, Li Yan became more and more excited as he fought, feeling that his muscles and bones, which had been rusted by being in bed for several days, were gradually becoming more active again.

"It's quite strong. I didn't expect that my little brother would actually find a good toy."

The flame power on Li Yan's long sword is fading, and a thin layer of ice is condensing on the blade.

"Attention, next is the Yihan Divine Sword!"

At this moment, Li Yan discovered the machine puppet and raised its heavy sword high.

"Is Mount Tai overwhelming? The momentum is not bad. It's a pity-"

Li Yan gave a cold blow, and when the heavy sword struck down, he placed the long sword across his shoulder and neck.

The puppet's Taishan pressure move was indeed astonishing, but he had already seen the flaw in it. As long as he can block this blow head-on, the puppet's entire chest and abdomen will be exposed in front of him, and he will be slaughtered by his blade.

At this moment, Li Yan saw a small hole appearing in the knee of the Demon-Conquering King Kong.

Um? what is that?

As soon as this thought flashed through Li Yan's mind, UU Reading felt like his lower body was being hit by a hammer.

His face first flushed, then turned blue, and finally turned pale. The unforgettable pain even caused him to temporarily lose his ability to think.

The next moment, this person let out an extremely harsh curse and wail, while holding his crotch and rolling around on the ground.

"Li Xuan!!! You idiot. Ouch! I'll fuck you, Immortal Banban!"

The wailing was so loud that even Li Xuan, who had already arrived at the gate, heard it. He finally remembered what he had forgotten, and a little cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

He thought carefully and thought that Li Yan should have been wearing armor before. Ever since he was frozen twice, his eldest brother had paid great attention to his own protection.

Furthermore, the resistance and recovery power of the Eighth Level martial arts cultivators are completely different from those of their lower-level martial arts cultivators.

So his sister-in-law’s happiness should be fine, right? should?

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